Incomplete Battle Pass

Alas I don’t have time to finish the battle pass. Is there a way to purchase the remaining levels?

No, you have to play games to get the exp points. You can’t purchase them.


No need to worry. You will claim automatically every reward you didnt get. Confirmed by blizzard in the recent patch post:

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Any rewards that have not been CLAIMED yet.

You still need to collect Exp to unlock these rewards.


Folks, Joachim is correct - you’ll be granted the rewards you obtained (thus are highlighted as such on the track) but not claimed.

“(…) all players will automatically be granted any unclaimed rewards on the current free Rewards Track and the Tavern Pass track (if acquired), before a completely new Into the Emerald Dream Rewards Track takes its place.”


Uau a blue post…in AI era Blizzards community managers still read the forums…makes me happy somehow.


We’re just shy and afraid of the light.
It burns. :sob:


Has Blizzard ever considered allowing a system where players get to keep the tavern pass if they spent real money to activate it? Other games already do this and it is one of the big wins for those games.

It improves the player experience. Doesn’t make them feel bad for spending money and losing out on rewards (which will motivate them to not spend the money the following season). And they can complete them at their own pace. Blizzard still gets their money, the player still gets their rewards. It’s a win-win.


Thank you all. Someone on another post said the Battle Pass would be over the 18th, but it’s now the 24th and it’s still not over. I’m at level 96 now so I’m trying my best to finish before the next expansion drops. Does anyone have an actual date of when that’s expected?

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The new expansion will be released tomorrow.

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I don’t think you understood my point very well, it makes me happy because now we know for sure you read and acknowledge our opinions regarding how bad the game is, how bad are the devs at implementing fixes and balances and so on.

At first I thought no one was reading the forums so it was pointless to just point out the above mentions, but now this mistery has been solved and it somehow makes me happy knowing that you read them all :slight_smile:

To be honest knowing this I might just start working myself today.

Nevertheless good luck in your forum reading :)…

Also deal with the above impersonation account.

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