Is Hearthstone really rigged?

BEE is a good player, as shown by his results.

You are yet to provide evidence of rigging while he has provided evidence against it.

Again I don’t care if you are a good player, it means nothing if you treat people like they are beneath you. That makes you a poor human being. Thats all I care about.

Why the insult?

Being direct/blunt doesnt make you a poor human being by default.

Ignoring data makes you a poor player.

It is not ok or socially acceptable to talk down to people or treat them poorly because you think you are better than them. There are plenty of people here who speak well and can get a good point across without doing that. Those are people who’s opinions and input I value. Its not a hard concept to grasp. Let me say it a different way, I despise bullies and rude intolerant people. If you like them good for you. I do not and I will point it out as often as I see fit.

This is a discussion about hearthstone being “rigged,” not a discussion about how you feel.

How you feel is irrelevant to the topic.

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Very much subjective as to when you are bein talked down to/treated poorly.

Have a cup of concrete and harden up. If you cant handle your comments being scrutinsed, might be worth your while not to post on public forums.

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This was my very first post in this thread how is it trolling ? You obviously lied in order to discredit.

Why is it that you only seem to point it out when it’s an opinion you disagree with? There are plenty of toxic posts from people claiming that the game is rigged.

A patent means nothing, you don’t need a patent to implement a rigged matchmaking system. It doesn’t help in any way at all, if anything it makes it harder because you have extra requirements you have to manage.

Patents protect commercial interests, they aren’t tools to be shady.

Interesting so you have first hand experience what blizzard does and what dont? You know then as part of the company how technologie is used by blizzard?

If not your word so as mine means nothing.

You don’t need a patent to implement some code.

Agree, But a patent gives an idea how their general philosophy is when it comes to matchmaking.

Not really, it says more about what they want to commercialise (sell, licence, or avoid paying for licencing), because that’s the purpose of a patent.

So volkswagen inventing a new saftybelt and have a patent on it woud never ever use it for their own cars…they only have it for the purpose of you stated above and stick to their old saftybelts?

Be honest friend.

No they might use it, they might not. To find out you’d look in the car and see.

And again you seem to have an exact insight of their internal strategies or you just guessing like all of us. U make it sound like theres no other possibility then your opinion.

My opinion is that they might use it and they might not, and that you should look at data to see if it supports what you think is going on.

In my opinion there are more indicators that the game is rigged to the gills then not.

There a very few that everything is fair game as you defending it.

All data you refering to comes from companies that produce for blizzard. Hsreplay and vs are in collaboration with blizzard would be easy to manipulate numbers in their favour to keep up with the illusion all is fair game.

Where did I say it was fair? I just said that it could be fair or unfair, and you’d have to look at the data.