So how many should I be forced to endure before it’s ok to squelch? To me, even one is enough to sour my game.
My issue has always been w/ preemptive squelching, manual or automatic is irrelevant.
Ok. But from the opponents perspective, simply ignoring the emotes delivers the exact same effect of non-responsiveness.
I just find the behavior baffling, but I have learned it is not for me to judge the reasons why.
But I can still think it’s weird and rude.
Automating an already manual behavior isn’t going to change the “weird people”
Precisely. And I know you mean no insult there, as I’ve come to know you through our history of discussion. I acknowledge that my reaction to emotes is different than that of most people. And that my reaction is such that it drives me to preemptively squelch may seem weird to some (weird in the sense of odd, not supernatural).
Finally got his dev answer saying no, posts anyways.
Why, Skruff?
Hearthstone doesn’t have a lot of ways to interact with other players. Emotes are one of the few ways to actually have some sort of communication. I’d say as far as toxic behaviors go, emotes are among the least harmful. I can put in a bug report for this, I can understand why this would be frustrating.
I believe that is the full quote from Liv on the question. And I don’t see the word “no” in there at all. Is there another post somewhere that I missed?
Furthermore, Liv’s comment does not even address the issue correctly. I have no objection to those who prefer to “communicate” with emotes. The issue is about those who have already decided that they don’t want to “communicate” with emotes. His response was a bit ignorant of the heart of the issue.