If you're playing BSM, stop doing this

Stop. Trading. Your. Oils.

This is assuming your are running the Surfalopod or Under the Sea cards which nearly everyone is doing.

I saw so many players at Legend doing this and then seeing it backfire… only for them to do it AGAIN in the same game. You know your oils are spells, right?

Seriously, what are you doing? Why would you purposefully cripple your own deck synergy?

These must be new BSM players or something.


A lot of them are likely jumping onto the bandwagon.

Even before release Skyla is one of the most hyped card from the entire miniset. I wouldn’t say everyone, but lots of people saw this from a mile away.

The fact you see them at legend implies that this deck is so easy to pilot that bandwagoners can go far with it despite making mistakes.

This week’s tavern brawl is the one with the fixed draw. Saw so many BSM. That too is evidence that the deck is very low player agency. If you just curve out right, the combo just plays itself.


That or do yourself a favor and not play surfalopod and under the Sea.


You can’t stop me from trading my oils!

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Today I’ve seen some Reddit guy being happy with his first time 5700+ legend (on 12th it must to be one of the lowest possible positions I believe) with BSM and wr of 77%.

Doesn’t that kind of answers your question and describes the deck as a bonus? :smirk:

P.S. My bad, just seen the thread again and it is not 5700 but 7261 :scream:


This might have been very good advice before the miniset but I am not really seeing this anymore with the latest versions of BSM. Both cards are much easier to play now thanks to coins and rogue mana cheat, and the early game has enough tempo to stay afloat until these go down.

Maybe if aggro starts getting under BSM too much these other versions would perform better, dunno.

They are definitely easier to play, but I’m not sure it’s best. You can shore up your early game weaknesses way better running cards like heat wave and geyser, which surf and under the sea prevents.

The card stats on them will look good because when they are used, they can win games, but they make you needlessly weak to stuff that could otherwise be dealt with.

They are probably the easiest cards to drop to shore up your bad matchups without harming your good ones.

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But Schyla, have you considered that yellow end turn button bad?


It’s warning you you can do more! How can not doing all possible moves be bad?!


Not to mention, you can actually use salesman AND trade with no issue, something the other deck cannot do.

I don’t even know why these BSM decks are running salesman if they are coin generating.


What is BSM and what precisely is everyone talking about? The only thing ive recognized at all so far in this thread is the snake oil spell. Im so lost.

Side note:

Why you gotta rain on someone’s obvious parade? If its their first time reaching legend thats a great thing for them. I’ve never heard of a marathon winner raining on someone else for finishing their first marathon. Its just poor form. Im gonna throw out a figurative grats to whoever you are speaking about for their achievement. Because they deserve it, and earned it. What they didnt deserve or earn was your rain on their parade.

It stands for Big Spell Mage, humans are too lazy to type the whole thing.

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Well, you would’ve not being typing this if you would’ve knew how much BSM hurts players experience. :slight_smile:

I just made the deck (super expensive btw… cost me 3200 dust as I was shy by 5 cards…of course they were a legendary and 4 epics…) and won fairly quickly and didnt even mulligan my first hand despite the 9 and 5 cost cards i got. as I got the coin and immediately could see the combo of swapping the cost of the 9 cost fire spell and the coin if i could live to turn 5. lol. Im pretty happy with the result, most of these minions and spells ive never even seen before so I find it an interesting deck.


If I can use this deck to climb to gold or even plat, ill be super proud of myself. If it can take me higher than even that, i will be making a thread for my own parade so i can feel proud of the climb Ive made. Im not using a gimmick like a turn 2 30/30 Charge minion or something broken like that. Im using regular spells and minions and from what I skimmed of the cards in it nothing OP about it. Had I not gotten the coin then my lowest cost spell in hand by that point would have been that 9 cost one… as the only other one was my 10 cost spell… so it was merely the flip of the coin at the start of game that yielded me the coin.

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I think that is why some lists run the miracle salesman, you hold snake oil in hand to swap as it is a 1 cost spell, or run the 2/2 battlecry get a 1 cost spell(or both) to increase your odds of having low cost spells to swap

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My favorite is the people who coin out king tide on turn 3.


I may or may not have done this on my first game with BSM when he came out because I had another coin in hand and didn’t think about how that wouldn’t be free lol


I don’t play mage but I know the 0 cost spell synergizes with spell damage.

I do run one in my Hunter deck strictly to trade, haha. I swapped one of them for Camouflage Mount and having pretty good luck with it.

Once I got to Gold 10, I grinded the event quests. I returned late so threw together some decks strictly to grind out those. Took a couple hours with some breaks in between but I’m all caught up.

I don’t have enough gold for the mini set (halfway there) but once I do, I’ll probably pick it up for the dust.

BSM is a literal coin toss when I face them. It is down to who draws better. I am often surprised at how long I last in some matches.

Why buy a miniset just to dust it? ill never understand people that do things like this…