Introducing Battlegrounds Duos!

Introducing Battlegrounds Duos!

Grab a friend and head to the Tavern for your first look at an upcoming way to play: Battlegrounds Duos!

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Introducing Battlegrounds Duos … next year*


This is a ripoff of tft.

It’s also a mode of tft that sucks and I won’t play.

If I wanted to grab a friend and do something it wouldn’t be play hearthstone.


Release it asap! I got homies.


I Need it now! Release pleaseee


Then leave it for the folks who play together like my wife and I . That’s cool, right? Is it cool that we’re friends and play BGs together?


I play with my best bud side by side in group together in bgs at least 3 or 4 times a day. We dont screen watch just as a practice but it is a mini game at the start to guess who the other picked based on what we know of each other. Also its also a lovely running gag to look at each other when we hear identical audio being played from our build phases and we both catch on and look at each other and tell each other to not steal all of our (insert tribe name here) as we just went the same choices that turn and heard it lol. We just wish we could always avoid combat against each other since we are paired already. but I get its a fairness thing. But legit some matches, we never do fight each other. Other times we fight each other every 3rd turn until one of us puts each other into either check or checkmate us for the L.

Whatever this is might be neat. IDK what Neon is going on about with his shorthand jargon initialisms. But for someone that dislikes the game so much I dont see the value in caring as much as he does about it.



Wait, actiblizz ripping off something from another company that sucks, puposely making it worse, and somewhere down the line releasing a bug ridden mess version of it? Say it ain’t so!

Must be a day ending in “-y.”

TFT is a game…that’s been out for four years now. In this newfangled future, we have things called internet searches: we use them to find things we don’t know about. Like DK heroes named scarlet, and the like. Or, some can choose to pretend search functions don’t exist and live in ignorance, and complain that they don’t know things.

Everyone must make that choice for themselves, but in an age where answers get returned in less than five seconds after hitting that “enter” key…what’s the excuse for those who refuse to do a search?

My buddy and I wouldn’t have this on our radar.

This is simply a way for them to take BGs, the much higher played/popular mode, a much more intriguing eSports game. I’m not saying Constructed will go away and this will take it’s place right now, but they are definitely testing the waters to see if that’s possible.


Man this announcement was such a rollercoaster ride… When they started talking about co-op I thought we would finally get some co-op PvE content like dungeons or raids - similar to what Legends of Norrath had. Imagine my disappointment when it was just something like this :frowning:

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I dont live in the habit of constantly doing homework when I encounter anything at all I havent encountered before. Just not how I operate. I come here, where the community is, to learn, I dont go into the wilderness of rabbit holes that is “my own research” on the internet. More often than not, its just a recipe for misinformation and bubble inducing propaganda.

I will on occasion, look up a definition of a word via google by using the Boolean term “Define:” and then the word, but initials can mean any number of things and more often than not you will get multiple possible options it could stand for. Im not in the habbit of trying to discern from a vaguery of a singular post which of the options it might be. Its my choice to not do all these things. Sure.

But I didn’t complain about not knowing it causing me any issues at all. I just calmly and politely said I didnt know what their shorthand jargon referred to. A set up for anyone to be helpful if they chose to be, to fill me in. This is how I choose to interact with other humans on a mostly human occupied forum.

I enjoy being helpful and answering other people’s questions, helping solve other people’s problems, filling in other people’s gaps in their knowledge. It is historically what the human race has been well known for, collecting and collaborating its knowledge to benefit not just a singular person, but the entire collective civilization.

So if there are other humans out there with less pessimistic and less toxic outlooks on human interactions, they will see my set up for their chance to do the same thing and be that person that answers the prompt to fill in the gap of knowledge. I know I enjoy it when I do it, so surely I cannot be alone in that. It cannot be a unique quality I possess to WANT to be helpful to another person.

My only complaints I ever have with my own gaps in knowledge do not come from my lack of willingness to look things up on my own, but from the lack of a memorized dictionary/encyclopedic knowledge of all cards by name and all heroes by name, etc. That wont be fixed by me spending who knows how long it might take to look up every single time every single card or whatever I wish to speak about. Nor is it unreasonable to not want to look up what things are when presented only their name alone and nothing else in order to get what someone is saying.

If it were like just missing a singular definition of a singular word of an entire post, sure I could see myself googling that card name, that one card name. But if given a list of cards by name alone, I wont be inclined to do a definition search for all of them, as that would ultimately be futile as I wont retain such a high amount of things to remember all at once. By the time Ive finished searching the definition of the 2nd card by name I will be having difficulty recalling the previous card details, and by the 3rd one I wont have anything at all about the first one.

My issues and mine alone, I dont get why Im the one with the positive outlook on my issues, and yet people it affects in no reasonable way seem to be so triggered by it. Im the one that has to live this way, Im the one that cannot memorize a phone number by heart, or even recite a full one back after reading one. I might be able to give you the first 3 digits, or maybe the last 4 digits, but no way I could give you all 7.

Again, it is not your issue to live with, it is mine. If you dont wish to be a helpful person when I put prompts out for people to do so, then just move on with your toxicity. I cant imagine being so triggered by someone asking questions or having gaps in their knowledge and saying such casual things that allude to that.

I dont chastise others for not knowing how to install their own appliances when theres a google that exists. I get my employment from that lack of knowledge and lack of will to go out and learn it themselves, they;d prefer to let another person fill that gap in their skills and knowledge for them and I dont think any less of them for that.

I do however think less of people that resort to the kneejerk reply of “Get Gud” or “Google Exists” when someone asks a question or gives an allusion to a gap in their knowledge. Those people are the worst as they actively have the energy to not be helpful and lack the willpower to be helpful and paradoxically have all the energy to tell others about that conundrum.


Today on off topic spam!“blog post on search engines meh, and why people complain even when literally spoonfed:”

In other news: battlegrounds duos is still going to be terrible, is a rip off of a not so great mode from a completely different game.

Right? Imagine if they actually started giving the playerbase what they wanted: in game tournament mode (which they shelved because “muh not good” but dumped the mercstone mess on everyone just to scam money out of people), then people have been asking for some kind of raid/dungeon co op for a while now (at least since the original lich king release) to do a party (or tavern, pressing F to pay respects) with a group of people in person for an event.

Instead, they do this out of nowhere move for bgs, which they have continued to mess up, first with the p2w garbage, then with anomalies, then with all around poor balancing.

Hopefully, microsoft really does some QA and housecleaning.

Cannot disagree more. The battle pass having a cost is just a business decision for an otherwise huge drain on their resources without any real way to recoup any return on that investment. We got the pass for free for quite a while, which is also part of the investment, imagine had it been the way it is now from the start. The mode would not
We all got to enjoy the “free trial” for a hella long time. Now that its over we all still get the “Limited Edition: Free Version” with 2 choices.

The way I see BGs is you got 3 choices.

You can be a decent and productive member of society. This would be buying the pass, not only for the perks it gives, but also to be a return on the investment they gave into you which has been all the entertainment you;ve enjoyed and continue to seek to get out of them with their product. All parties win.

You can be the opposite of the prior choice, this would be to complain and whine about something a business does for business reasons as if thats a taboo idea somehow. Continue to whine about it online at forums as if you are entitled to unlimited free entertainment no matter the cost to the source of it.

You can be a decent free to play player, and play with the limit of 2 choices to pick from but not complain about a business doing business things. Understanding that the limit of 2 choices for unlimited entertainment for free is still a hella good deal.

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Remember, if you don’t buy the battle pass, you aren’t a decent and productive member of society.

-actiblizz defense force post, November '23

Also, if you dare question someone’s corporate overlords, especially when they are dishonest about the game being made p2w when they fraudulently claim it’s f2p, you aren’t a productive member of society.

-actiblizz defense force post, November '23

Which is that it makes the mode p2w, which is the opposite of the claim the game is f2p. This is fraud, which is illegal is most places where “decent and productive” members of society live.

Can you point to us where, specifically, exactly, Blizz made the claim of the game not being P2W or even solely F2P?

Also, Pay2Win is not the opposite of Free2Play. The opposite of Free2Play would be Pay2Lose. Which honestly happens more often than not when Ive purchased the perks. So you might be onto something in that respect.

Snarky pro company poster trying to be clever has it backfire in the worst possible way, and gets shot down by the official company webpage:

Right under “game features:”

"Free to Play & Win

Hearthstone is free to play for as long as you play, not just free to try or free to start. Purchasing cards is completely optional."

And I screencapped this part, because they’ll no doubt kill it not long after this is brought up. Right with this statement:


Top. Kek.

Im not seeing where you provided the actual evidence. You posted a link to the main site… with a blurb that not contain the requested phrase.

And again, Free to PLay is not mutually exclusive from Pay to Win. I dont get where you are conflating those as opposites somehow. They coincide and share a very big section of the two circles when you venn diagram it out. But they are not contradictory to each other in any way.

Even if you had provided the actual text and phrase in your “quote” blurb thingy, it still would not prove that them saying it is free to play does not mean it is not also pay to win. You have failed most spectacularly with basic understanding of what these concepts are. I know Im not one to talk on such an issue as I struggle to grasp many a topics that are new to me, I wont deny that bit of richness I am providing by saying such. But even I can see that your argument is flawed from its very premise.

Can you provide anything that outright says it is not pay to win at all? Ever? Even if they say it is free to play and win that isnt enough, as all 4 can be true simultaneously.

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Try opening your eyes.

That’s because you made a goalpost shift.

Except it quite literally did, and you are lying at this point. But I would expect nothing less from you and those like you. All your blogposting doesn’t change the fact that it’s right there on the official site for everyone to see.

I encourage everyone to grab a screencap while they can.

I encourage you to show your proof and not delegate the search for said proof to the one asking for it.

Person 1: I have a claim and I have Proof.

Person 2: Ok, if thats the case, lets see this proof. Show it.

Person 1: Just go to this website and read it for yourself.

Person 2: That is not proof, that is a link and a flimsy assurance that the proof you say exists will be there. Im asking for the proof itself.

Person 1: You are lying! You are shifting goalpost!

Person 2: … So you arent going to show the proof, are you?

Person 1: This is a CoC violation and you are a shill of the corporation! I am the victim here! :lying_face:

Person 2: … :person_facepalming:


is blizzard trying to cover up the fact that they once announced battleground duos or why don’t we hear about it anymore?