Is Hearthstone really rigged?

If the game is so rigged why can’t any of the rigging be reproduceable. Speed Runners has easily found out stuff like RNG manipulations for various games but no one has figured out anything like that for Hearthstone the game with supposed rigging so obviously anyone can see it.

Since you seem to be an “experienced” forum user, how would you deal with someone that seems to have specific informations about your account, like knowledge about a suspension, even when that suspension was never mentioned at all by you.

You think this person possibly could have acess to some kind of player account database or something, maybe hes a hacker …

I really felt threated when he had knowledge about my account. Scared me like how can he possible know this.

What would be the propper way to report this player. It seems that he is violating the CoC.

Do you people not have a life? The three same people have been replying hundreds of time on this topic, just make a discord and talk about it.


It’s pretty easy to tell when posts have been removed, which almost always is accompanied by a time out from the forums.

An educated guess is pretty easy in that context.

Also, when an account doesn’t post in a thread for a couple of days when they had been all in on a topic is often a clue.

It doesn’t take insider knowledge to see when bans happen in many cases.

Lucky guess. As you’ve noticed, I’m a veteran.

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Sigh, he seemed to have knowledge about my accounts. At that time it was true but i told knowone because its not something to brag about having a suspension.

How would you deal with such person ?

Ahh oke, i thought somehow he can see into my account, like a CM is able to do so.

He must be very clever as he was the only one that saw that, since no one else recognized it.

Thx for the explanation.

I saw it, but didn’t comment. I tend to ignore these rigged threads for the most part because they always go in circles and I end up putting players on permaignore.

So its lucky guess or that what limebeast said? I am confused here, i believe you since u the veteran.

Thanks for the reply anyhow.

Ps: anyway, doesnt he violated the COC by implying he has specific account details, even if it was wiild guessing. Like you see it scared me that much that i even thought he must be somekind of hacker.

Therefor how would you report such player?

There’s not much you can do. You can flag their comment(s) for trolling or for being inappropriate.

I mean, it wasn’t so lucky. But the patterns are easy to notice when you start looking, and it was you quoting yourself on different accounts that was the giveaway.

But no, even as MVP I never had access to any account but my own.

I looked on my 3rd account and that post that caused my suspension just vanished without an official note, so he was really lucky with a wild guess as Mand said.

Is hearthstone really rigged?

well let me think about it for a sec… yes, yes it is very rigged.

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Discussing forum actions is a violation of the CoC and using another account to bypass a forum action is, too.

I would suggest you don’t maybe advertise that you’re doing such things, but it’s your call.

Well since i havnt violated any coc on my other 2 accounts that are in my name, i think i am good. Otherwise they would have silenced all 3 accounts at the same time.

So i can report that guy for bringing up my suspension?

Just looking for some advice here.

Ps: i read the coc and dont find anything about bypassi g violates the coc…maybe u can post me that explicit part. Maybe i overread it.

You’ve been broadcasting your accounts and suspension even before the mention. Anyone with half a brain could have guessed, especially with your flagged posts.

And now you’re asking advice about reporting? Just do it.
But why bother? Thought you would think the forums are rigged too. :rofl:

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Half brain…yeah thats him, so you know who i am talking about.

Ps: why i cant see “flagged” posts with my other accounts ? :thinking:

I saw you used the word "A…l"in one of your posts… i think displaying sexual preferences also violates the CoC…but i havnt reported that i found it quiet amusing.

P.S. I don’t mean to be rude, but go create your own thread to solve your personal violation issues. Good luck.

Please check your thesaurus.

Doesn’t really matter ever since Blizzard outsourced moderation to the community via the switch to the Discourse forum software and fired the CM responsible for the forums.

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