Is Hearthstone really rigged?

I’m currently in the Diamond 5 pit, but I did manage to climb to rank 2 with my Curse Imp Deck.

I don’t think the game is rigged; I think the meta is trash.

I go on a winning streak and oops Miracle Rogue…and oh look Evolve Shaman with a turn 3-4 Deathwing…and next up we got the Frost DK.

It’s pretty much a dice roll wither you’ll run into your decks hard counter or the decks that are currently just busted. The longer you avoid getting randomly put against them the higher chance you’ll bull rush to Legend with bonus stars.

I have heard alot of garbage takes here but this is solid gold trash.

Slysssa conspiracy confirmed

Cool. Add me in game Schyla#1490 I’ll watch you play and help out

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Ok, then maybe you can explain how fewer than half of players can win? If my take is such solid gold trash, please enlighten us with your infinite wisdom.

No your stupid “spending is irrelevant” take. I wonder if you actually listen to yourself talk and believe half of the nonsense you babble. Spending is never irrelevant. Thats why they put so much effort into enticing the player base to ….wait for it…… spend money.


Same can be said for you. Bee has shown actual evidence against the popular rigging theories, where is yours supporting them?

Post your last 100 games, like BEE did. I know you will find some excuse not to.

Please explain how spending money can make more than half of the players lose.

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I think anything with random generation will always for some, believe that there is some sort of rigging.

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Its not a believe its a fact, readable in a public document. Therefor gg.

As long as you maintain above a 50% winrate, you’re garunteed to climb, that doesn’t mean you’ll hit legend immediately, but you will climb.

There are some people that it takes thousands of games to hit legend, and others that takes less. But as long as you have a positive winrate, you’ll climb.

Honestly, if hearthstones generator were in slot machines, majority of us would be millionaires.

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Does this mean fundamentalist Christianity is true? As in biblical literalism?

By public document, they mean their imagination.

There is a patent that Activision filed for modifications to Call of Duty matchmaking to improve micro transaction purchase satisfaction. And like all patents, there’s language in it to expand its scope as broadly as possible, beyond first person shooters (the patent defines “sessions” as something like a first person shooter map, but more general).

The problem is that the patent is frequently unread in whole, and then quoted out of context. By which I mean quotes that describe modifications to a core, but the core is never quoted, because that core is essentially: placing players on a map with sniper nests immediately after they have purchased sniper rifle in the shop.

Its for all of their games without limitation. Read it up for yourself.

You are the one who has not read the patent in full. I have.

For the umpteeenth time … ‘Without Limitation’ has not been contested that much. I have not read the patent and i dont forsee anytime ever wanting to.

However without limitation means everything and nothing. Noone can proof nothing "quoting soul btw’ . Can you even hear yourself repeatedly trying defend a thing that can’t be proven, only projected ?

And so what if probably is, you still cant prove it, without limitation can imply it.
Still bunch of hot air and fluff.

I repeat. Redundant.

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Lawd, help me for replying to this …whatever…

  1. Read my posts, you may actually realise i’m on neither side and thus not debating but call this back and forth pointless.

  2. The fact that you calling this a fight says alot about you. - reflect please.

  3. To interpret my previous post as reinforcing you being ganged is mind blowing. You obviously have selective reading. Stop wasting forum space.

  4. You’ve said bye 3 times. Peace OUT.

That’s the second time you’ve used a word in an accusing derogatory way, a condition which you clearly have no understanding of. Try not dig your silly hole anymore, its deep enough.

Educate yourself more if you plan to use this word again, Schizophrenia VS DID, or multiple personality.

A major difference is that someone with DID has two or more distinct identity states, sometimes known as alternate identities, or alters. This is not present in schizophrenia. DID was formerly known as multiple personality disorder or split personality disorder, but clinicians no longer use these terms.

The term “schizophrenia” is derived from the Greek words for “splitting” (schizo) and “mind” (phren), so some people have taken this to mean “split personality.” People with schizophrenia experience symptoms that affect their thoughts, behaviors, and feelings, but they don’t have multiple distinct personalities.

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Soulblighter: Don’t let the narcissists’ gaslighting shake your faith, brother.
Also Soulblighter: Everyone who disagrees with me has a mental illness I will diagnose them with.
Also also Soulblighter: Stay classy.

In the interest of actual classiness, future Soulblighter posts expressing the opinion that forumers are crazy and/or Blizzard employees will be flagged by me.