Implement Auto-Squelch Toggle

Conversely you need to understand that you might be misinterpreting how the emotes are being used. As someone who only squelches the most obnoxious of emoters I can assure you there is no epidemic that even requires the implementation of AS, most people only say “hi” and “bye”

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Really? How so? Because I’m asking for an enhancement to squelch? Because I’m sharing how the emotes adversely affect my game experience?

This is an expected response. And one that’s quite typical. I’d suggest reading up on the topic from the old forums where there was quite a bit of discussion about how and why the emotes affect people so differently.

I absolutely agree that thi is possible. But if the emote so sours my game experience that it’s leading me to play less, it doesn’t really matter what the intent of the emoter was. The effect is a bad one. So I take it upon myself to squelch every match so I don’t risk experiencing an emote that ruins my game experience (regardless of whether I would have interpreted it as intended or not).


Might as well stop replying, you obviously cannot be reasoned with. Good thing too, since auto-squelch will never be added, heck, it took two years to get more deckslots, good luck with your dumb request. And again, you keep taking my posts apart, and then ignoring them, or just saying your right and I’m wrong because… uhhh the old forum I guess. Ok, in that case, if the old forum still exists, why don’t you go back and read that, since you love your echochamber so much, everyone else is wrong right, you, you’re smart. Have fun kiddie, don’t get too triggered by those darn emotes now, chao!

what would win? A complex organism that has gone through millennia of evolution and adapted in order to survive the harshest condition or one emotey boy?


You say this, but I don’t think you believe it.

I’m trying to help you understand that it’s not as simple as “just get over it”.

I do. It’s entirely possible that toward the end of a match, my opponent was intending to figuratively shake hands. But when that Well Played comes on MY TURN when he knows I cannot defend the lethal damage hiding in his hand, then it feels to me like someone shouting “Nyah Nyah Nyah. You’re gonna lose.” and then jumping up on the table waving their junk in my face.


Emotes are essentially taunts… which would strengthen the argument that players should have the option of auto turning off opposing player taunts. Emotes can harshen the game experience for many. Perhaps if Blizzard paid attention to this they would actually subscribe to this feature.


This, exactly this.

Y’alls intentions don’t actually matter. Our feelings trump your “reality” since these experiences are entirely subjective.

Ever hear the term “perception is reality”? Why go through all of the rigmarole of me involuntarily deciding how you’re acting when we could just have an autosquelch feature?


False. My intentions are not trumped by your feelings. Your feelings are your problem, not mine!

You’ve got it completely backwards. My personal reality, MY truth is more relevant than anything you “intend”. As such, my right to nkt be subject to your nonsense trumps your non-existent “right” to vomit it all over my game.


Sorry, but i dont have it backwards at all. YOU do. Those with what can only be described as social anxiety shouldnt be playing multi-player games.

I don’t have social anxiety, I spend more time socializing than playing video games in fact. I jist happen to find emotes and the people who use them to be obnoxious.

Stop projecting your personal issues onto others, punch yourself in the junk every time you want to emote, and just play the dang game.


LOL im not projecting MY issues onto anyone, that would be you buddy!

I’m not the one falsely claiming social anxiety on the part of other people.

Are you really going to throw out a baseless accusation, then go “nuh-uh, YOU!” to everything like some petulant child? Go troll a different thread.


You are falsely claiming that your fee fees trump my intent though.

If you cant handle the opposite opinion on the topic, its you that should leave the discussion. I am not gonna agree with you based on what you have said so far. Thats not trolling, its differing opinions. And being told, by you, that my opinion on the topic is wrong is not gonna end well, its only gonna add fuel to the fire.

You dont want a discussion, you want an echo chamber of “yes i agree”. But I dont agree, and am entitled to state that fact.

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As far as the merits of automating the squelch feature, then yes, you intent is largely irrelevant. Regardless of the accuracy of the interpretation, a player is so put off by the emotes that he is resorting to squelching every game. What is relevant here is that the player is squelching every match. There’s no right or wrong to that. It’s a simple fact. And it’s the basis for the argument in favor of a squelch toggle. Given that people are squelching every match, a simple QoL improvement to make it a toggle seems quite reasonable.

Absolutely you are. Just be nice about it. And that goes for everyone. And try to explain why you disagree, as that will make for better discussion.

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False. My intentions are VERY relevant considering one of the main supporting arguments for said feature is BM, which you assume is the case even when it isnt.

Except for the fact that the poster-child leading the charge for AS also supports those utilising this hypothetical AS feature to retain the ability to emote whenever they see fit. HYPOCRITE!

You dont want emotes? Fine, surrender your privilege to use them at all while AS is active.

Back off skruff. I was quite pleasant until I was told my opinion on the topic was worth less than that of another poster. Youre not a mod, and if you want to act like a hall monitor get those on YOUR side of the debate into line before telling me to be civil. Thats right, I am requesting you tell those being uncivilised towards posters like me to do so politely, instead of stirring the pot. I am happy to be stirred, but much like emoting, if you do so you gotta expect to get it back! Your “boy” Cracklin started this, not me, so tell him to abide by your unapproved rules before telling me to, OK? Of course you wont do that and will instead give him a like, as already seen.

All I am saying is if you want civilised discussion then look at your own party before the opposition. Dont quote me after being baited by someone who shares your view and say “that goes for everyone” quote the person who actually started it and kick their butt for it, Mr hall monitor. Surprisingly you actually gave said post a :heart: (yes, we can actually see who is liking posts now Skruff) which only further proves just how biased you are in this discussion. I will be polite when I am treated politely and not a minute sooner.

How so? Even if I’m misinterpreting your intentions, I’m still adversely affected by your emotes. So the end result is still that I am squelching you every match. And given the fact that I’m squelching you every match, simplifying that task by adding a toggle would be a nice and easy QoL improvement.

Not at all. I’m suggesting that rather than deactivating the emote button, just make the squelching player automatically be squelched himself. Doesn’t that achieve the same result? I.e. keeping a player from BMing you while “hiding” behind squelch.

Whoah… simmer down there. I just asked that people be nice. And I very deliberately said that goes for everyone, which applies to all sides of the discussion. And if that wasn’t explicit enough: Please everyone be nice in your comments. No need to lob insults or personal jabs. Stick to the topic.

You see, this is an excellent example. You seem pretty upset about my post. You feel singled out, when I only intended to encourage more (but nicer) comments. Even though I didn’t intend to, my post upset you. And that’s ok. You feel how you feel. It doesn’t matter if I intended otherwise. You were upset and responded to that.

I use the like button for agreement with the issue, nothing more. The button is for whatever you what it to be for. FYI, I also flagged one of his posts (although I don’t think that’s something that should be discussed).

I’ve written a gazillion posts in support of auto-squelch, and you needed the like tracker to tell you I’m biased?!? Come on dude. I’m pretty sure my bias on the issue is crystal clear.

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  1. Because your interpretation of my “greetings” is unlikely to be my intent. I am just saying G’day before the game starts. When I say “Well Played” at the end of the game my intention is the equivalent of shaking hands after a game. Your interpretation of my emotes is no more relevant than my intention, period! You being emotionally affected by my emotes is a YOU issue, not a ME issue, especially in a game with such limited communication between opponents.

  2. Only if you surrender your right to emote yourself. If BM emoting is an argument for AS, then those using it should lose the privilege of BM emoting themselves. Yet you dont want that change to be incorporated in a hypothetical AS feature to which the only logical conclusion is you are a hypocrite. You want to be able to BM your opponent while being immune to theirs!?! Nope, you decide you dont want to communicate with your opponent, then you lose the ability to do so yourself!

  3. No simmering down, the pot has been stirred. I am NOT the one who started lobbing insults, but I will return the gesture when they are lobbed at me! My opinion is just as relevant as yours or anyone elses on the topic, and I WILL NOT be told otherwise. Not by you or anyone else!!! The fact you targeted me with your request instead of the person whom started it, while also giving them a like in the process, does nothing to help your cause.

Get your own side in line then maybe, just maybe, I will play nice. Until such a time do not EVER tell me how I am to behave in a thread which I am following the CoC for while posting in. NEVER!


Correct. And the current solution to that issue is squelching every match. And it would be nice if they would simplify that repetitive and tedious action by adding a simple toggle.

I agree. But make the squelcher also squelched as opposed to disabling the emote button. That way the squelcher can still click his own emotes, but they don’t broadcast, which is what you want to avoid. I think we are actually in agreement in this one, yes?

I’d prefer you both be nice.

Of course it is. And people are free to agree or disagree with that opinion. And then politely present the reasons they agree or disagree. That makes for a good discussion. (As opposed to telling someone to punch himself in the groin).