Is Hearthstone really rigged?

“real Hearthstone prodigies don’t believe in luck and they don’t believe in rigging.”

And who is that by your definition? Paid streamers and paid content creators. Who are those Real ones ?

Certainly you dont think of the average joe playing this game.

With that you implement is the moment you question matchmaking u cant be a real hs prodigie.

Are you aware there are hugh sport events (boxing, soccer etc) were their outcomes were and are rigged?

By your definition the moment you question rigging in sports, that you cant be a real sports fan. And those events are known facts.

Corruption, rigging and the gamble mafia are hugh in sports as everyone knows.

You constantly try to descredit people and their observations ingame here which i find very toxic.

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Anything that places you against a better player is manipluted to make you loose lmfao!!

Hs Rigged for Maximum Pleasure. didn;t ya know?

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Can you help someone play 100 more matches when they dont have time? Or can you give them a magical RNG boost? Can you help someone who is getting matched up against nothing but Rogues until they tech against Rogues and then dont play them again? You can give someone all the help you think is great but in the end they are playing against MMR and an algorithm. That is a very nice thought and appreciated but this game is more about time and grinding anymore than it is about skill. Especially in this meta. Its about drawing cards and playing them first before turn 6. Cant change that.


Most of these nerds won’t get that reference, hahahhhahaha!

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You do realize that it cannot increase everyone’s loss rates, right?

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HS isn’t “rigged” in the sense of “I was put into an unwinnable match-up on purpose”. HS DOES have a match-making algorithm that is of questionable quality. I’m guessing it’s similar to the OW matchmaking where there’s the obvious competitive rank, but also an invisible MMR that Blizzard tracks. If you’re wondering the point of an invisible MMR, it’s used both for competitive and casual matchmaking. Say you’re a relative newbie at the start of a season and they were to match you against NoHandsGamer or Thijs because you both happen to be at Bronze 10 to start the day. That’s not exactly a great experience for an incoming player. Unfortunately, Blizzard remains pretty tight-lipped about the exact calculations for the invisible MMR. It’s possible that your class choice when playing is taken into account, but without definite proof it’s more conjecture than anything.


We know that exists. AFAIK, Blizzard already said you have an internal MMR that’s far harder to change than the usual, just so you don’t go a month without playing and get paired up against nobodies

Well said. We do not know the parameters of the matchmaker because they have never been released and likely won’t be. Blizz gave a general overview via Q and A with a developer but it left too much out to possibly lean on as the “matchmaker rules.”

So all the people taking the high ground of logic and reason completely fail the most basic aspects of logic and reason. They are arguing from a place where they do not even know what they are defending. It is laughable at best.


I don’t have a period, but if I did there’s nothing wrong with that either.

Do you mean, you’re wrong?

Lol, k, dude.

Yep. Exactly.

I can’t believe there isn’t at least one teed off former employee who would have blown up the whole thing on the way out.

But would that even do it? You would still say, well, they are hiding something when it didn’t confirm your beliefs and we would be right back where we are.

Why? Because you can’t prove a negative.

They never said it did. It matches you to players based on wins and losses. It looks at your wins and their wins and losses and assigns a value to your play, which it then uses to match players. It goes up quickly and down much, much slower.

I prefer to stretch and do light calisthenics to loosen up. I have good pilates routine I follow each morning or my back would lock up on me pretty hard. Two decades of hard ruck tends to take a toll.

Are you saying that you don’t like the fact that the ladder tries to force you to competitive players, thereby making it more difficult to navigate to the highest ranks?

If this is your definition of “rigged” then you should just stop playing online games entirely.

Blizzards word is no good. Until we see what that invisible MMR is in writing you will never be able to argue the matchmaking isn’t garbage. That is the whole point none of you are getting. You do not know. Period. You have no idea what it is you just accept what you are told and what white knights here parrot to fit in. Without proof your arguments and counter arguments are invalid. I dont care if we are all playing under the same garbage matchmaking. Whooptey doo you made legend with trash matchmaking. Thats so nice for you. Its still trash matchmaking.


Maybe you should stop posting. You sound like you need to get out more.


They have been, it uses your MMR and nothing else.

But let’s be honest now: even if they did release every line of code, you’d accuse them of faking it.

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The only one being dishonest here is you. They have not released the code. You even said, “if they did” which means you know you are wrong.

Stop it. Just stop spreading conspiracy theories and false rumors.

Edit: and to be clear, I am the biggest Blizz fan boy on these forums. I already give them the benefit of the doubt as I know better but still play. Stop accusing me of things you know nothing about.


Well at least you came down to 1000%. Progress is progress I guess!

Regarless of whatever parameters the matchmaker uses everyone is playing with the same set of rules. The “It’s Rigged” crowd imply that they are playing under special rules that only apply to them. Nobody is getting an advantage from these rules so no rigging is happening. You can say the rules are garbage and you won’t get much argument there but garbage rules does not mean the same as the game is rigged because everyone has to deal with those same garbage rules.

I’ve put forth the idea that if someone feels HS is rigged against them so they can’t advance in rank to add me and ask to spectate and walk them through a match.

I’ve done this for Mallenroh before and he shot up in rank and even admitted that I was doing things and seeing things in the game he’s never seen before.

So if you believe the game is rigged and you can’t win or whatever, why not take someone up on the offer? Would that not prove to you the game isn’t rigged if I’m winning games for you that you thought you should be losing?

I have always said, “rigged” was a misnomer. I said that from the beginning. The game doesn’t care about any particular person. Neither do casino slot machines. They are designed to make sure the house always wins. It is perfectly legal.

This idea that the matchmaker is such a simple and basic algorithm; and there are no unknown parameters is false and anyone claiming logic and reason either accepts this or admits they are basing their opinion on pure faith alone. Period.



Matchmaking being garbage is a whole subjective point. I wouldn’t be able to argue against or to it


What is what!???

Please explain how the matchmaker can possibly make fewer than half of the players win.