No, they really aren’t. Because if they were, the rigged outcomes would be detectable by aggregate data analysis, which has found nothing. So instead, any rigging must not lead to a detectable change in outcomes, which is the same thing as not having rigging.
He supports that with false manipulated data being technically possible.
Which is then part of the conspiracy, as I said.
Any third party side with access to correct data would LOVE to claim that they blew the lid on rigging. It would cement them as the premium data analysis site for the rest of Hearthstone’s existence. There’s no reason for them to be in on it, or to protect Blizzard in any way. They generate their own data independent of Blizzard. They don’t need Blizzard.
Prediction : Deaf ears, Groundhog Ding.
Eventually the day comes when someone gives a statement like this about blizzards matchmaking but i doubt that in the end its that important.
After the FBI accused those disclosing the Twitter Files of being conspiracy theorists, Twitter’s CEO Elon Musk in a podcast on Sunday said that all the conspiracy theories about Twitter are turning out to be true.
“To be totally frank,” Musk told the All-in podcast, "almost every conspiracy theory that people had about Twitter turned out to be true.
“Is there a conspiracy theory about Twitter that didn’t turn out to be true?” Musk asked. “So far, they’ve all turned out to be true and if not more true than people thought.”
Old Twitter had like 80 FBI Agents on payroll to block people, for sure it was just a weird feeling people had without evidence.
Ps: i dont like musk at all but i think hes not that kind of persons who needs to make something up like this. For sure there would be legal consequences with the FBI.
Musk is hardly a reliable source.
So if Blizzard gets eventually bought by microsoft and they would say… yeah matchmaking totally is and was rigged you would say not a reliable source?
Therefor we go nowhere with this,…
Musk is a conspiracy theorist. Microsoft is not.
But aside from that, even if he were right, is your argument really “this other thing that got called a conspiracy theory is true, therefore all things that get called conspiracy theories are true.” Because that’s silly.
Do you know the Schrodinger’s Cat ?
If we can’t prove it, then it is unknown. Not that it is true.
The issue is a company game algorithm, not scientific / mathematic theory, which is rooted and proven by other theories. Theory is believed to be true as it is based on other theories, observation, calculation, and experiment. Hearthstone match making system is believed to be fair because of what reasons ?
- Blizzard told you that vaguely.
- Data collected by HSReplay and VS Report ? Those data are enough ?
In my opinion, these 2 reasons are not enough for me. It may be enough for you and it is good for you, as it is your opinion. But, please, do not think you are smarter than other people for sure. It is arrogant.
To make me believe that match making is not rigged. More information is required.
- Blizzard should have their match making system investigated and certificated by respectable 3rd party, like legal party.
- The easier way is just always show the rank of the opponent. Just display it no matter how pseudo or temporary it is. People would understand that the rank Diamond 5 last month should be starting with Bronze something this month. It is not that hard to understand and obviously not a reason to keep it hidden.
Please, do not act like you are 100% correct. You are not that smart and so am I. You have not always gotten 100/100 score on every exams since you were born. You have made mistakes. You might be used to believe in something that is not proven like spirits, ghost, Santa Claus, or even God. Why did you believe in such things then ?
Debate and share your reasons and opinions is fine. Putting others down because they think differently is childish.
That’s not what the Schrodinger’s Cat thought experiment is about.
Putting people down because they think their unsubstantiated opinions they have no evidence for have the same weight as verifiable facts is required for honest intellectual debate.
I allways thought he is the conspiricy theory himself but thats another story.
The facts he shared weren’t news to people who followed along from the beginning.
The difference is how those facts were cast in his assessment, which is where we are in disagreement.
He has a clear agenda, which he is using the information he has to spin things in his direction.
Very familiar with it… and it’s about quantum phenomena, which we are not discussing.
It’s not relevant to our current topic.
Absent evidence to the contrary, yes.
You can believe the earth is flat all day, tell me what evidence you need, and make a dozen threads an hour - you’re still wrong.
Facts don’t care what you believe.
So is your entire position. It has the sophistication of believing in santa claus.
Yep, I know. I could make an example of whether a cat is in a box or not, but I think using the Schrodinger’s Cat has something similar, though not exactly the same.
Let me change it then.
There is a box in a locked room in another place in a different country. Can you tell if there is a cat inside the box or not ? The house owner tells you that there is no cat. Can we believe this ? How to prove ? If I cannot prove, it is guaranteed that there is a cat inside the box ?
This is what I meant.
Wow, Hearthstone match making algorithm is written by developers and you called it fact like sun rise or sun set.
I see no point in debating with you. You do not even answer my question if you used to believe in God or not. Why ? LUL
The man reveals his bigotry and idiocy day by day these days. The first man in the history of man to lose 200 billion dollars.
Because you lack any substantive point or fact, I can’t say as this has been any sort of debate to begin with.
Continue to believe your myths and legends, it makes no difference to me.
It doesn’t apply because we can see in the box… the output of the match is readily available for anyone who wants to aggregate the data.
Until you find something actually anomalous in the aggregate data, there’s no evidence of some nefarious matchmaking process.
Hey, you have quoted many of my comments. Why except the one I ask about God ? Afraid to answer sir ?
No. Never. None of those.
Ha. Nothing to answer… I don’t believe in magic.
Really ? You have never ever believe in non-scientific proven things since you were born ?
If that is true, congratulations then. You must be born to be scientist. No religion since birth.