Honestly i find myself really liking archetypes over classes. I’ll happily move between classes (if the dust can afford it), to play similar styles. like Spawn of Shadows Raza Priest (Comeback + healing + powerful lategame plays) to → Tweaked Quest shaman (Comeback + healing + powerful double charged call lategame plays). But when it comes time to charge up savings, i just usually play by whatever’s cheap and reliable.
Contrary to the stake, if i had to play what i found interesting
Spawn of Shadows Raza priest (Control/combo/ Fun gameplay) > Patron warrior or Worgen OTK warrior ( Fun combos, classic og decks, one for tournaments, one accessible for f2ps), > Original Quest shaman (Recovery, healing, powerful lategame plays like Raza priest)
If i had to play the classes that have been reliabley the cheapest or longest living in both formats (wild + standard)
Warrior: Pirate warrior is immortal in wild, and standard now.
Mage: Contrary to belief, you can play a class long enough to get sick of it. I played secret mage for like about 90% of the time while i saved for raza.
Raza was my 2 month of 12 deck out of the year, secret mage was my dull 10 month / 12 month deck out of the year to save dust. And i was sick of it by the end after like 3 years and then sayge got printed. No offence to dust, and first 2 years. just like anything stales after 4 years and it wasn’t as complex as raza combos were to me.
After that i dont’ got a 3rd, mage and warrior consistently had a deck either formats (pirate warrior + secret mage). Enough to go off of.
I think i like archetypes more than classes, i love decks that can comeback, such as aoes or healing, one of my gripes with aggro decks vs reno decks isn’t that i think they aren’t devoid of a skill cap where one can apply all the same skills to both decks, say, overload counting your opponent, remembering a list of all possible plays for each mana cost.
It’s just that a great big portion of aggro seems to play out every game where since all the cards are consistently made to be interchangable. (Etc: Play 1 mana 2/1 on 1, hit face, play 2 mana card on 2/3, hit face, play 3 mana 3/4 or 4/3 on turn 3, hit face, etc. ) You’re more or less just really trying to do your gameplan (hit face, trade efficiently, [If the deck trades]), to a barebones vanilla face deck such as say a elemental shaman.
While a wild Reno deck, you could play for months and still run into new hands and situations even if they were crappy rng scenarios like “I just rolled all 5 aoes that cost 7 on turn 1. How do i survive, and what should my gameplan be, since i can’t play them until turn 7, and this deck is trying to kill me by turn 4-5. Should i dig and try to tutor a early zephyrs for aoe? Try and save the coin for now, or tempo out a lightbomb? What should i do?”
And then some people will get into the classic Combo VS Control VS aggro stuff. And there’s certainly true that it is often ends up A player who can’t execute combo, in a deck that only wins through combo. Might as well be as useful as a fish that doesn’t know how to swim. Or a Vegan diet that only includes dragon meat. It isn’t about executing some more complex combos, just i feel like standard or traditional control decks or one note draw velen otk razas were pretty one note decks. (What do i do if i draw a ton of aoes? Armor up… Armor up… Armor up… Brawl… Armor up… Armor up… Brawl… Armor up… Fatigue… Fatigue, fatigue.)
It’s kinda something you discount with reno, just something kinda small and yet you notice it. When you have 2 copies of every card, and 2x the consistency, you can dump them and have another. Not a bad thing, but when you have only one. You might feel pressured to start caring about them or counting resources like Soul mirror, light bombs. (No s, since you only get one without discovery! And in wild… Discover isn’t a pick 3 of 3… It’s a pick 3 of like 20-180… So… going from Wild 1000-10000 card discovery to standard 3/5 card discovery was like… ‘… What?’ To me, for a time, since discovery might as well be picking 3/5 cards from a sidedeck.)
Anyways i got a bit off, but i just really liked how for certain decks. (not all), you could build a gameplan that could change how it’s played and when you play a reactive deck, (at least the versions of reno dk decks that existed in wild.
There’s never really been a distinguishing between over what ‘control’ or ‘control combo’ or ‘midrange/control/combos’ Reno + DK decks fell vs rope armor Warriors. But there’s a WHOLE lot of difference playing a “I ARMOR UP TO 80 LIFEPOINTS. ROPE, END MY TURN, WALK TO SUBWAYS, AND ORDER A SANDWICH AND IGNORE MY TURN!” and a Spawn of shadows combo where you not only had to count your enemy life, but your own, and where seeing people self otk with the deck or miss 30-50 damage lethals on 20 hp ignoring stuff like their own renos, dragonqueen alexstraza 0 card tokens, coins, and resource dumping vs saving was fun.
And for the most part it’s actually been a while since we’ve had like standard decks kinda do the same thing with Garrote rogue and Fel dh having resources they can dump and use. I actually don’t mind combo existing but at the point it gets fast enough to otk aggro and a archetype is left with like no matches it wins, it kinda feels bad to play the suffering archetype itself. I unironically remember like spending 1-2 months trying to make priest work, getting told i was a bad player by bronze and diamond 10 leaguers as like a 7-10+ legend reacher (extremely trivial and nothing to high level players i know, not good enough to beat a #47 legend for sure, but good enough to stomp the diamond joe or go like 127: 17 or something on my first return to standard stomping people right and left with a then 50.1% apparently wr deck piloted to 87% without the mmr system balancing to 50% in place.)
I’m not good enough to take on world record holders and i’ll soberly admit that, but i’m plenty good enough at stomping noobs and i did literally at some point like pilot a 87% winrate in the quest shaman mirror like 47 Wins - 7 Losses in what should be a 50% mirror.
It’s a lot more achievable to pilot a deck that might have a archetype winrate of 50% to like a 80% diamond joe stomper bracket or like 60-70% in D1-D5 then it is trying to pilot a dead class.
I remember literally every reno priest vs day 1 seedlock when they ran the otk imp was literally just taking like 30-60 damage by turn 6, instantly killing through any renos, while they played a 3 mana 5/5 that dealt 20 damage in the same turn for every 1/1 they played and turned a 1 mana crystalizer into 1 mana 10 damage pyroblast.
People just went “oh, you couldn’t be good in standard if you don’t know how to survive a 90 damage combo on turn 5 that’s extremely consistent and practially starts in hand and has a tracked 90% loserate over 10000s of games on the Seedlock’s own hsreplay tracker vs a priest deck that got legend a month ago. I lose in wild all the time, and i don’t know how to play it, so netdecks are skill and your deck tweaks that you got legend in both formats several times are bad. It’s obviously garbage if you’re only getting a 30% winrate to a 9% tracked winrate matchup over 13000 games vs seedlock on hsreplay” /S
That isn’t to say, decks like Garrote rogue and Lifesteal DH aren’t certainly skilled in a top pilot. And while i have had my beef with questlock dominations, there were night and day differences in gold players misplaying it and legend players playing it to nightmareish levels. There were aggro decks with high skill curves too like prenerf Illucia spriest. (which people disliked, but took time to learn disruption).
I just liked constantly having to think about ways to make new plays with the cards i had and it was a fun iconic deck to me, even if there were months that bland and boring Secret mage was the better 80% wr pug stomper and ladder climber, but then Raza tended to do better at higher ranks for me for some reason while secret mage was a lot better against random decks like 80% wr secret mage vs garbage vs like 66% wr for my raza vs random stuff. (Since they’d often be greedy too haha)
So for me, the best 3 kinds of classes are the 3 classes you love to play, followed by the next 3 classes you can play for cheap and on a good budget. There isn’t always a overlap between the 3, but sometimes you might get 1/3 with it. XD.