I'm already hating the tourist cards

The issue being, the tourist cards themselves are actually GOOD cards that you want to play. For how powerful these cards are, they should really be a dead draw like genn/baku, but so far all the revealed tourist cards do something useful, and might be cards you might include even without the tourist text. Having the ability to add another class’s cards to your deck should come at the cost of having a dead card, not a card that’s great on it’s own.

So is your ideal set one that wouldn’t add any new useful cards to change the current meta?

Tourists only allow the other PIP cards, not like paladin can run shadow step with a forged muscle-o-tron

As far as I’ve seen not a single tourist is auto include because none of them break the game for their main or secondary class.

Obviously no existing deck is guaranteed to stick around but

-no minion mage can’t run a tourist(or at least have it in their deck when they want the benefits)
-Death Knight only has frost and shadow spells hardly would say a 5 mana draw 2 is AUTO include without shaman having good PIP cards they won’t want it
-Does handbuff paladin care about Lynessa she is 5 mana herself and needs a card played with her to be useful(so realistically only good at 7+mana), we aren’t getting a nerf for hand buff paladin so they more then likely gonna be good. I think they care more about the 6/6 charge if they want to ETC it or the windfury for the Southsea deck hand, the games they don’t win by punishing bad draws they need more burst options, not a slow 2/5 value card

I didn’t say it shouldn’t add new useful cards. I’m also aware it’s PIP cards only, but that’s still significant. And there’s no arguing that there’s significant power creep ever year. So the less good cards released the better IMO.