Is Hearthstone really rigged?

I’ve pretty much done it all. Like yesterday I was looking at packet structures to solve a bug and I’ve also negotiated the commercials for hosting mmorpg servers.

If you’re trying to convince me you know better, you won’t.

Nah i just want to understand what you actually do,…

Do you think the guy/worker that essembles tires to cars at volkswagen factories had knowledge about the manipulation of numbers for their catalysators (or what ever it was) where they got sued for in the states big time ?

If something like this happens there not many involved.

So some people figuring out a strategie like the whole package for rigging the matchmaking, i dont think a graphic artist or community manager is involved if you can follow me.

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The plural of anecdote is not evidence.

I part own and run a consultancy firm that manages and resources IT projects of all shapes and sizes. Separately I run and develop a couple of online games.

You still havnt answered me on that part, i am curious what your opinion is about that example i gave …

Like for example the reason was behind the descission for diablo immortal to put out lootboxes with so low drop chances that it cost like 16k to maximise a char…right you have no clue why they would do that for a f2p title.

If there are so greedy on that game, dont you think theres a chance they put up fake data to coverup a rigged matchmaking to maximise profits aswell (whatever is behind the algorythm) like no1 actually knows.

This is interesting.

What exactly in Bee posts make you reach that conclusion?

Or just explaining why you’re wrong is enough for it?

Also why is a human being not sharing the same values as you a “poor human being”? Where is the so called tolerance in pro of diversity?

Is take advantage of your position to show people things they don’t know that wrong?

In my opnion you’re deliberated doing a choice on take the fact he is using itself as example to interpret his intention as anything other than what it really is:

Honestly showing people they’re wrong and there is no matches being rigged against they.

I think it’s largely to do with the perceived tone of the comment. Bee doesn’t really pull any punches and so he can come off as being condescending and or insulting. People unfamiliar with Bee, unfortunately, take offense to what he has to say. Delivery is important.

About the car example? I don’t know as I haven’t studied the Volkswagen saga. Your figures are a bit low for D2I, my opinion is not very flattering I think the monetisation model is an abomination.

I’m not getting much from this chat, hopefully I’ve explained enough of why some people aren’t convinced by your theories for you to get some insight.

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The diiablo immortal part. I am sorry you feel that way,.

You like the D2I model?

And btw i dont care if i convince anyone replying to this topic, my intention from start was to make the silent readers think, those who dont reply at all to this because it seems kinda dangerous to speak your mind on this topic.

Ps sorry for my bad english i am no native speaker and the little english i speak is kinda rusty…

I would focus your efforts on the blatantly predatory behaviour of D2I rather than searching for things that may or may not be happening. You don’t need to convince people that hearthstone is rigged when you have people giving away house deposits for l33t gear in D2I. That’s like trying to convince people that Hitler was bad because he raised taxes.

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Sigh and with that kind of moral and company philosophy regarding f2p titles, a rigged matchmaking doesnt seem to be that impossible its more likly then its not, i thank for confirming your that.

I confirmed that about 50 posts ago, this conversation goes nowhere.

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My bad, havnt paid attention. I think i was busy replying to insults.

I haven’t insulted you.

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No you havnt at all. But others did. So again my bad.

You don’t need to be a published researcher, scientist, or work directly with to discuss most topics.

You’re trying to equate what you perceive as poor knowledge as a incapacity to understand something, which is at best silly.

I don’t need to code games to understand statistics, much less logic, which gives me a place to do educated guesses about supposed rigging.

Meanwhile, the guy actually do codes, and you’re trying to prove that because he does not seemingly direct games (which he seemingly does) he has no idea why decisions would be made.

It’s so silly as to be ridiculous. Do you need to be an economist to understand what inflation is?

The good thing is anyone who is reading through these nearly 350 pages long thread can make up his own mind and is able to draw his own conclosions about this topic as everyone is able to think for himself.

Lets say it this way, we ALL have planted a seed TOGETHER. If thats not a legendary accomplishment i dont know :slightly_smiling_face:

And those who debated here but were not aware at all what the purpose was…dont worry you did great and contributed in the most colourful way, behaviours and manners that speak for themselves.

Atleast thats a positive takeaway from all of this dont you think ?

That is called being arrogant and presumptuous. I swear this forum is full of people who have no social skills at all. Its like a sick neckbeard narcissist club. I play a game all the time and am good at it so I get to show off my subpar social skills to everyone. You know what happens in real life to people who make it a point of going around telling everyone how wrong they are? They wind up online in a game forum because they cant cope with having healthy interactions with people in real life.