Is entry level Ranked just flooded with bots?

I swear bronze and silver tiers have just been bots bots bots. A little bit less as I approach gold.

But I see tons of keyboard spam names (kjsdfhg), or names that are two words together that feel randomly generated (ie, “AloneTurtle”, “BlueSmith”, “GreedyApple”, etc), that make plays that either don’t make sense, or is impossible (ie, they get stuck trying to attack a minion while another has taunt).

I notice they take equal intervals between each attack move. They also very often time out.

I think what annoys me the most is how long they take, lol. I know its a guaranteed win, but dang they let every move burn rope.

Iunno what I’m even going on about. I doubt it’s fixable. Just wanted to rant somewhere, haha.

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These names are not bots, but players. If you don’t chose a name for yourself, then the game chooses for you with something like this. My first name was LuckyPants.

Naturally, people who obsess about bots see them everywhere with countless false accusations.

New players naturally would take their time, & make many mistakes.


Fair enough, but I am seeing very bot-like behaviour at the same time. Again, such as them repeating an attack attempt on a non taunt minion every 4 seconds until their turn just burns out.

Would also be fair to expect bots to skip the naming step if its an option

It’s pretty easy to tell after a few minutes if they are a human, or rather something making automated moves.

I’m just talking about the latter.

Anyways, wasn’t trying to be annoying :slight_smile:

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Just don’t make the same mistake some people do that concede against these bots.

Conceding against them will only make you keep facing them because you MMR won’t rise beyond them to actual players MMR.

Keep winning against them and you’ll stop facing them.


I don’t think this is true.

I don’t understand why people are even thinking about their opponents in this way.

I never spend a single moment thinking about whether my opponent is a bot or not.

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so ask yourself… what would the bots owner gain from… using a bot? anything earned is tied to the account… and only the pretentious would pay for a used account…
the other thing to consider… maybe said people (or you?) are on a different region, and their names do not translate to English very well… or in some of those cases, the game will not accept certain character-letters and after 5 mins of trying to find a name to use… gave up…

“I never spend a single moment thinking about whether my opponent is a bot or not.”
thats your thing…
let others have theirs…

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If you have any idea, you know what a bot is. They don’t play any synergies while playing they just drop cards.

I have played a lot of stupid names and one thing is for certain there are too many bots associated with very unrealistic names or just beyond stupid related to the account and not enough competitive players in the first few ranks.

I get what your saying the account may have a pre name but its a dead give away for bots.

And if it takes full time with no cards and they rope and then take nearly the same time and do it again its a bot , a lot of bots use terrible cards such as Raid leader Tar creeper and Senjin shield master.

I had a DK bot turn 8 play murloc War leader and the health murloc same turn , after 90 percent thier deck was undead.

So yes Bot do exist in the early rank and they are as slow as molasse.

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What ???

How on earth can you not , They waste our time period …

If these bots were not a plague on HS we would not be playing sub low class players of bots.

We would play competitive games , zero ropeing , zero bad plays like not casting a taunt to save yourself from death , horrible cards that just extend the game for time that does nothing but gets them EXP!!

WOW are you really that stupid or naïve that you don’t get how agonizing playing a bot really is ???

Especially for people that can’t even play a few hours even if they have A Saturday off of work , you play and get this type of game play. Its boring as heck and you know it .

" COME ON!!!

good Job on your 3 post Troll…

So 45 min matches are your thing huh ?

and your opponent name is AIOLOS8

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i basically went from basic copper to around gold 3 when i came back to hs against “players” whom i assume were blizzard bots. they were running yetis and overall bad cards, even dks who get starting decks andwould have no business running a yeti or other core cards tht suck. they were also playin at a speed like the ai in the single player adventures. when i reached ~gold 3 the difference in players were very noticeable. better quality decks and plays and more human like pacing

Could not say it better ,

But Mountaineer and Uncertain will surly come back and say their no bots what so ever and we should get in line to play these wonder players that completely waste our time…


The entire game is flooded with bots, not just those levels. The only difference is SUPPOSEDLY the lower rank bots are blizzard created and the higher ranked bots are player created.

Either way, this doesn’t feel like multiplayer anymore.


There are not obtain Hearthstone. Keep telling yourself that. Keep repeating this lie enough and it’ll become your truth.

Meanwhile, the rest of us are fed up of playing against bot after bot, after bot. It’s time to speak with our wallets and stop giving money to this horrible company.


Agreed, this just got super annoying…every game below gold is vs a blizzard bot. I wouldn’t mind if they played fast, but they are taking over 50% of their time every turn to do some simple dumb action or 3…

This makes me want to stop playing as much as actual non-blizzard bots roping.

Also, Blizzard stopped replying to forum posts… Also, Blizzard forces forum posts and won’t resolve issues from tickets.

I think this company is dead.

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Considering all the tin foil hat nonsense, why would they even bother?

Are we now pretending there aren’t bots in the game? Hasn’t Blizzard even commented and done mass bans on this issue before?

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Naturally, people who blindly defend the company see bots NOWHERE and white knight with countless false statements like this.

“Luckypants” is one of the names the bots use, because I have encountered this among other names like it countless times. Because actiblizz is so creatively bankrupt, they don’t have any difference between their player and bot name generators.

Except they exist all the way up to legend.

Gotta love how the guy who claims to be against insulting other posters CONTINUES to insult other posters. Also, now the change from “they totally respond” to this. Saved.

He flip flops depending on the topic. Only the insults and blind company loyalty remain consistent

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I found you can also confuse a bot where they don’t know what to attack and just rope out until the game is over. That’s happened to me a few times.