INSAINLY Broken LeapFrog

This card with its ungodly effect should be reworked. At minimum LeapFrog should be a tavern tier 5. Being able to trigger the way it does makes that card near unbeatable. At end game if paired with a baron that leapfrog can and will trigger the entire board to scale by 50/50+ on each death.

side note those of you who defend the LeapFrog are obviously too weak to actually put thought into a build so u destroy your mouse by over clicking that card when you see it


blizztard watch this and…they dont care…too busy couting money :slight_smile:

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Yes, this card is completely busted at the moment. There are times where, in the top 5, there are 3-4 people ALL running Leapfrogger beasts. Absolutely insanity that this hasn’t been fixed yet.

I swear I think the whole team is on vacation. I’m surprised so many things have not been addressed for weeks now.

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blizztard reads this…

keeps counting money…and dont care…

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To be fair, there is a suit going on, as well as labor and the employee stuff, Even McCree from Overwatch is getting renamed since apparently he was in the suit.

And i think Kaelthalas even in hearthstone and Wow got revoiced by a new guy, even as a actor, just since apparently(?) i think they say he was also accused, but found believably innocent with the evidence(? All hearing it second hand off rumors), so he probably didn’t do anything. But just to be safe they replaced him anyways and revoiced his wow and hearthstone lines.

Crazy times indeed.

Still a… ‘interesting’ priority system though :confused:

I guess the new lines are actually pretty good for the early parts, but the original had some great later bomb lines that really mastered the later role. Feels strange.

(Edit: Person sounds like they seem actually innocent for the most part. Sounds like it came from someone online who never actually met him physically who faked(?) some audio? Actually sounds like a bummer. Poor guy. )

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I’m in a game right now where each Frog vs Frog round is taking so long that it just skips our next Recruit phase. I’ve just had 4 Combat rounds in a row without a single Recruit phase.

We literally can’t even play the game because Team 5 aren’t familiar with how their own game works.

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i just made a thread about this kinda laughing at how big the numbers are but what you guys are talking about freaking bonkers.
this is my first experience with froggy