Is Hearthstone really rigged?

Please explain the parameters of the matchmaker

Doesnā€™t matter. Any parameters you can think of. Please explain how fewer than half of players can win.

Because itā€™s not nor ever been about winning. Itā€™s about what drives spending.

That is where you are lost.


Spending is irrelevant, answer the question. How can any matchmaker make fewer than half of the players win?

Spending is irrelevant?

What is the end game here, to make a good game or make profits? Answer me that.

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Follow up. Are bots real?

Answer it

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Are unicorns real? At least answer that.

Iā€™m astounded at how dedicated you are to missing the point completely.

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Just flag accounts that spend alot for a better % in good matchups , would be easy to programm stuff like that, like the social points system in chinaā€¦the more you conform the more privliges.

And dont tell me thats a tinfoil scenario because it actually happen.

You people are still missing itā€¦ Every game thereā€™s a winner and a loser.

How can more than 50% of the players win or lose? Thatā€™s the question.

Ben Brode explains at 11:04 how it works to make on group win more vs another.

Interesting how they flag the ā€œlittleā€ guy to win more. There must be an engine that detects you as the little guy. You could also use that engine to ensure that you as a high spending player have better winrates.

Just chang ā€œlittle guy needs more funā€ with ā€œhigh spending guy needs more funā€

So there goes my tinfoil hat theory explained by Ben Brodes.

He says if you up the winning of one group, you force the others to loose more no matter how good or skilled they are, for one group winning you have lower winrates for the rest.

And since Ben Brode is a first hand source ill take that as truth about matchmaking is rigged.

Plus they have to read your deck to ensure they give you paper as opponent when you play rock so that you stay at 50% ā€¦if they give you higher mmr as opponents but all of them play scissors you would continue winning.

Ergo no matter how good you play if the system decides or wants you to loose you get a opponent or more in a row, that stomps you on purpose to keep you at 50% that what he says and that is rigging against youā€¦

Does that makes sense to you ?

So my final conclusion is we dont fight other players we fight a system that puts you against your worst nemesis the moment you get better then 50%ā€¦

Its not skillbased when the system looks for the worst possible matchup, its rigged to that point, so that a few others can win more and i highly doubt that that is the ā€œlittle guyā€

And yes hes speaking of matchmaking in general but he is clearly referencing to heartstone the game he has the most experience with and as he represents blizzards matchmaking philosophy.


This is where i just stop reading

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You should have kept going.

Please explain why making your customers miserable is good for business.

wel 1st of im miserable. i try 2 cope butt i seethe cuz loosing sux

secon, errthin blizz does is for prophet only

their for, im miserable cuz it makes blizz money somehow even tho im never giving them on penny

checkmate im winning

Not all customers have equall value for a business.

Say you have a business. And you have an order from a small customer for some delivery.
And then a big customer comes in who wants priority. The business will try everything they reasonaly can to give this big costumer priority over the small customer.
They dont like disapointing the small customer,but if that results in satisfying the big customer then that is a tradeoff that quiet a few businesses are willing to make.


This is the motte of your motte-and-bailey fallacy.

The bailey part is telling that customer ā€œPriority? Oh of course not. Weā€™re giving you the same priority as everyone else.ā€ When, according to you, they actually are giving him priority.

currently sat at diamond 5. Open to the offer if youve got the time

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Wild or standard? And which deck?

standard- got big spell mage, shockspitter hunter, blood dk, frost dk to choose from

Blizzard has multiple warehouses full of lizard people playing the rigged matches. They donā€™t count as real players. The real players constantly play against them so they never get more than 50% wins. Thatā€™s how less than have the real players win. When that slot machine que animation stops on worthy opponents that means you were matched against one of the lizard people.

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