If you think matchmaking is rigged, read this

Whats sad is that people still struggle to see the blatent manipulation of matchmaking blizzard uses in all their games after all this time. I dont like to use my IQ as a refence but I always tested really high in official IQ tests yet never really felt like I was smarter than people, likely because I surrounded myself with smart people and I was not exposed to how many people underperformed in simple analytics until I started to look online a bit more. This is a great case in point…the blizzard system works because the majority of people are incapable to understand basic trends. Its still mind boggling to me and I guess it is discouraging.

I dont think you will ever be able to amass enough evidence to change those people’s minds just like no amount of pictures from space will change the mind of flat earth believers.

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This, but from the other side. :upside_down_face:

There are plenty of smart people who believe in fairy tales.

Yes, how dare we look at millions of aggregated game results that show nothing, and ignore your totally valid perceptual biases.

Well, any evidence, at all, would be a good start. Why not try that first before comparing us to flat earthers (who also have no evidence, so are a proxy for your position, not mine).


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Keep repeating words you hear others say online. Prove my point and discourage me even more. Why do I bother…

Don’t be discouraged, you’ve written one of the funniest posts in this thread so far.


Absolute oof. At least have your “I’m so smart humanity depress me” phase off the internet dude. You’re gonna cringe less later

Im neither for or against, but umm…

So humble of you to prefer not to use your smart scores to call everyone sad and lesser?
With your smarts and deductions, its not blizzard that discourages you, but the players?

Hope i got the points correct. …

With all respect, since you seem to be a good and patient guy after all, even when we hard disagree on this topic but i kinda smiled when the conspiricy card is now handed in your direction in such smart way.

How is it smart?

The accusation doesn’t apply at all. There’s enormous evidence the matchmaker is fair, and none that it is unfairly manipulated. There’s enormous evidence the earth is round, and none that it is flat. Flat earthers rationalize information contrary to their delusions as artifice conjured by a vast conspiracy dedicated at hiding a truth that only they can see, and rigging whiners do the same.

I agree but the same goes for those who believe its rigged, by weaponizing this term you put people who believe that the game is rigged on the same level with weirdos believing in the world is flat or else mumbo jumbo… maybe we should leave terms like that out of our debates because we debating technicially possible things and not some nonsense like lizard people or third reich people living on the dark side of the moon.

I think it would be a good start, so in future debating this dont turn into toxic trench wars, dont you agree ?

Yep. How is this a surprise to you?

The level of intellectual rigor being applied is the same.

When one side starts with paranoid conspiracy theories, refuses to acknowledge contradictory information, and presents vague feelings as indistinguishable from provable claims, there’s no way to have a productive conversation.


Because you are exactly the same.


I am suprised because i think your are kinda smart compared to others i discussed with.

So you must be aware the the arguments for its rigged are all technicially possible and for sure none of us know.

I admit we cant proof it finally the game is rigged but there all kind of patterns and observations that the earth might be round…ermm the earth is rigged… arghhhh

Maybe those who tried to convince people back those days, who believed for hundreds of years the earth is flat (pushed by the catholic church) felt the same as i do now.

Atleast no ones is burning me alive for claiming the earth is rigged ermmm round :wink:

In the dark ages, those who said the earth is round were the conspiracy theorist, because they were dangerous to the churchs powers, think about that.

Regardless of how they felt, they were always wrong.

Then it isn’t until you can prove it.

Everything is technically possible. That’s no reason to consider every possible path, MUCH less in the absence of data.

It’s technically possible we’re all escaped mutated chimps from some government project. It’s technically possible there’s a small teapot orbiting the sun.


It’s technically possible our entire reality is a simulation.

It’s possible that everyone you know is a robot.

It’s possible that this is a dream we dreamed one afternoon long ago.


Wow, @Mand. You basically said it all in one sentence. Bravo!


I would only just add that you cannot use logic and reason to persuade these true believers because they didn’t reach their conclusion (that the matchmaking is nefariously rigged) by using logic and reason.


Sigh, foot in the mouth just begs for it. I can see how mr Market would feel ganged up upon lol.