So currently I’m at a point where any deck I want to build is only limited by 1-5 cards with most being legendaries (ex. Rush Warrior, need a Playmaker and Rokara and maybe Kargath and ETC and Samuro). I know what cards I’m missing, but what should I do? Should I continue with the decks I can currently play like the draw Rogue and Face Hunter or try to find some of these legendaries in packs or something?
Lol…i have 34,600 and buy just 10 packs each month because i have 40k dust and want more
Mini-set is the best value for your gold.
You’re very unlikely to find specific legendaries in packs unless you already own them. I’d stick with what you can craft and pick a class or two to stick with. It’s not as fun as building everything you want but it’s kinda mandatory for F2P until you’ve been around a while.
Here’s another post I made about crafting guidelines. The thread is about being economical when buying cards with money but that just means it applies even more for F2P.
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