Is Hearthstone really rigged?

Yeah yeah.

It’s only good when you’re the one doing that.

Oh wait…
It isn’t. You’re here in the forums too.

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Im here to discuss a game I enjoy and discuss changes and what I think is wrong with the game. Not go around using every thread to prove how smart I am to people I dont know.

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Again. You did a deliberated choice to take it like that.

If you believe all you said then you should start by doing it yourself.

And certainly not to attack and berate people who disagree with me for no reason. I will of course fire back when it is done to me or others on this forum. Everyone here is free to have opinions and share them equally without getting flamed by insecure tryhards.


Including bee.

What is wrong to come with something that shows why you believe whatever you’re saying ?

And you are one of the worst on this forum. You continually display the interaction skills of an egotistical narcissist who feels a need to boost their own low self esteem at the expense of others.

Please stop bootlicking. It is not a good look.

This is true, but what people are asserting are NOT opinions. This is a huge problem in discourse in general atm.

Opinions are statements of preference, like chocolate ice cream tastes better than strawberry or vanilla yougurt is awful.

Those are opinions.

This game is rigged is a factual assertion, not an opinion. It’s something that can be objectively answered and therefore making the affirmative assertion requires evidence to support the claim.

You can’t tell someone “I think you’re a liar” without them being upset because it isn’t an opinion, it’s still an assertion of alleged fact despite sticking “I think” in front of it.

So no, people who disagree here are not disagreeing with an “opinion.”

“I don’t like the matchmaking system in this game” is a valid opinion, but as soon as you say “because it matches me to X to make me lose” you have left opinion and moved to factual assertions.

Hope this helps people.

Neither is attacking people who attacked your position because it was devoid of factual basis or evidence.

This is true, but it’s a bit embarrassing that we’ve fed these trolls this much for this long. Seems like the best thing to do is ignore pretty much most of the posters in this whole discussion and go back to talking about the actual game.


I am kind of done with these rigged threads as they are always so toxic on both sides.


Yeah , I bad at social skills for sure but know what?

You’re at minimal being exactly like Bee bragging about your superior social skills like that.

The correct procedure should be call you everything you called me and Bee in those posts?

I asking for you because you’re the expert here.

One social skill you should learn asap, is to learn when to stop, especially when the other person said hes done debating.

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Everyone is in on the rigging but nobody knows anything? That’s some convenient logic the “It’s rigged” club has there.

I am afraid to tell you that there is no such thing like a club.

Mostlikly each and everyone is like a lone wolf and therefore its easy atleast for me to see through bs people try to feed me.

If it was easy for you to see through bullsit, why not start with all the bullsit you sprouted out in this thread and see through it.

Come on - you can do it!!

Like i said, the things i wrote here were never ment to be for people who believe that the game isnt rigged, since my intention was never to convince anyone.

People can think for themselves.

As i said many times before, in the end we dont know. But theres a good chance i might be right with my “bs” like you just labeled it.

And even when people just had some kind of entertainment reading through this all of it i am fine with that aswell.

I am amused how people claim they know it all when actually they dont.

Thats a real provocant theory you have there as well.

Since some people of the its not rigged crowed claim spending doesnt matter at all.

I have spent a lot on this game. Never have made it to legend. I suppose I’m that bad that even with supportive RNG, I still lose.



As someone who is f2p and makes it to legend every month i still think its rigged.

Ps: when you play on such casual level maybe you dont pay not much attention at all and therefor you dont see the rigging when it happens to you.

(citation needed)

Now don’t take this the wrong way, but it sounds like you’re describing confirmation bias.