If you want to solve the bot problem, be creative about it

Banning the botters is useless since they’ll keep creating new accounts and spoof their IP/device IDs to get around any bans.

If an account is flagged as a botter, don’t ban it right away. Wait until it detects an IP/device change and appears that a human’s actually playing it now (eg. someone bought the account), then ban them, their device, and all their other accounts. If you scare off people from buying these accounts, then the botters will go away since nobody will buy their accounts anymore.

The problem isn’t that they’re banning bots too early, it’s that they’re banning them too late.

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I think the issue is they’re just banning the accounts, not the people. You need to drop the hammer on the people buying accounts, they’re the real issue.

You try to do that and all of a sudden you have an entire network of (mostly) innocent people who can’t log in. Banning a Starbucks doesn’t fix anything.

You perma ban their device and any account that logged into that device.

You don’t know very much about network security, do you?

people who buy accounts arent innocent…

I’m saying that people who do bad things can use SHARED networks just like people who don’t do bad things. It’s actually extremely rare for a person to have their own IP address on the general Internet, it’s usually to a ISP and then subnetted from there (and then usually subnetted yet again at the user’s router). Generally speaking the IP address you see on a personal computer’s network settings page is the subnet IP address. Blizzard can’t just magically see inside these subnets. You can IP ban the entire ISP but that’s ridiculous (except perhaps for VPNs), so generally if they really care they type out an email to the ISP kindly asking them to get the user to stop. But unless it’s actually illegal (e.g. DCMA) most ISPs don’t care.

The point is that you can’t just ban a device. It doesn’t work like that because networks are not transparent like that, for security purposes they need to be very opaque from the outside.

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Banning a device = banning someone’s iphone or their PC with some kind of hardware ID. There’s ways to track users (which I guarantee you they’re already doing) besides network address. If someone’s sharing their phone or PC with a cheater then that’s their problem.

If you say so, name them.

For phones there’s a device ID
For PCs they can ban your hard drive serial number (which is one of the ways valorant bans cheaters)

Those are unique to the cheater and won’t catch anyone who hasn’t shared a physical device with them.

and they probably know how often we edit decks how long we play
bots are probably playing for longer than human possible

and the decklists they use …

so they can probably tell an account was sold the moment their activity changes drastically and the decks they use

ReLease the CoD bot!

Still the Starbucks problem.

Heck, I would have played hearthstone from 100 different ip’s Over the years.

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too late, the bot had been bottling for thousands? of games.

I would be nice if they picked up playstyle things, 2 bots in wild atm.

default names and mech rogue.

random names. all classes and basic deck, the run the same miniaturise card, the run 2x stormwind commander. they use coin on first turn if they have it, even if it’s 1 mana card, coin, nothing.

Just have some poor guy that watches every deck that is running 2x stormwind commander in wild and bans if he thinks its a bot, sadly that bot is now in platinum, I guess bot on bot games fluked a few to higher ranks.

Simple solution: Authentication before each match. If you don’t have time to input 4-6 numbers, then you don’t have time to play.

They should just implement a “ranked” queue like MOBAs do, it will take longer to find a match but at least the match will be against real players because the bots can continue using the regular queue we currently have which would be immediate games as it currently is

We already have ranked and casual mode.

Bottom of ranked mode is actually plagued by bots. Once you get to diamond/legend the issue is much less prevalent.

There is no way players would tolerate this.

Im talking about a Ranked Ranked Mode which takes a minute to find a match, this way the bots won’t use it.

There are bots at all ranks, prevalance or no the problem remains.