Imagine having all cards burned in a CARD game

hey just wanna say that it is impossible to play if my opponents burn me all my cards , i can’t play cards in a CARD game , so what’s the point of trying to play if i can’t PLAY in a video game if i can’t play , having no cards is like having an empty game so if the game is empty and if i am empty as hell i gonna . why i pu cards in my deck ? i gonna start my deck with zero cards that’s gonna do the same things …

QUIT THE GAME , because everything is empty and maybe the brain of the publisher , that’s what i am gonna do .

i have all uninstalled the game , batle net launcher and the game and all blizzard game because they are thrash company .


cards have mana costs if you werent able to play cards until warrior 8 mana play that means your mana curve sucks

you are so wrong and arrogant


He’s an incognito Blizzard employee on a player account, he taunt and he’s never been banned. Yes, he should be fired.

He doesn’t even do his job, he has to tell Blizzard about the players’ displeasure, he does it? no, he spends his time trolling, taunting and if you ever respond to him aggressively (which is normal because he’s the one who starts), he bans you with a smile.

This is what blizzard is an arrogant company (outlaw business) with arrogant employees.

All of that is nonsense and you should be banned for harassing him.

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not checking mana curve during deck building is a very common mistake

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I am not quoting anyone in my message.

Oh come off it, even your username is targeted harassment


What are you talking about?

I have the right to name myself whatever I want, especially since my nickname is not outside the charter.

And I have the right to think that you’re despicable and pathetic for doing so


You harass me and what’s more you troll and I don’t even know what you’re talking about.

Edit this forum is a shame, you don’t even have a blacklist system.

Pure raw hypocrisy. You shouldn’t even have the ability to flag posts

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You are quoting a reply talking about a specific person and slander about said person.
Even though you did not quote the person you talk about, the dots are not really hard to connect.
And if ever I were to be wrong and you were not slandering about that person, who the heck are you talking about then ? Because your reply does not make any sens if it is not targeted. Do you often come on forums to tell made up off-topic stories about fictionnal people that no one talked about and no one knows beside you ?

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Did you know that it’s also impossible to play if your hp reach 0 ?
Strange idea to design such a rule in a game where you have life points and you can’t play if you don’t have any left.

Also imagine having a forum with a reply system but creating a brand new topic instead of replying to the one you already created about the exact same thing

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I THINK our guy Scr0tieMcB is on to something…

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The primary problem is cards in HS are not balanced … and never will be.

Blizzard doesn’t want balanced game play. They want you to spend money to get the OP cards. If cards were balanced, then you’d spend less money since you wouldn’t NEED that OP card.

I had it happen to me and was mad. So I made the deck. It is harder to pull off than I would have thought.