Ignite Mage card

2 Mana:
Infinite value, infinite dmg, infinite resources.
So brain dead, This card need to be in all of fame ASAP.


I mean it’s literally a weaker card than Forgotten Torch.

Auctioneer is the problem, not Ignite.


IMHO Ignite should start at 1dmg, not 2. Mage having INSANE draw power and discounted cards makes it easy to play and draw the next one and play and draw the next one in one turn.

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Agree with the others in this thread.

The problem is mage’s draw power. I’ve seen mage hit the bottom of their deck by turn 7/8. Which is ridiculous

Sanctum Chandler is likely far more dangerous than Auctioneer for Ignite decks. Not only is it cheaper, the draw is also targeted so you can (potentially) go off faster.

Rare · Minion · United in Stormwind · After you cast a Fire spell, draw a spell.


Mage has a lot more spells than it has fire spells, though.

Also if you’re running Sanctum Chandler, you’re probably not running the quest. And a big part of what makes Ignite strong is the +3 spell damage.

Yeah, Mage’s best use of Ignite is actually in the quest deck which, ironically, has a highly effective variant that uses Auctioneer.

You don’t need Fireballs or Apexis Blasts when you can just cycle your deck into an Ignite loop super quick, and Auctioneer can take advantage of discounted non-Fire spells to get there more effectively than Chandler can.

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I sure love infinite draw and cast ignite. So interactive.


How many ignite are actually cast in a game normally?


And that between the two ignites in the deck so most ignites not even pass over the 4 damage version.

Sorry but even with the “infinite draw power” it really isn’t going too insane.


Its still the n1 card i want to see nerfed right now people have no idea how strong it is, im also running it in my Mage makes it so much easyer to complete the quest since theres no minions on board to target with ice spells in many matchups.

Its also an instant win for me against another Quest Mage mirror that doesnt run him.

Warlock, Mage and Rogue the card is broken across multiple classes and those are the ones i play.

warlock is actually better off without him.

the zoo version without auctioneer kills you well before the combo version with him manages to discount both him and sos to start the chain.

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Mage and Rogue sure, but no one in their right mind is running Auctioneer in Warlock. They have more than enough draw from Lifetap and class cards.

how ? they cant discount it again or does the copy gets the mana discount from incanter flow ?

Last game I played they were casting 0 mana ignites at 6,7,8 damage each, and kept drawing cards with auctioneer, mana cakes, and refreshing water.

Sure, probably just a good hand deck setup, but just watching 30 health slowly disappear in a turn is fun.


You get at most two 0 mana Ignites per game, barring discovering more then playing two Incanter’s Flows.

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no, but the auctioneer version runs biscuits and hot streaks.

you have enough 0-1 cost spells due to incanters to cycle with auctioneer and when you shuffle in the ignites you can start generating mana to keep going. Between biscuits, hot streaks and RSW you generate enough mana to keep chucking those things and every single one of them draws itself back cause you have emptied your deck already.

you also forgot no fatigue damage.

I mean they take fatigue damage. Unless you mean when they just draw it naturally each turn, but if your opponent is in fatigue and just chunking you every turn like that, then the game is probably over anyway.

This card is absolutely broken,it needs to get nerfed,immune to fatigue, dealing damage and cheap cost is too strong.

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Ignite is a totally overpowered card and needs to be HOFed fast.
It is a joke that this card even was released in the same set as the quest at all.