Infinite Reno Combo

Hello forum.

I’ve recently built an infinite Reno deck that works very well. I won’t post the whole deck, but have no qualms about passing on the info that makes the combo possible.

Basically, all you need are Reno, Photographer Fizzle and any bounce card, (Brewmasters work fine). Sharp eyed seeker is optional, but is very synergistic to the combo.

Its very simple. Once you have Reno in your hand, play Photographer Fizzle and bounce him back. Don’t use Fizzle again until you draw his photograph from your deck. With photo in hand, play Fizzle, then play the photo which will have the bounce card you need to return Photographer fizzle back to your hand. Keep repeating, because not only will you have infinite Reno, you also won’t deck yourself because you will eventually just keep drawing the 2 cost photo.

Feel free to abuse this to your hearts content. My hope is that it will force them to nerf Reno, but then again I’m a bit of a dreamer, they’ll probably nerf something else instead if this goes anywhere.

Anyhoo. Happy New year y’all.

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try play vs plague death knight your deck will be useless and is very popular deck face it almost nonstop…even all otk deck can eat you

I will try this. And see how it works.

Do you have the delusion they don’t know Reno is OP. It will be AUTONERFED out of the meta on the next major patch or expansion. The main purpose of the brokeness was to bait people to try the expansion.

i can tell you …you sit some dead card in hand till you cant use when you do not have all combo card in hand when you able to pull out you cant even use till you hand will have more card than photo …so you will burn some card out …when you able to use nonstop reno by some luck every 2nd turn “maybe” what is wincon in your deck? enemy die by fatigue?
dirty rat can destroy whole combo DK kick your reno most OTK deck can kill you whit 1minion or from hand reno will do not help on it
and at end best question how you will survive till combo apper in your hand?

I saw Dane do this a while ago

As I posted, I’m only giving out the one combo. People can try to incorporate it into their own decks. I have it in a thief deck and it works great with all the bounce.

source ? the only news i have so far is

the next twist season will be commons only

but nothing on balance patches on mini set release
i check reddit often but i may have missed a post about it

junk combo…steamcleaner will make your combo go bye bye and is weak to card messing with your hands…no offense…but you may enjoy it at lower ranks where its more chill than high ranks

the only classes in which Reno is broken is mage

Coldarra drake + infinite refresh of 2 mana with reno hero power…unless you steal the card or rat out & kill the drake your done…to top it off i seen that combo run in quest mage as well as back up plan if they’re cards for infinite turns fail

if a nerf happen to Reno its gonna be the Hero power refresh… from Refresh 2 to refresh 1

Wow, hey, thank you very much for the info. It’s very helpful to know that the deck that I revealed only 4 cards of is utter crap and won’t get me any further than lower ranks. Here I was thinking that diamond was a pretty decent ranking,

Tsk, Tsk, silly me.

Anything below diamond-5 (specifically 5) is hand-holding to some extend. This is because at that point not even streaks give a bonus and a winning streak can make you advance rank even with lower than 50% win rate (!).

Then there is the hand-holding of playing OP decks of course but that’s another thing…

Reno needs a buff really

i’am not saying your entire deck is crap, i’am saying this is a combo you should forget about, and many good control deck would run it

Steamcleaner is viable for many things
Dragon Kazakus(bye to shuffle cards unless finley did survive to be play along Kazakus on the same turn)
Jade Idols(if druid is careless and dont draw at least 1)
Kingbane(put pressure on kb rogue to not shuffle it whenever they want)
quest priest(bye insta kill cheat card)
shuffle c’thun
bye birdies poop(Albatros spawns)
bye plagues or junk shuffled in your non-duplicate deck preventing the use of reno
bye extra copies of shudder shuffled in the deck

not sure if i’am forgetting anything

if you get pass the even shaman bots army around 2000-5000 rating then your gonna face the following
Tamsin warlock
Infinite turn mages
forgot if i met anything else

i just restarted playing HS at the end of last month and planning to try and go back in the top 300 as a reno mill druid

long HS hiatus destroyed so much of my rating XD so i’am sitting at 1.6k legend currently

diamond 5 is decent but not good
last time i got into the high ranking(300+)…the rating where ppl make nearly 0 misplay is 1-700(for Wild)…700 or deeper is more about deck efficiency than player skills at that point…the last skill gap is more around the top 1-50 though where its more about very critical choices than obvious mistakes on top of deck efficiency

although on more serious note…if you want a good deck…dont try to run a combo thats easily shut down by 1 card if that combo dont synergize with your other cards in your deck…and the combo wont work vs aggro, other combo decks

just an advice if your trying to push deep in :wink:

Nothing tilting like about to win and hear “We’re gunna be rich!” Reno lol