Is Hearthstone really rigged?

The one that i used when Bush told Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and there for alot of good American soldiers have to die, when in the end it was all about the oil. That one i use all the time.

What do you want them to say? Hey i was sexual assaulted and btw heartstone is rigged ?
Then you would be sexual assaulted and sued for breaking your contract leaking interna…that would be a bummer.

It doesnt matter, it is like it is. Just dont be naive to think anything in this world is not rigged to a certain degree so that a few can profit.

I basically bankrupted myself playing three kingdoms 2 yrs ago. The whales spent tens of thousands per season. ergo am a total sucker.

Look at the loot boxes in diablo immortal, its insane trying to keep up with people where 10k is like pocket money. Sometimes you just win a game by not playing it.

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No. They are designed to match you to a comparable opponent. That does not mean you win or lose, it means your chances should approach 50/50. That is not “make you lose” in any sense of the word.

You would be the expert on navigating the world with zero brain cells, so I will defer to your personal expertise on this.

So this is the point that sticks out to me… just because a deck should beat you does not mean it ALWAYS beats you. Even in a bad matchup there is a path to victory when played well.

I don’t think people understand how salient this point is to the topic. Someone would have dropped a dime on Blizzard if there was nefarious stuff going on behind the scenes with matchmaking.

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Your wrong period.

Yo, if you wana keep living in a world were you think your “skill in hs” means something good for you.

At this point your nothing more than a delusional fool.

My top 200 friend hit me up couple month ago admitted to using a bot to be at that level for over a year. Even showed me a video of the bot that i cannot post here for obvious reasons.

There are private bots low key botts for this game that can get you to top ranks and many top players have been using for a long time.

There is skill in this game but not the kind you belive there is.

Getting to legend and high legend after a certain point in skill is nothing more than luck and a grind.

When bots can get players to top 200 or higher it shows how far this game has fallen.

This is because of a few reasons

The match makers design.

Insaine card power creap.

Solitaire style play because of the power creap

Its just a matter of time and games at this point.

You have never programed a match maker the shear fact that it picks/forces you to play against other players that have been on a higher win streak after the fact that you have been on one is blatant riged or set matches period.

The fact if the match maker looks at card win rates vs other card cannot be proven either way and the only ones that will ever know for sure is blizzard.

You honestly think they would tell u if they were doing this?

If you honestly belive everything a big corp like blizz says you should honestly go see a mental health professional and make sure your ok.

Nobodys gonna drop a dime on something like this when its common practice/knowlege in all these online games like this.

Yall need to stop living the lie and accept the fact that any game with a matchmaker is rigged/fixed. Skill can get around it, being the first the play a new deck or plain old grinding.


We have at least a scandal a week in big corporations in the world because people “drop dimes” everywhere, all the time, about everything.

Even if they hadn’t, we would have data skewering somewhere, and there ARE people interested in running the math on this kind of thing. It took a whole 3 days to prove Nat Pagle was bugged.

You’re far, faaaaar underestimating the problem solving capability of a large population.

And your definition of rigging is how every MMR system works.

“The system matches you against better players!”.
Yes, that’s the point.


I don’t believe they exist.

I don’t believe this.

I don’t believe you have either.

In short, I just don’t believe you at all.

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I doubt there is a free legend grinding bot, but i wouldnt be surprised at all if there was a paid one.

Devs would cater to demand and plenty would pay.

Its not its damn expensive.

The game is “Rigged” to keep bronze level players in bronze.

Yes it does.
People only differ the meaning of what exactly is rigged and how it’s done exactly.
The game has become a casino long time ago.

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Actually it’s rigged to push them to Silver.

So take your word for it? Thats a sham argument. Try again.

I really think people just dont want to concede that they are not as much of a hearthstone prodigy as they think they are. Living the lie.

Players DO NOT encounter specific decks based off what they play, at least not in the greater aggregate. Your evidence is player saying that something happens to them, then assuming it happens to everybody and that they’re not just unlucky.

Since that’s not what I said, it’s you who should try again.

I will be satisfied when I see a set of complete rules as far as how matchmaking is set up. Until then I will contend that it is manipulated to artificially increase loss rates and the time it takes to rank up in standard. It does not match according to win rate only.

I think the same thing when people lose games and come here to blame an algorithm instead of asking for help. Tens of thousands of players reach legend every month, but every once in a while someone pops up claiming to be hard stuck at some rank (not even just Diamond). Do they want help? No, they want Blizzard to stop cheating them out of the wins they stole from them.

Just to be clear, I suck at Hearthstone. Played off and on since release and only made it to legend 3 times. Can’t get much further than 7500 in bg’s and have only had a few 12 win runs in arena. In all my time playing I have never once had reason to believe I was being held back by anything other than myself. A good reason being that I can watch players who have greater success. Streamers actively talk about the plays they make, the options available and reasoning behind them. I can see how far the gap between myself and the best is. Watching better people play the game made me a better player.

Despite all the arguing, people on here will genuinely help others if they ask.


If someone wants to get stronger, then they need to stop blaming. You cannot get stronger by holding people other than yourself accountable for whether you succeed or fail. As such, real Hearthstone prodigies don’t believe in luck and they don’t believe in rigging. They believe that their choices, and their choices alone, determine their results.

Or is it not so much that you want to be good at this game, but instead only that you want to hate those who want to be?