If you encounter bug, you will be banned!

I invested so much time in reporting freeze/endless/connection bugs for past 2 years. I was providing all info they requested in order to blame everything on my end. And whenever they are stuck to continue i get threaten with some serious penalties!
I have to say every time i am asked to provide same data even if i tell them in advance they already did that and will find nothing but i still give them what they ask in hope something changed.

https:/ /prnt.sc/4kHA0t6s4h2X

I doubt this will ever be fixed, but in conversation they encourage me to submit bugs on bug forum thread and it will be looked by devs. Couple of years i am waiting and still nothing.
Now i just ask them to tell me this will never be fixed or i need to wait 2 more years, or 5 or any answer that is not threat.

I hope this post will not be removed.

I don’t know what happened before that message from Blizzard support, but it sounds like you have a bad connection to the internet somewhere. I had many more bugs like you describe when my internet was not as good as it is now, or when I used an older phone, and that isn’t something that Blizzard can do anything about.

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Sure, thats what they though every time i asked for help. Then they asked me to provide them dxdiag, msinfo and other stuff. Which i did. And every time the same, i say i was giving you that already, i have this bug on several different providers, pc configs, windows systems… And every time i have to provide them anyway just so, after all that time i invested, they threaten me with ban!

this sounds too much like what some guy posted months ago …he showed screenshots of his ticket without any explanation and just sending tickets demanding to “fix the bug” without telling them what the bug is or how it was triggered

he even mentioned sending the same tickets several times in the same week which they do ban you for to stop people from spamming with tickets

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If you want i can give you all messages, if you tell me it will hep. Like around 100 screenshots. I am telling you what happened and i am not spamming. I still got nothing so i ask again. They tried so hard (using my time) to prove it is on my end. I sent everything they asked me. They found nothing and just went back to the start saying i should report bug on forum. If you can search bug thread and see how many bugs i have reported you will see it will not help.

I am not demanding fix. I just want to know if they want to fix it. I know they do not need to. But when they say they want to but not doing it, i have to persisted and ask until i get an answer or bug is fixed.

is very likely the issue is on your side does your device meets the requeriments ? i havent checked if they increased them again

when they increased them on barrens expansion release i had those connection issues on an old PC was pretty much guarantee my first matchmaking would get stuck had to reconnect my internet connection to start a game
and most of my games had me waiting on the wheel longer than it should because i often ended up joining the game after the mulligan phase of my first turn

sometimes even later

had similar issues before this but it was because …the modem was obsolete so old it was made before wifi was a thing , (the guy they sent to fix my connection issues was surprised i was given one that old )

we had connection issues in the past and when it happens is easy to find hundreds of reports here and or reddit

hard to believe the game has a bug affecting you specifically

Ok, so you know this without any checks? They also thought that, but i gave them all info about my pc, connection, etc. They did not find any issue, like i said couple times only in this thread, but you still know its on my end? I mean, help me understand.

And again, lets say it is some micro connection issue on my side even if it is not. Why game cant continue after that micro issue is gone? What is preventing you to continue playing, why it has to crash right away? And this is all assuming it is issue on players end.

Yes, this means that the problem is likely on your end, there’s nothing they can do, you have to fix your own internet/hardware issues. You’re frustrating to deal with, you aren’t hearing what everyone is saying, and you waste the time of people who could be working on actual problems.

find hard to believe you are telling the true knowing people dont get banned for encountering a bug like you claim on this topic tittle

They were searching for issues on my end and did not find it! How that means the problem is on my end?

Boreas, i put screenshot, and i can give you more of those if you want? I can not lie about what they wrote to me.

I said it’s likely. I don’t know what data they asked for and what you provided. Assuming you provided the correct data and Blizzard didn’t find anything, they can’t help, so I don’t know what you expect them to do. You probably just have bad internet or an old device.

I have to assume that this is how the conversation with Blizzard support went, and why they don’t want you to contact them about your issues any longer. You’re exhausting.

I wrote what i expect. And how is that likely to you if they could not find anything? Should not be less likely after all things they checked? Lets put a bit logic in this. And i have to ask you if you read everything before you reply?

rather than reporting bugs, it would be better for everyone to denounce that the game has nothing random about it, and all the existing “random” ones are a control system developed by blizzard to keep everything under control, set a low value of “favorable events” to those who do not pay, and increase even if not very much to those who pay, probably exponentially based on how much they pay, all game developers who can absorb money from users without limits will say that they develop systems of this type, once you bought a game it cost x dollars and point, but today obviously a single user can waste even thousands of dollars a year so you must be able to control the system you cannot leave it “random” this randomness must be false.

If it was a bug then it would be affecting everyone, not just you.

There comes a time in ones life where you got to take charge of your own misfortunes/shortcomings.

Although I am curious after the conclusion blizzard gave you. Would make for some interesting late night reading.

Post some earlier tickets so we can get a clearer picture if you can.

It is affecting more players. They even have post here where QA is telling you what to do if you encounter this bug! Something like you should care and recognize if it freezes so you can restart your game. And if you are fast you can come back on time. I mean, cmon, if their QA acknowledges that bug, how can anyone else say it is not?