Impossible to find THE NEWS outside third party sites

People like to improve their gameplay by getting the news of the cards early, because they can think about strategies to use the cards for, and they can have the time earlier to read discussions of other people under the news articles etc.

“to remember by heart what is old in the same expansion”

no need to
the new cards are placed first on the list

for example

right now paladin was moved to the top and the first cards you see are the new reveals
“vacation planning”

“busy bot”

“trust fall”

So you want gossip, not news.

Wut. a) Discussing deck building strategies is not gossip, b) The cards the miniset will have is news.

It physically pains me to admit this but I’m actually, unironically agreeing with Carnivore on this one singular topic.

If Blizzard wants these forums to be ANYTHING other than social discussion between players. IE, if they want this to be ANYTHING at all beyond LITERALLY stuff like this EXACT topic. Then there NEEDS to be official communication happening HERE, from THEM.

Elsewise this is just a place where disenfranchised account owners can come and vent at each other. Maybe discuss things they’ve heard elsewhere, and lament at how we had to GO elsewhere just to hear about it.

It’s both ironic, and weird, that official blizzard forums originate precious little official conversations about official blizzard products.


That’s pretty much all this forum is for. And to have a place for customer service to send players so they can close tickets as “resolved” as quickly as possible

I mean, I know that, intellectually. It’s just, I’m old, and I don’t like change.

If I wanted X, or Twitch, or whatever else, I’d be there with those things already. At this point, I just want my Werther’s Originals™ and my rocking chair.


That is 100% gossip… discussing deck builds and strats. and we dont find out whats in the minisets til they are available anyways, so its still just gossip if you wish to discuss possible leaked info on them…

News, at least in my understanding of the term, would be something akin to the announcement of the next set to come out, cards banned, changed, or removed entirely, game modes being announced or released or removed. Any personnel changes suddenly due to someone leaving the company/sudden death/ new hire. Things of those types and natures. Individual cards from an upcoming set not released is just spoiler gossip akin to all the youtube videos trying to gleam all possible theories of the plot of the next star wars film based off of an upcoming lego set. It isnt news, its just something to talk about…

No. This is a dictionary definition you’re getting wrong. And you know what; let’s assume the dictionary definition of gossip is “discussing strats”; then “gossip” is GOOD for gameplay.

News is information. Again, I need some heavy duty pain killers here because I loathe agreeing with Carnivore on anything. But information is literally just information.

Now, I will concede that information is EASILY available. It’s not like it’s an arcane secret that takes backdoor dark web expertise to decode and decrypt. Literally google searching is all I need to find the information - whether it be official info straight from blizz, or or gossip info straight from streamers. It’s all there for me to find quite trivially.

I just want more information - even if just straight up gossip! - to come from here, as opposed to there.

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Memory retention isnt something to make fun of or even mock people over. I dont agree with Carn in this discussion but I dont think they deserve to be insulted like that. I can disagree or even make suggestions to someone without resorting to such things as insulting that someone.

I get that sometimes the intrusive thoughts get out sometimes, we are all guilty of it, but normally you are a more composed poster… suffice to say we could all do better. That includes you Scr0tie. Whatever your opinion may be of a person, you can still choose not to insult them openly like this to make your point…

Edit: seems that the insulting post has been removed/deleted.

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I have to say, it’s completely unprofessional when third-party sites post the cards long before the official Card Library updates them.

That said, I have no expectations from them, but I’ll be there to rain on their parade, so I write this comment.

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You know, I did say something inappropriate. And I won’t apologize for it.

People always say “take the high road” this or “don’t sink to their level” that. Why does there need to BE a high road, though? Nobody ever asks the elephant to leave the room. They just ask everyone else to ignore the elephant.

And don’t worry about responding, I won’t be posting for a while. Have fun.

Its not that there needs to be one, its more of a metaphor or maybe just a commentary on the human’s ability to choose their words and actions. This doesnt mean there is only a dichotomy of high road or low road, there are an infinite number of choices in many of our interactions, high and low just happen to be 2 of the obvious ones you can categorize them as.

In any given interaction of two complete strangers that speak the same language in society, there are choices they make to convey the messages to each other that can influence the way those messages are received on the other end. Being vulgar with your language choices for example, can make a statement received either very clearly or make it completely ignored depending on what was said and who it was said to. By the same token of that logic, a person can choose to be very tactful or diplomatic with their word choices conveying the same message as the previous example and get entirely different results. And again the same token of logic applies if the person chooses to go comedic with their choice of words, or somber and respectful, etc. The possibilities of the choices one can take in any given interaction just by the only variable being word choices, is staggering how much it can affect the outcome.

Boiling this down to a simpler choice of high road or low road is just generalizing how many of the choices can be thought of. Not every possible choice will fit neatly into one or either of these categories, but when looking at the results of said choices, it becomes clearer how to think your words out in an results based process and not an impulsive one independent of any results.

If the elephant in the room was that someones loved one died and you have been thrust into the position of telling this unsuspecting person the bad news… the high road and low road dichotomy of how you are going to do this becomes a little clearer because asking the elephant in said to room to leave isnt an option, you cant bring back their loved one to avoid the conversation that has to happen. You can choose a high road approach which would entail a respectful and empathetic approach to break the news to this person, whose world you about to shatter with the next few words you choose to use. Or you can take the low road approach and just text them and tell them “lol your person’s dead! gg hf!” and just leave it at that.

Speaking of, I’ve never watched the theorycrafting streams. I might just think of them as something akin to spoilers. Or it might be because I started out as free to play so have never cared about meta decks.

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It’s a valid way to play the game, but at the same time “true abstinence from netdecks” does not exist. That’s because you’re EXPOSED to the netdecks anyway by just playing; in fact someone playing a lot might be extremely familiar to netdecks; e.g. I’ve never played plague death knight in my life in Standard but I could probably just reconstruct from memory a netdeck they had because I was seeing it all the time.

I tried that but it didnt work out well for me. They got something that allows them to infuse plagues every single turn it seems as well as they got worse and more plentiful… I at best could shuffle maybe 5 or 6 tops into their deck… and they would never draw a single one whereas for me i felt like it was never shuffled for the ones they gave my deck, they all just topdeck right away…