Imagine being able to buy card backs and/or heroes

Yes, I know this has been brought up before. I would just like to bring it up again because that is how things get noticed. I would like to see past card backs being purchasable. I feel like card backs from promotional events should stay promotional so they stay “special”, but I see no reason to not have access to past season designs in some shape or form. On the same note, I would also love to have more playable characters. Especially the ones from the dalaran heist. Their voice lines and everything are already done, and I would so be down to buy or unlock them to customize my classes. I feel as though I am revoicing the opinions of many in the past, but I’m sure there are a few people holding onto their 2014 card backs wanting to scream at this post.

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There’s room for free card backs, purchase-able card backs, promotional card backs, and seasonal card backs, but there’s no reason for the same design to move between the categories.

If Blizzard announces a card back and says it is earn-able by X, than that’s how it should stay. If they make a habit out of flip-flopping, players will lose faith in future rewards; and past rewards will be devalued. That’s no way to run a railroad.

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I would feel cheated if someone is able to purchase my Mecha Jaraxxus. I bought the preorder only because Warlock is my favourite class and I wanted to have a cool hero, I was told it’s the only option to get him.

This kind of feelings makes your propose unacceptable. However I think there should be a lot more different heroes in the store.

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All heroes should be in the store for X time during Y event. Make them available outside the bundle but keep them limited time.

You missed the opportunity the first time around. So you want to make them available again for a limited time. Just enough time so that YOU get them. Limited. Meaning others might miss out on the opportunity. Just like you did.

Why limited time if you want to make them accessable again?

  • Purchasable heroes (10 buck a pop) didn’t exactly take off, Team 5 stopped after releasing 3 (three) of them. Lot’s of people complained about it.

  • Twitch prime heroes or other specific deals they made with companies weren’t abvailable to all players or even in all countries. Lot’s of people complained about it.

  • Heroes added as an advertizing bonus to prepaye packs actually selled like hotcakes. Lot’s of people complained about it..

  • “Re-releasing” former skins for cash, again, would lead to (you get the idea, hm?)

Other (not just Blizzard) games have these special skins, pets or whatnot, too: Time limited , thru events or for a price. Just deal with it that you likely won’t have a “full collection”(*) of Hearthstone, ever.

(*) Of some code and artwork in a virtual CCG that someday will cease to exist - not that you can put all this onto a shelf and polish it each weekend.

I wouldn’t. What if you weren’t playing at that time? The Boomsday card packs are still available to buy. For World of Warcraft, you can still buy the goodies that came with the deluxe version of past expansions which are a few years old now.

I’d love it if Hearthstone did that too.


The only way to not (overly) upset player who grabbed whatever when it was available for limited time would be to overprice it.
Which in turn would not be what the people asking for them want.
I mean there might be a whale here or there that doesn’t care about money but want full collection, but those would be the minority.

I reckon the alternative is to allow trading, but then to prevent people abusing alts, it would have to be a complicated obfuscated market system. And I dunno if blizz would be incentivized even if they extract a tax out of it.

That is why I mentioned PROMOTIONAL items to not be included. Please read before you reply.

Imagine indeed. It’s like some consoles don’t wanna print money.

Why on earth Nintendo doesn’t put a VC on the Switch is the same question as why Blizzard isn’t filling the Shop with flashy stuff.

I’d spend hundreds on both.

You are completely missing my intention and twisting my words. I don’t care about the pre-order bonuses, since those were paid for and were PROMOTIONAL. I am talking about the card backs where you only needed to win 5 games in a season or complete a medium-sized quest. A business has only one reason for existing: money. And Blizzard could make a lot of money from this.

I didnt respond to you. I agree with you. I responded to Zagara who claimed “all heroes should be in the store for X time during Y event. Make them available outside the bundle but keep them limited time”

I dissagree with this. Its basically means he wants Blizzard to re-release items HE missed out on, for a limited time, enough time for HIM to grab the items, but said items being unavailable for future players afterwards. Meaning he wants special treatment from Blizzard he wants to deny other players who will be in his EXACT same possition in the future.

Screw over your customers by breaking an implied/perceived promise once, you may make money that one time. But you then have to net that out against all the future money you lose from players who no longer trust you and will not get suckered a second time.

If you are a business in a collectible genre, you need to preserve the value those collectibles or you soon ultimately have nothing.