Integrity and Fun of the game RUINED

I recently have decided to get back into the game; since then I have played roughly 30 games of standard ranked and have faced in that time MAYBE 5 real people; the rest have been bots. While a part of me has said, 'eh, whatever. Its free rating"…the fact is that it isn’t okay and it isn’t fun. I’ve faced like 14 bots in a row at this point in my gold climb and it is completely ruining the game for me. The game might as well stop rolling worthy opponent on it pregame slot machine and just roll unworthy bot…does anyone else feel the same way? There must be something we can do…I have reported every one.


I posted about this as well. I climbed from bronze to diamond seeing only 1-2 players this month. Makes it pointless to buy any new expansions.

I’m not going to spend money on anything in this game if i have to play for a month just to see a few players. Better off sticking to battlegrounds (and even there I’m starting to see a growing influx of bots too!)


I’ve never seen the level of bots that I’m seeing these days. Something drastic needs to be done.

Do we need some mid game CAPTCHA implemented? Perhaps we need to require that players have one real money transaction once a year to be able to play on ranked?

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I play exclusively Wild when it comes to traditional constructed Hearthstone and I remember when the format was overrun with bots. It was such a waste of time. Luckily, the problem seems to have diminished in Wild, but what I’m seeing now is that those bots likely just moved to the Standard format instead of going away completely. I feel sorry for you guys.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that Arena is almost nothing but bots these days, too.

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Yeah Im just done playing. This isn’t fun at all.
My idea is to be required to tie your account to your SSN like all the sportsbooks do. You only get one account, period. No more creating new emails and new accounts to bot with.

Sportbooks are required to have your SSN because of taxes on potential winnings.

Would you really feel comfortable giving your SSN to a video game company?

The bot train has already left the station unfortunately.

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No, please. I saw posts above talking about inserting captchas in the game, but that would end what we, blind people, have in terms of accessibility in the game due to Hearthstone Access, which is no longer updated, as it is not designed to handle captchas mid-game . These bots are really annoying, because for those who want to play against bots there is an adventure mode for that, but I believe that an alternative can be found that does not compromise the accessibility of Hearthstone.


Yeah - definitely more verfication steps needed. What is the point of botting anyways? Seems like it is just to ruin the game because someone is mad at blizzard.


You trust Blizzard with your SS number? You are not a smart person.


I couldn’t be more opposed to this. I’d happily tolerate bots over giving my identity to a gaming company!


Accessibility is definitely important. I’m wondering if they can have an accessibility mode enabled after some additional verification.

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Really? Does anyone else feel like there is a lot of bots in Arena?

Personally, I don’t feel like I am encountering player accounts bots in Arena, and I don’t remember encountering any official Blizzard bots in Arena. With the prevalence of superdrafts in Arena, it would seem like Arena is the least profitable mode to try to bot in.

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Integrity?!? Ahahahahah LAWL!!!

So many twits here failing to realize, half of the bots are meant to be here. Have been for a loooong time.

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Blame the ludicrous feature of “bottoms of ranks”[supported by the ludicrous feature of star bonuses]. People get a lucky win streak or star bonuses and then get locked into a higher rank than they should be.

The worst side effect isn’t you seeing no humans on low ranks; it’s people whining they cant’ raise rank; maybe you got locked to a rank you shouldn’t be [and should be at a lower rank with non-bot players].

Maybe not SSN but at least a driver’s license or something. Although, blizzard hasnt had any major security breaches or anything

Or, maybe…just maybe…they could actually ban bots.

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There are bots in Diamond 3, 4 and 5. Bots are everywhere now.

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