Is Hearthstone really rigged?

Go to hsreply go to about us and see what you find.


Therefor the data of that site is like not a reliable source since it can be manipulated for the reason i gave above.

If your hypothesis is that the game is rigged, and hsreplay are in on it and fudge their data to make it look fair, then my response is to shrug.

It’s the same as asserting that you’re in the matrix. Shrug.

Volkswagen manipulated their numbers on a major scale and got sued big time in the states when you can remember…so the matrix is not that far away.

Every site that makes revenue from hearthstone has to put that on their site or be hit with a cease and desist.

Are you saying every site who makes revenue from hearthstone is in a conspiracy with them?

I mean it could be true but it could also be false.

Yeah again that’s a could be not a must be. Shrug. is a gaming and esports analytics company and the creators of some of the most popular gaming tools and websites in the world. We work closely with many respected publishers in the gaming industry.

So if Blizzard say to them we want a website that makes numbers look even, they would say no ?

So if blizzard wants certain winrates publicly higher lower or whatever you think they would say no ?

Customer is king as you know.

And at least one disrespected one.

Would you say yes if it was your site? I wouldn’t.

They dont need to conspire with them they just do whatever blizzard pay them for.

Would you do anything blizzard wanted if they paid you?

Who does the outreach from blizzard? One of the 3 Devs who wrote an algorithm I assume, as no-one else knows about it.

The logistics get interesting now.

So one of the 3 devs reaches out to let’s assume the owner at hsreplay, and provides the cleaned matchup data that hides the rigging.

Is it that person who has the time to pipe all the new data into he database? Or did they provide blizzard with an API so they can just send it directly. Did the owner write the API or do they get one of their employees onto it? Do any of the other employees notice anything strange? Like why the matchup data doesn’t match what’s coming in from clients?

To have numbers from a “official website” that make winrates and decks look balanced and if the numbers dont look balanced you can tweak them any given time even if they not.

For sure you could hide the rigging with a website producing fake numbers and people refering and believing in that data.

And whats better then a website that looks more like a independent fansite. No one questions the authentecy nor they dig deeper so they would see they work for blizzard.

Please dont make it look like i make up something totally off here…you better then that i guess.

You still havnt answered on if you remember volkswagen got bigtime sued for manipulating their numbers.

Nothing new or rocket science companys tweaking manipulating numbers to make their products look better.

Yes I remember volswagen doing that.

Does it mean every company does it? No. Does it mean blizzard does it no. Does that mean they don’t do it? No.

There are an awful lot of maybes going on in your
specific scenario with 3rd parties being in on it as well, it seems unlikely to me and the more complex it gets, the less likely it seems.

Ok so blizzard setup hsreplay secretly as a pretend fan site. The plot grows ever more complex. Possible? Sure. But less likely imo than the earlier idea.

But as examples of prominent companys show, it seems to be common practice.

Like the oscar goes to that movie companie that paid the most, like all people know that dont live in fairytale wonderland.

Well I have a plane to catch. Or perhaps me and 300 paid actors are about to get into a metal tube, and they’ll play some sound effects, shake it around a bit, play some fake sky and clouds on the TV’s that I call windows, and reposition the sun moon and stars, and then let me out in 9 hours once they change the set to Australia.

Either way have fun :slight_smile:

That is actually quiet funny !

Fair as like not rigged = fair game

So, apparently, you believe there is a massive, industry-wide conspiracy to make you as miserable as possible while playing Hearthstone.

Why do you keep playing? Why haven’t you quit? It’s just a game.

I mean, let’s be brutally honest. No amount of forum posts is going to make you into the Scooby Doo hero pulling off the evil corporation’s mask, and having them say “Whoops you got us! We’ll do whayever you want, mighty forum warrior!” So what’s the point?

Just go do something that makes you happy.

Apperently its still not a conspiracy, its more likely industry wide standards to make much profit as possible whatever it takes.

Selling unfinished unbalnced games, selling cosmetics, bundles, overpriced lootboxes with odd chances for the right item (hello diablo immortal) and rigged matchmaking manipulating players in even buying more, u name it…

Doesnt take a genius to see and actually understand that.

What was the question again?

Ps: the guy spending 16k dollars to finally max his char in diablo immortal, dunno if he felt miserable in the end when he couldnt find players to be matched against or if that was blizzard intention in first hand.

Don’t worry, you’ve answered it. You’re here for the fight, not for the game.

I have 8 years of my whole record history(with pics as proof of course) of using 0 cents in this very forums with win streaks that go up to 20 as well.

How to you explain that im i in Blizzards pocket as well…
Look in the mirror and see the real problem, you can play this game for almost a decade (like i did )spending nothing and still doing well enough to get Legend on every single season i wanted.