Once again, priest gets zero synergy with the crap cards we get. It takes forever to get imbue rolling. You have to cross your fingers wasting 2 mana on imbue gives you a useful card that your going to lose if you can’t or don’t use it. Meanwhile mage and druid know exactly what they’re getting and can build and plan for it. Glad priest was nerfed before even giving it a chance.
Good. !@#$%^ priests in this game.
It just lost the best card in the game with the rotation, so the Devs probably check to see how it does. I bet they will buff it at some point (or nerf its opponents) if they see it does badly at stats.
Sure the Devs could be skilled but they’re not, and they could have done that before release if they haven’t.
Yep he is horrible and there is no reason to be surprised. Extremely slow value that when it pays off its too late.
Aviana is a disneyland combo as expected, but people were laughing at me.
Can it be discovered by the Imbue?
i assume so, also by malorne
Yes but lets be realistic. Why would anyone pick her? What’s the scenario? How much do you have to upgrade your hero power before you actually choose and play her immediately?
Priest is so weak that every round he fights to survive. Every time you are hoping for a lightbomb, a moonwell,shadow word ruin stuff like that. Almost never a minion.
Even if you discover her with malorne, who you would pick her over any other wild god?
Yes the game has slowed down but not enough to drop a vanilla minion. Why wont you pick a moonwell to drop it after a tyrande to insta turn the tables?
Very late game I guess. The whole expansion appears to be designed for late game. Eg look at what Legendary they gave for free at first.
I noticed the mage imbue shines mainly on very late game. Without any cards in hand or a deck it does good damage.
I dont think its bad i think its too early to say its bad its been great in arena im going to try and replicate that in standard.
Lets way for the meta to form its stil early.
Meta is starting to form, already have DK and DH decks out there frustrating players
I dont think the meta is in its final form there are many decks that stil need refinement i dont think its close to being settled its only day 2.
F### Miketheballwasher
Have you seen Druid yet lol
Also, Priest looks like it’s going to be this expansion’s punching bag
no its not day 2.
there was early access and many decks been tried out.
priest is super slow and very boring.
i main priest and it was very bad, rolled a dk cheapest deck and mixed in a few cards,
9 games 78% winrate d2. it’s another world compared to priest.
There was indead but the early access was a limited and so it was really hard to say ok it wil be good or bad in meta since it was a different format.
I still maintain the meta is forming and more ppl wil start to tech silence for dh or even bayfin bodybuilder i saw one streamer do it works rly good if u can pull it off.
hope you are right. it happened before. but its hard to see this time.
The imbue hero power is underrated. When it’s like -6 mana it can do some pretty broken things. It shines if you stay for at least 4-5 rounds in end-game.
i run aviana on my imbue protoss i usually try to win with mothership pulls
aviana is there for a turn 9+ with an empty board vs other slow decks
and what do you mean by "hoping "f or a light bomb ? we can make sure to have it on curve almost every single game !
I was talking about priest’s imbue. How weak it is and how little it rewards you. Mentioned moonwell and lightbomb as 2 high cost high reward possible drops. The problem with this hero power and how it stacks is that you dont get the most out of it the majority of the time.
Its not rare to get stuck between a 2 cost spell a 2 cost minion that provide nothing in the latter stages of the game. Priest currently always plays from behind and it feels like that every time you use the hero power you are hoping either of these 2 wave clears.
Imo it should stack differently. Every time you imbue it should upgrade the mana cost of the discovered spell or minion (1 cost, 2 cost, 3 cost…) so it doesnt fall behind later or give you temporary options you cant even use in the early rounds. Or at least remove the temporary limitation. What’s up with that anyways? Everyone gets a permanent effect every time they imbue except priest.