I'm calling blizzard out

I have played games with friends and they can confirm something isn’t right. Everytime i play against a tendril deck the odds of RNG are not correct. This is just one example. I was playing reno rogue…had flik in my hand ready to eat tendrils. I used Reno and he was out of cards. He was on a 5 cast tendril that turn with double battlecry activated. Every turn it killed his tendril so he could use another 3 times in a row. I couldn’t even use Flick because every turn he would kill his Tendrils. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE. Does anybody even work at blizzard i really want answers. Anytime i play tendril i get the worst rng possible and i mean the worst. ANYBODY IS FREE TO SPECTATE AND WATCH

Last note this happens with i play Tess. I shadow stepped her twice once when i had used a fireball. both were to my face with over 6 minions on the board

Now look at things from your opponent’s point of view. Be rational, you just had bad luck, that’s all :slight_smile:

ur always free to spectate and prove me wrong

What about you share replays instead ?
No one will be willing to spectate you exactly when you play and wait until there’s something relevant
If you use a deck tracker and share the replays of your recent games it’s way more efficient to browse through directly to the relevant information

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I don’t have to prove anything to you.
I hate “reasonings” with conspiracy overtones. It’s a card game with increased RNG factor, simple :relieved:

is funy when people think blizzard would target them to make them lose