Im deleting hearthstone

This is straight up bull. This company has spit in my face and the community way to many times. Whats this new expansion gonna be 0 mana roguestone and druid once again. Im tired of it if you cant do your damn job by balancing these classes you should all be fired. Why should you collect paychecks if you don’t work. This is supposed to be a fair game of strategy but it has become who can cheese and cheat because “my” class is broken right now. You leave these cards shadowstep, dew process, etc and you just pile on. Lets look at blizzards bright idea. Let make a 2 mana 2/2 mailbox dancer 2.0 that can combo with mailbox dancer 1.0 so what rogues never run out of mana…fu im tired of this cheesy bull. There are way better games with developers who actually care about balance and not play my whole deck. I hit you in the face because i can your class is slow. I broke the game bullshi


Good good, more people leaving…soon enough this blizzard white knights will just have no one to play with and videos like the one above will stop :slight_smile:


The irony is, they will complain that everyone who left is what killed the game, when they were the ones telling people to leave!


White knighting? lol for Assivision? :joy::joy:

I only posted that because A) Activision doesn’t care if OP leaves. B) The game will continue onward if the OP leaves or stays. And C), the most important reason. NOBODY ELSE CARES ON THIS FORUM IF OP LEAVES.


I’ll be here to collect their tears.

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As will I.

::raises glass::

For all the slim pickens in the forums, riding this thing all the way down to the giant KABOOM!

And my axe!

Oh uh, I mean, save some for the rest of us.

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Imagine if you losers deleted your accounts and didn’t comb the forums looking for “I quit posts” in order to pretend like the entire community feels the same way to justify your crocodile tears.

Most people that quit a game don’t stick around and troll the forums unless you have the maturity of a 12 year old prepubecent boy.

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In the grand scheme of things, the “bigger loser” would be those probably those “combing the forums” just to comment about people commenting about “I quit” posts in the latest attempt to try and desperately prop up your corporate overlords.

It’s not like kotic and co are going to let you in the board room, invite you to their fancy parties, or ever take you out in their fancy yachts!

The only people “shedding tears” is you lot. We just want better games.

Posts (and upvoted) from the average representative of a pro company troller, who literally does just that.

I believe that more than uninstalling this scam game, a better solution may be to find a way to play for free and get 80% of the cards without spending a single dollar, what I’ve been doing for years now, Blizzard will never have my money because there are so many dark points on the hs algorithms, and no answer to the questions that the community has been asking for years as for the fake random system which isn’t random at all but is instead an intelligent control system

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I love these “I quit” posts. The “quitting” players vent their frustration, anger and mostly point out definite problems in the game. Then you’ve got the defenders of Hearthstone, rushing in to discredit the posters, defend the game with vitriol fury and think the game is flawless. These defenders actually think that the devs will reward their loyalty in some way.

Then you’ve got players like me. We surf the forums to watch the fireworks, occasionally poking either side if the flames are going down just to spark them back up again.

It’s fun. It’s hilarious. It fills us with joy.

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I’'m getting close. I SURE as hell aint giving them any more money. 2 out of 3 games is against a death knight playing the same damn deck. They really need to balance the game a bit. It can’t just be death knights all the time guys.