If you're playing BSM, stop doing this

Good dust for the cost

dusting the miniset is dumb, the whole of the pip set is a must craft for the rest of the year and all of next year

Everything but Skyla on the mini set:

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Anyway skyla also confirms my theory.

If we just had a new set of tourist instead of the usual set. It would have been more fun.

Sure she is nuts as a card but you need to remember that BSM is just the most obvious list to use rogue cards.
I having fun like i don’t had in the last 3/4 years with this game.

You DO know that the original deck runs 2x greedy partners for coins? So you don’t have to go 2nd to enjoy that combo xDD

It’s actually the core of the deck, as it gives you tons of consistency + early game board pressure…

which brings me back to:

Because it’s the best 1-drop mage has access to…and you need that early board presence or else you turn into an afk Druid who didn’t get his ramping done

The alternative is Frequency oscillator, which is literally useless, as you don’t run any mechs + it dies to any ping

But i have that 1 mana left that i MUST spend. I was told that if you don’t spend all of your mana on a turn you are a terrible HS player.

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Understood, keep shuffling oil

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Yeah ive seen it in the decklist of mine on the side, but ive yet to need it. either I can play those big spells when they get drawn which is nice, or i can make em cost 5 on my next turn, I have won 6 matches and have yet to ever play that minion yet. I get why one would use it, but so far I havent felt it is needed so far in my exploration with it.

Why make it cost 5 when you can make it cost 0???

Thanks, but considering I have an IQ above 60 I didnt need you to tell me that you vapid idiot.

because its not always in my hand to do so? (that legendary that makes the swap in cost). but there are multiple other avenues to cast the only 5 spells in the deck for cheaper or free. So while i get the intent of the snake oil minion’s inclusion… i havent been in a scenario that came close to needing it or would have been better had i used it.

Apparently, you don’t, although I literally just said why:

That’s, ofc, if you didn’t say “snake oils” by mistake - we were talking about greedy partners

Ofc you need it. If nothing else, you can at least cheat 2 mana on turn 4 and play a khadgar or Surfalopod because of it.

You’re saying that you’d like to progress, yet all you do and say runs contrary to that. If Carnivore knew what the term means, he would have told you that your “cognitive dissonance” is big.

You are a bronze rank player and a bronze rank deckbuilder. Try listening to others if you wanna get out of bronze.

I dont know the card names so Idk what you were talking about. I was talking about the minion that give you the snake oil spells that cost 0 or 1. IDK the cost. just for the ability to use the legendary to swap the cost of the 9 or 10 cost spell to that cost instead…

Like i explained, I havent been in a scenario where I didnt have the coin when i had the legendary and the expensive spell. I have been in a scenario where I had none of the above but I played the one that would cast on draw and so I got it for free anyways. I also have been in the scenario where I had the big spells but not the coin and not the snake oil maker and not the legendary to make the cost swap, but i did have the one that made spells cost 5 til the end of my next turn, so that worked just as well and won just a easily.

My claim was that I havent been in a scenario yet where using that minion to make the oils just for the cost swap strategy to have something to make the cost swap super effective… Im not saying it doesnt exist or i wont encounter it. and IDK what else you going on about as I dont recognize the cards by name, just by what they do. so if you going on about other stuff i wasnt talking about then I dont get why you taking a “Im better than you and heres what i think you you” attitude and choice of terms.

It isnt necessary.

If you’d like to expand on what you talking about outside of namedropping card names alone in order to convey what you going on about, im all about that conversation. If not, then you will just have to be content with i dont know what you are going on about. but i doubt its the same thing I was talking about.

Are you serious?

This is literally the truth, nothing more, nothing less. How do you intend to leave bronze if you keep ignoring every piece of knowledge that might help you do it?

This was my original message, and your reply was:

The thing is, paying 0 mana for a tsunami or 5 on turn 4, is not the same. You can play 5 mana worth of cards MORE that turn if you run Greedy Partners (2 mana 2/3 with battlecry: if you’re holding another 2-cost card, get a coin)

So it’s a much stronger play. Just because you THINK you don’t need it, doesn’t mean it’s true that you don’t.

I’m yet to see anyone using a snake oil to discount tsunami or sunset to 1

Main purpose of Miracle Salesman (1 mana 2/2 with deathrattle: Get a snake oil) in this deck is early game board presence, as it’s the strongest 1-drop a Mage has access to right now.

Swapping costs of spells is a backup of a backup plan, if that.

Since the OP was talking about the snake oils spells guy so thats what I was talking about. When you namedropped a card I assumed you were merely naming the same card that had been being talked about so thats my Bad, but ive never been one to know a card by its name or be able to recognize one by a name. so when you bring up a card by name and dont include what it does I’m gonna assume you are talking about the same card I and the OP were. thats where the breakdown happened as I had no idea you bringing up another card entirely not what the OP was talking about. SO when you caught I had said snake oils, that was no mistake, that was what I was talking about and had the opinion of not ever finding a need for em in the game as of yet.

I was never discussing the 2 cost get a coin if you holding another 2 cost card… I was always talking about the snake oils guy… IDK why you brought up the 2 cost guy when I wasnt talking about it. You might have, but since the OP was talking about the snake oils spells to begin with thats the card I couldnt find a scenario where it was a needed strat card. and Ive NEVER drawn a 1 cost card in an opening hand or mulligan opening hand lol. so while you may throw it in there as a best one drop or whatever, the odds of ever getting such a rare starting hand of having something playable on turn one without using the coin is just astronomical in my plays. Might as well wager on an actual Radio Flyer Wagon missing a wheel winning a nascar race before I ever get a 1 drop in my opening hand lol.

All your other bits about the 2 cost guy sound fine i suppose. Im not one that can follow all the maths involved with your description so it just goes whoosh to me lol. But the perfect storm scenario you are proposing while it may exist the ones Ive experienced are the ones I listed. I was able to just play the (3/4/5? I cant recall) cost guy that casts next spell on draw for free and it was the end of that turn I drew it and it fired off so I didnt even have to wait thru the opponent’s turn to get the value of it. The one 4 or 5 cost minion that makes spells cost 5 thru the next 2 turns for both players, and was able to spit out both the fire and the frost spell the following turn. I was once able to do the spell cost swap using the 5 cost legendary minion for the coin and the fire spell which was nice. So all the scenarios Ive experienced didnt rely on the 2 cost guy or would have changed them in my view as Id need another 2 cost in hand for it to even give me the coin… and id need the legendary of which i only get the 1 so its odds of being in my hand when I want it or need it is almost the same as the wagon in nascar as I described above lol.

I dont get the maths you are saying of how I can play 5 more mana worth of cards on a turn ive only got 5 mana on…suggesting i could play 10 mana worth of stuff on 5 mana? IDK what you are getting at if thats not it.

Again, ill take the L on not knowing a card by name but thats something I;ll never be able to know by memory or able to recognize by name. The way I form lasting memories of these things is first by their functions and 2nd by their image, and really theres not much of an ability for a by-their-name by that point. I need co workers to wear name tags for me to learn their name over a very long time, usually about 4 to 6 months is enough time for me to get used to a flesh and blood person I encounter every day to get their name to actually stick. Cards? pfft. That isnt a reasonable thing at all…it takes years and years and usually Im still wrong about their names.

I dont expect you to change how you decide to name drop a card in a convo. But just know Im not likely to know what you mean unless its already the subject of the discussion like how I assumed you meant the snake oils guy to be the one you named. if you are gonna bring up an entirely different card, chances are I have no idea its in my deck if all you do is namedrop it. but what it does instead of its name and Ill know what you talking about instantly.