Is Hearthstone really rigged?

Me 2, when you smart enough and not impulsive in buying stuff they offer, when you have patient, you can have a great time in this game, like i stated before.

It’s the classic problem with conspiracies. Eventually, they get to big and break their own legs.

Everyone is in it. Everyone is perfectly loyal and won’t say a peep. Obviously, the only people with integrity and ment acumen are the people seeing through it. The other people are evil evil guys, everyone of them, and are fully bent on the conspiracy.

Of course, none of that ever happens, but it’s funny to see people desperately grab onto conspiracy to justify they being poor players.

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You quiet often misuse the term conspiracy theory i recognized, last example when you labeld well known industry standards as a conspiracy theory.

I still dont get the purpose of you doing so.
And when reminding you of those well known standards exerienced by millions of players all you have to say is see quote above.

So explain to me why you attacking me personally when you dont have a counter argument. Thats not classy at all.

Yup. Over the last 12 years or so now having to deal with conspiracy theorists on a daily basis this is what they eventually end up as.

Some of them don’t even realize they are conspiracy theorists. They go down these deep dark holes where they start to lose their mind.

When you have this sort of thinking, it can be extremely dangerous. Rather than admit to yourself that there is something wrong with the way you think, you end up digging a deeper hole for yourself. I’ve seen people dig so deep that they shut out everyone in their life. You read stories on FB where these people end up killing themselves and their children because they end up in some dark place where they think the entire world is against them. Obviously, this is the extreme case, but it happens.

I haven’t looked into the psychology of it, but I’m certain there has to be some medical term for this. It’s way too common now. I had a co-worker who got into TikTok and went down some deep conspiracy hole and now they post everyday how the world is slowly being taken over by the “New World Order”. One of my best friends of over 20 years just unfriended me a month or so ago because they tried telling me the Challenger explosion is a fake and all those people on board are still alive because some TikTok video convinced them and I said that is Alex Jones type of BS, and she’s far left not some far right conservative conspiracy nut.

These people need some sort of psychiatric help.

No, like I said before, i dont mind if the game is rigged i love to fight the odds…but i like honesty and transparency the most, because then i have a choice.

Do i want to fight the odds or do i do t want to stress me with a rigged matchmaking system that trys to manipulate me in buying stuff.

Thats the difference, having a choice and not to be lied at.

If i go to the casino i know before hand bank wins in the end, therefor i have a choice do i want to gamble can i beat the bank…

In games likes this, its advertised as f2p everyone has equal fun when its not.
They lie to you and take away your choice.

And thats the whole point, there no evil people there people doing their jobs making much profit as possible. I know that but there not evil for doing that.

I just dont like em for taking away my choice by not telling theres no equal fun at all.

Thats the whole point and not an eternal crusade against the evil gaming industrie.

I want to know the odds beforhand and not after i invest tons of hours just to realize matchmaking is not that as it advertised and therfor is more frustration then FUN.

And thats the WHOLE point for ME in this discussion.

So you’re happy playing the game free because you have seen through evil blizzard.
And you need to save the world from spending ?

Also, just to clarify, are you trying to save the whales too?
Lastly, is this passion from personally knowing many friends and whales being cheated by blizzard?

And still you mis use the word conspiracy theory with well know industrie standards as a matter of fact in order to rip off players with unfinished games, overpriced lootboxes and all kind of mumbo jumbo which goes now for years as every single gamer experienced himself.

Stop doing so when you know better.

We dont bebate the flat earth theory we debate the fact how a gaming company tries to manipulate players into buying more and more stuff which as a matter of fact as revenue and monotazation of games is the main purpose of a gaming company and their shareholders.

Your turn.

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Theres your answer, since it seems you havnt read it at all.

I am a customer who dont likes to be lied at.
I dont pay money true that but as i pay with my prescious time investing in this game and beeing part of those active players that keeps this game populated.

I mean, the amount of effort that you.have put into this, hella sounds like a complaint and you want your money back.

Since you haven’t spent money, you want your hours spent playing the free game back?

The unhappy paying customers obviously have stopped playing or paying. Blizzards evolution has not been popular obviously, what is the issue that still needs to be grinded?

I liked your post in the begging stating there is nothing can be proven thus nothing to discuss, Whats the deal with the 50 posts after that?

So you’ve been roped into playing a free game. And realised that you have been used.
And how many of these hours playing this free game was entertaining and how many were intolerable?

Sorry, you haven’t demonstrated the game is rigged. Just because you want to assert phrases like “as a matter of fact” doesn’t make anything true. That’s your assertion. Until you prove the assertion, you’re just another conspiracy theorist.

Now, go prove the game is rigged, post your video and/or your results that allow the rest of the community to demonstrate and reconstruct your results that proves the game is rigged, or just move aside and stand next to the rest of the rigged conspiracy theorists this game has produced. Until then, stop making baseless assertions because it makes you feel good.

Unless your next post is a video or a detailed way to reconstruct in game how the game is rigged, I’ll be ignoring you like all the rest.

And again and again you realy like to weaponize this term against everyone who disagree and makes up his own mind.

You as gamers, yeah you 3…how many times you felt ripped of buying a game investing time and felt ripped of or wasted time…atleast tie or whatever this tea is called, i remember said in the very beginning he almost went bankrup playing that kingdoms game. (If thats true)

And still you attack for the sake of it, when you just could leave it at my very last statement.

You just cant argue with reason and you are to unreflected to realise. I feel deeply sorry for you.

Classic conspiracy theorist thinking.

“I can’t prove my position, so I’ll attack your character for not believing in what I believe even though I provide zero evidence of my belief.”

Welcome to my ever growing ignore list.

What a narzisist will say:

" “You’re a bad person. (Conspiricy Therorist)” “Nobody else will ever love you.”(Listen to you) “I’m the best you’ll ever have.”(I am the most interesting person to debate with) “Have fun being alone for the rest of your life.”(welcome to my ignore list)

Like i said i feel truly sorry for you.

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Thank you for your sincere concern, no feeling sorry needed. I spent on a game, more than i would have wanted to, i played it had fun. That’s that. I haven’t and wouldn’t preach that its a bad game, it was smart enough to generate billions.

Not my cup of tea. Thanks.

Undiagnosed psychosis.

There’s a whole market targeting this kind of people.

People selling trinkets and making posts about talking with religious/otherworldly entities, shifting into another world, or getting warned by voices.

Sad, but it happens.

Most people though, are just particularly convinced they are particularly intelligent. Big fish in small pond kind of stuff.

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There are so many people like this.

I don’t think people really understand how big the problem is. I think it’s much bigger than the average person believes it to be.

Every once in awhile there will be a poll with some crazy statistics and people go “There’s no way that is true” and the poll often reflects what I see in reality.

For example, the whole Flat Earth thing…I keep telling friends and family that a LOT of people actually believe it’s Flat. They think it’s some fringe number, like maybe 1,000 people. Then a poll came out stating that about 1 in 3 Millennials believe the Earth is Flat. 1 in 3. And that 15% of the American population believes the Earth is Flat.

We’re not talking about 1,000 people. We’re talking about 50 million Americans believe this.

And that’s just Flat Earth conspiracy, which is considered one of the more extreme idiotic conspiracies. The number surely is higher for other things.

Misinformation, lack of education and critical thinking is a REAL problem and the problem is massive.

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What do you mean by, “having to deal with conspiracy theorists on a daily basis (for 12 years)” - do you go on forums or youtube comments and debate people on conspiracy theorist topics? This seems odd like you have some kind of vendetta against people who do not subscribe to official narratives?

Oh, so someone on the left let alone “far left” are the enlightened ones gifted with higher intelligence on the political spectrum? It sounds like you’re attributing that only the right side concern themselves with conspiracy theories.

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When conspiracy theorists make up a substantial amount of people, and you’re active on forums based around politics, religion, etc, and live in an area filled with Conservative Christians, you’re exposed to conspiracy theorists every single day. Earth is Flat, Election was Stolen, Pizzagate is real, Michelle Obama was born a man, Katie Ledecky is a man, Britney Griner was born a man, Vaccines cause autism, Covid Vaccines cause premature death, Sandy Hook was a hoax, George Floyd is a false flag, Qanon, etc etc etc…it’s every single day all over FB shared from family members and community members. I also work a job where I have to visit the homes of people every day, so I see it first hand and people love to talk about it.

No, most of the conspiracy theories I just listed above are all right-wing conspiracies. Nearly all conspiracies we are exposed to in today’s society come from the right. It’s just more common from that side, not saying the left doesn’t have some either.