If you think matchmaking is rigged, read this

Congratulations to us ! We see everything except the rank of our opponent. LUL

Is it so hard to implement ? Is there no space on the game UI ?

You are satisfied with those amount of information. I want more. Is that wrong ? The more data revealed, the closer we are to the real answer. Why do you say I do not need more infomation ? Everyone should have more information. Blizzard should be more transparent.

I do not see why you are mad about getting more information.

People like you are the one to belive that the world is flat before the world had Sailing and Telescope, because people back then cannot prove otherwise. I may be the one who believe that the world is round back then. Try thinking about it.

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Not sure why this would be strange to people. It’s more common than not in many parts of the world these days.

I know all about religion, studied many of them, but I don’t think there’s a magic sky god that feeds on my penitent adoration.

I also don’t think one can recite spells (prayers, some call them) to alter outcomes in the material world.

I guess that’s why it’s easy for me to be skeptical of the rigged claims absent affirmative proof.

These discussions always go the same way and that way is to ignore the burden of proof. People are so unsophisticated as to say “prove it isn’t rigged” and that’s not how any of this works.

To be clear, I am open to the possibility of it is manipulated beyond what has been stated publicly, but I refuse to believe that until someone shows me some solid evidence. There isn’t even a good, logically sound justification for rigging it - because the downside of getting found out is too great financially for the game and company.


So we fly there and measure everything coming out of the box, and it all says dog dog dog dog dog. At that point we conclude there is a dog in the box unless further information comes to light.

What we don’t do is assume and argue that there’s a cat in the box.


This is PATENTLY not what the experiment is about. The cat is either dead or alive is the point of the experiment. It’s an experiment about particle randomness on a macro scale, not about uncertainties.

Analysis of said code is based on theory. I don’t need to go and weight the cat if I know how much the box weights and can subtract one from the other.

Meaningless. Nobody believes Blizzard per se


An opinion is not above scrutiny.

Oh ho. Like people wouldn’t argue Blizzard could have used it’s untold billions to buy said party I’m case a search came up negative.


Your opinion is based on nothing but short term thinking.

Means nothing.

The answer is that you analyze the OUTPUT. We don’t need to look in the box itself if we can say with confidence that no cat feces is being output by the system.

In the same way, we don’t need to look inside Blizzard’s box, because we can look at the results of tens of millions of Hearthstone games. This is not a case of us not knowing whether the game is rigged or not, this is NOT analogous to whether God exists or not. This is analogous to whether the Earth is flat or not. We KNOW that it IS NOT because an object that makes no cat poop when under observation for five years is not a cat.

There is no evidence whatsoever for rigging. Literally zero. Only anecdote, and anecdote is worthless. The actual evidence is 100% against rigging.

There is a object making cat poop its just the dogs are eating it all so you never see the poop. It is so obvious.

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Yet, despite its preponderance, scientists have not been able to identify the particles that make up dark matter. They know dark matter exists and where it is but cannot directly see it. Since the 1990s, scientists have been building large experiments designed to catch elusive dark matter particles, but they continue to come up empty-handed.

Therefor regarding to you Dark Matter is somekind of scientific myth some weirdos talk about, since it cant be really proven yet … … like it cant be proven yet that the game is rigged or not.

Its like many players see patterns, we know the MM does more then we have been told but we havnt found evidence that dark matter really excists…ermmm that the game is rigged. And i dont believe your data source at all.

Its like believing in a healthstudy on smoking sponsored by a Tabacco Companie.

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No, because we can see the effects of dark matter in regards to gravitation and cosmology.

Nobody has shown even the slightest hint of changed outcomes as a result of rigging.


But theres still no actual proof its one big guessing. They know its there, they know there must be something but they cant proove it . Just with some theoretical mathematics. And yet other scientiest start to believe they just found some other gravitation law instead of what supposed to be dark matter… see nothing is for certain, scientists itself discover all the time new stuff and correct their old findings.

If you just would stick to one idea that never is allowed to change we would have no scientist and no new knowledge.

And we can see effects of rigged matchmaking in regards to matchups ingame, certain classes disappearing when changing decks etc…

Its one and the same claiming something you cant proove yet. Its there but you cant proove it. From our viewpoint atleast.

No, it’s not theoretical mathematics. Other things move in a way that means there must be matter there. We just don’t have a direct observation of that matter.

Direct observation is not required for proof. We have the entire field of chemistry that we know works and exists and has tons of applications. But the direct observation of chemical reactions is stupidly hard to do, and we haven’t even attempted doing it for all the chemical reactions we know exist.

But that doesn’t mean chemistry is fake.


Because they have evidence that proves it exists, not because they suspect it without evidence.

This is a great self-own, btw.

Is not the same as teams of scientists conducting repeated and rigorous analysis based in theory and prior observation.

They are not the same.

No, it isn’t, because the tobacco company provided falsifiable data that we can undermine with logic, reason, and additional observation.

Again, you are owning yourself here by showing the opposite of what you are doing.

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Except you can’t.

At least, not in any way other than individuals posting biased anecdotes. No hint of what you describe exists in TENS OF MILLIONS of games worth of data. Yet I’m supposed to believe that you saw it in a dozen?

I can do the same with hsreplay data because my logic and experience tells me that data can be and is mostlikly manipulated.

Then bring it.

Show your work. Prove it with the data.

Now, an international team of scientists says it has found new evidence that perhaps dark matter doesn’t really exist after all.

In research published in November in the Astrophysical Journal, the scientists report tiny discrepancies in the orbital speeds of distant stars that they think reveals a faint gravitational effect – and one that could put an end to the prevailing ideas of dark matter.

So maybe it doesnt excists at all and none of us is right.

In the end its just an example, scientist looking all the time for stuff they have no evidence and try to proove…some things take them decades before they have proof.

No, it’s just you making crap up and talking out your behind so you feel smart and important.

Again, prove it’s rigged or admit you’re just taking it on faith… like santa and the easter bunny.

Yes this is correct, what they don’t do in the meantime is insist it’s correct. Dark matter is a leading hypothesis, not a proven theory.

I don’t get why you’re still going on about this, you’ve already outlined that you believe matches are rigged and hsreplay data is falsified because of insert motive. That is absolutely one of the possibilities, along with being in a simulation or a dream. It’s your prerogative if you want to decide that’s the probability path you’re believing in rather than accepting that there are a plethora of possibilities.

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That is the argument from incredulity,


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Breaking news. New rigging evidence.

Disclaimer:the evidence is anecdotical but thats the best evidence.

What did Baum do in the movie “the big short” when his team at wallstreet thought there might be a bubble?
They did all the math but he needed the final evidence.
Thats right,he went to florida to gather anecdotical evidence for the final conformation. And ended up making 1 billion dollar for his clients.

Eitherway,the evidence.

On my f2p accounts i almost never got putri hero (once i think in many games). Lobby after lobby i saw putricide highroll but never got to experience that myself.

Now that putricide is no longer good…i got him offered 3 times in 4 games lol. (And did prettty well with 1,2 and 6th place).
Off course this is all within normal variance but its like this every single time.
At one point there are just to many “coincidences”.

I did unblock elchar and scrottie btw.
But i wont go into a serious discussion with them untill they admit that the experiment in this thread is nonsense and the counterwalls are not there in the matchup history of the winning players…
Scrottie did admit this indirectly but i want to hear this from him directly.

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Clearly you never read my posts, because you’d see that I said that I suspected the experiment wouldn’t translate well to the lower lower win rates of hearthstone matchmaking, but that said I’m happy to be left out of your replies.

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