IOS problem after update

game crashes when you try to write something to a friend, or if you try to add him as a friend. iPad Pro 10.5 and iPhone 6 same problem.


Same here. I also reported this issue:

Hope it’s fixed soon!

Hi there, I am using iOS as well and my main problem is, that I havent received the cards, which moved from wild to standard again yet. I hope you can fix it quick.

Same problem here, please fix it

Same problem with my I phone X

Same for me!!. Iphone XR
Why taking long for a fix :frowning:

Someone report this to blizzard, its insane and frustrating as f.

Any mods here to help or linked to blizzard? Are they fixing it or not? In literally out of skull

I’m replying to make the post visible again, because game it’s still crashing with chat.

No news about this issue?

No news. it is terrible, at qualifying tournaments it is impossible even to the rival to answer. very uncomfortable.

Same here, idk what to do.

Same here iphone8 :frowning: please fix it asap

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Almost 2 weeks have passed, the problem is not fixed. Is there any information on the timing of elimination?

Blizzard go f yourself really

the same problem!!! ipad

Yeah, we can still report this bug every hour till the end of the year and they still don’t fix it, ridicolous.

Same issue with my XS. Please fix!

Same problem on iPhone 7, 6s

Same here. iPhone XR.

Still same problem, now game is also crashing when i start to play