Is Hearthstone really rigged?

Here … thats somekind of coc violation i read about.

So stop throwing stones when you sit in a glass house.

Stones? Report it, please Mr hall monitor. My eyes have rolled to the back of my head.

Insider knowledge is not required thats true.
But then you do need to have a good memmory and pay a lot of attention to everything. Which i think most people here don,t have nor do.

Nothing interesting in the 60-ish posts since my last visit. The thread seems to be taking a turn for the worse unfortunatly. People are turning on eachoter.

At least this post made it worth it to read all of it.

Blizzard had only 1 CM for the hs forums ? I worked for way smaller games then HS and we had atleast 5 to cover up 24hrs…its hard to believe.

So you know whos monotoring them community moderators in case they have somekind of powertrip ?

So speaking you could be one of them…therefor you would need access to the player database incase someone needs a suspension on his accounts right or is it just in the forum moderations toolkit.

Do they wear something official attached to their names so you can recognize them when you deal with them, or do they operate undercover… the community volunteers i mean.

Ps: sorry for asking so many questions but you seem to be a fountain of undiscovered knowledge about this forum, as you stated yourself that you are a veteran here.

Pps: maybe i was wrong assuming some people here are actually blizzard CMs, instead they are possible outcourced volunteers moderating the forum in the name of blizzard without beeing actual employees.

And since they had have given some powers over the forums by blizzard they for sure would defend blizzards actions and else? Because you dont bite the hand that feeds you right ?

Now i understand, can you confirm, that my conclusion on this is right ?

very much appreciated kind sir. :+1:

Had, being the important word. Now there are zero.

You should be aware that I was the last remaining forum MVP here. Greentext, if you’ve seen that in Blizzard forums for other games. The last CM, Jesse, was in the process of revising and updating the MVP program for this forum when he got laid off without warning.

Any official attempts at salvaging this place ended with his dismissal.

I see, so how is this whole volunteer thing working. Is it like, theres no moderation at all? Or here are some people as volunteers moderating like “undercover” ? How does it work, maybe you can make my illusion vanish on that, how did Tien said that, that the forum is rigged aswell*

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Nobody posting here has any mod powers, but instead we all do. The flag post button is all that exists.

If a post gets flagged enough it gets hidden, and eventually it’ll get shunted to a semi-automated moderator system for account actions. But those mods are outsourced, aren’t community participants, have no investment or involvement in the game or the posters here, and perform a rote analysis based on the simple text in the flagged post.

There is no active, purposeful moderation.

So if i debate here with like 5 or 6 people and they dont like what i have to say, they could get my post removed by kinda outnumber me?

And since its semi automated system no one rechecks if i actually have violated anything?

And so to speak you just can gang up on this forums with a few people and could get people suspensions if you dont like what they have to say just to pick on one little thing that might violates the coc ?

Do i understand that right ?

So i could gather for example 10 or 15 people of my old guild…pick from time time posts from people i dont like and flag them as trolling to get them suspensions ?

Wow…if you have the numbers you just can terrorize the whole forum i guess.

I was wondering since those 2 suspensions i had, were on posts that were smart written, not at all offensive or trollish. There must have some people ganged up on me i guess…

Thanks for that explanation. I get me some old friends of mine, gather them in discord like the good ol days and maybe we take over here, call this our forum while having a good laugh getting people banned.

Joking, for sure no one would ever abuse the system for his own powertripping fantasy :slight_smile:

Thanks alot Mand for clarification on that!

Now we can go back to topic, since we kinda went offtopic.

Pretty much, yeah.

Which is a good reason to not take things too seriously here.

But, I’s caution against assuming there’s a grand conspiracy against you. This tends to be a recurring assessment on your end, which is likely relating to your interpretation of events more than the events themselves.

One flag can be enough to trigger an automatic review. And especially since you’ve shown a…less than easy time self-evaluating how your actions are perceived, let this be a gentle reminder to not jump to conclusions.

Na i am realistic on that one, like i dont believe in such theories at all.

I think it could be fun hanging out in discord with a few friends, having a heated argument with someone and get him suspended a few times, if the system allowes that kind of abuse.

That would be very sad, if some people actually do that.

But you prefer the much larger one about cheating you out of winning at a silly card game?

Absolutly, to be honest someone made me think if i might be wrong.

He was like saying people tend to believe in some theories since they are bored with a mondane life…

I thought for a moment maybe i am just to bored with HS and therefor i add an element of excitment to it…

But i still think theres a good chance its like i think it is…even when its just half true of those things i think to know.

For sure theres alot guessing, but all i explained how it might be rigged are things like:

A. Technicially possible

B. Fit in Blizzards Philosophy regarding making profit

C. Things i absolutly would implement myself when my main goal would be to manipulate people into buying and make as much money as possible with my game.

D. Gaming industry Standards for years like putting up pseudo info / fansites that are just another platform for advertising and promote my specific game / producing fake numbers for give me justification pushing certain decks / playstyles i could increase revenue with

E.or like having “neutral streamers” playing my game when in reality they get paid by the company.

There alot arguments that the game is rigged explained by the nature of the gaming industrie itself making revenue as priority number 1…it might be different with small indie developers.

Nah i never felt cheated at. Its about choice, like i said before.

But i just cant outline it enough, in the end we dont know, all i say and said theres a good chance it is rigged.

It isnt impossuble. I just dont have the time or energy to do whats needed to prive.

Hahaa it’s obvious you have better things to do. Took 2 months for this reply :joy:

I read this thread with interest and have the same opinion of the person who started but I never had the energy or desire to write. But today just show me this is so evident that it is even funny.

I am playing at diamond 5 using Undead Priest well after being facing Blood Dks one after another (5 in my last 10 matches I just checked) I say to me Ok let´s go with druid mission+ Astalor to ·$%&· those losers. Well after 15 GAMES I did not face any blood Dk. Is like they dissapear from the ladder and I only face Unholy Dks and Froze Dks, Well just laughing I say to my GF wait you know where are the Blood Dks? Whatch this and I change back to Undead Priest TACHAAAAAAAANN!! The first match, the first one!! Do you know what I had to face? YESSSS a BLOODY Renathal DK! and Can you imagine against who was my second game? You are right! Another one!!! But Hey!! It is not rigged!! Merely casual!! Of course!!! How could I predicted that? Hahahahahahaha

Please tell me again how much cost your pre-orders? I am gonna buy 6 right now to play this NON-rigged videogame.


I think it is rigged, especially with Battlegrounds.
In the past I had random matches, some I won,some I lost. The randomized attack targets felt random.
Now, for the last few weeks I can’t get in the top 4 at all. The enemy cards tend to have a higher chance to attack the one cards that will ruin any strategy that I set up while mine will always attack the ones that will guarantee the enemy to end up with several monsters alive with extremely low health. The enemy has, let’s say Titus Rivendale and Soul Juggler, while I have an attacking evolved Cracling Cyclone with quad attacks.
Of course he’ll rather attack the Icky imp and 3 additional other imps that he summons after he dies afterwards. My highly buffed cracling cyclone gets to double attack the enemy? Of course it will first attack the 1/1 normal spawn and then the 1/1 monster with poison out of 5 other high level buffed enemies.

The enemy, on the other hand does the exact opposite. I have 6 deathrattles and 1 titus on the field? Of course the enemy will kill my titus first.
I have Dazzlight lightspawn or Corpse refiner to generate stats when my other monsters die? Of course the enemy will first prioritize those.
It got to the point where I ended up uninstalling the game and now venting with this post. In 30+ years I have never ragequit or complain about such things…