Is blizzard aware of the botting going on in their games?

sick and tired of all the botting going on. do any real human beings play this game anymore?

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Yes, they are aware, because it’s their bots.

To play against humans, you should start beating those bad bots and rank up a bit. If you can’t seem to play against humans, it means you’re the worst player on your server, congratulations!

The bots literally troll. You should skip them in half an hour

This game is dying, many new players don’t stay on this game when they see the stupidity of the game (garbage balancing). Bottom line since you have very few new players, you need bots otherwise the new players will come across players with meta decks (current) so they will have no chance of winning games.


I don’t know about the game dying part, but the rest is exactly what’s happening.

I don’t know if it’s the optimal thing to do, but hey, while I’m having fun I’ll keep on playing. Bots are a non-issue. If they’re so weak, why not just run over them quickly?

the blizzard bots were removed from standard …i shouldnt be suprised about people not reading patch notes

once you hit diamond 10 the bots usually vanish. You can tell a bot by the name. Usually its 2 words, like TempestStorm or stuff like that. You can tell its a real person by the first of the month while others try to rank up OR a asian character name. Those are usually real players.

They’re aware and do a mass ban wave instead of individual bans. The last wave was… 2 months ago, I think? Maybe less?

blizzard does ban bots… bots that are not made by them that is.

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Careful, a battletag like that might offend the “community” :laughing:

This is true but usually the names don’t make much sense. TempestStorm is a name that makes sense (SilentStorm is a common one too but they are usually not bots). SuperCuddles (that’s me, I’m real) makes sense. When they are like a adjective-noun or whatever the formula is they use, and it doesn’t make much sense, that’s the bot ones. PurpleOrca type of name.

i thought someone with those decks was a bot until i made a misplay and saw he used he "oops"emote( first one int he entire game)

For those who don’t know: how does one unlock the rank past legend? Because they are present there also.

The irony here is: this is where actiblizz is now dumping all their botting efforts.


New players will have the “joy” (sarcasm dialed to 11) of getting hit with bots in the new player experience, because scummy mega corp can’t follow its own rules.

irony, in bot form.

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But why would a player have bots playing ranked? To farm gold?

I don’t know, man, sounds kinda unworthy xD take a huge risk, not even play the game, for a chance to buy a couple of cards and then what?

I much more prefer the theory it’s all blizzard bots to ease new players into the grind and to give them the appearance of competitiveness

Someone posted elsewhere: apparently, it’s a big business that farms accounts on a massive scale that gets them money that makes it all worthwhile.

And I would surmise that like the wow botting where actiblizz was getting money from it, until the hit on the wallet from customers leaving is a bigger hit from the botters who pay them, it won’t become a priority.


Damn. Makes sense, thx

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You shouldn’t. Third party black market dealers are always going to be botting.


So people buy botted accounts with gold? Taking a risk it’s gonna get banned?

In some of the games with bot issues I’ve played, they used to ban those in waves, so you would never know when it’s gonna get banned, but you could be sure it will eventually. But at least in those games you could have profitted off of it even though it was about to get banned - you could transfer the resources from one account to the other, as stealthily as possible. You can’t do that here. Once it gets banned, your investment is worthless. Negative, in fact.

I just don’t understand why anyone would buy a tainted account which can potentially cost you money and time spent playing and then get banned suddenly.

What do you do then? Do you invest more money and start again, knowing full well it’s probably gonna happen again?

I don’t get it. There must be something else I’m missing.

Well the problem is one of turnover. The bot life cycle doesn’t last that long. It’s farm gold then use the gold to draft one insane Arena deck and then after the Arena deck is played the account is done. It’s disposable.

So when Blizzard says that they ban 36,000 bot accounts a month, it’s not that I don’t believe the numbers, but my question is: did they ban them before or after the Arena deck was played? Because if it’s after then it doesn’t matter that they banned the account, the account was over anyway. I have a suspicion that despite their efforts Blizzard is accomplishing close to nothing on the bot front.

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But what’s the point of doing this? What do they achieve by paying for one great arena deck? Do they use it for content to post or…?

I’ve heard people say it’s mostly streaming, but I have my doubts. Usually the kind of people who spend real money in the black market for in game items are, to be brutally honest, real creeps. And real creeps generally have difficulty maintaining an audience on Twitch. You ever see that movie Nightcrawler? Louis Bloom type people. I guess it’s not impossible for them but it sure isn’t natural.

I think most of them just enjoy their cheated Arena decks in private. Why? Just because that’s what they want.