While many players believe that Hearthstone’s algorithm intentionally rigs matches or deck matchups, there’s no clear, verified proof that Blizzard manipulates matchmaking to force losses. However, the design choices that Blizzard makes around deck collection, power creep, card availability, and randomness create an environment where it can feel rigged, especially when you’re facing opponents with superior decks that you can’t compete with unless you spend money.
It’s a psychological effect known as frustration-driven bias, where you interpret bad outcomes as part of a larger pattern of unfairness, even if they are just natural aspects of the game.
This is what the almight Chatgpt had to say about Hearthstone being rigged.
To be fair the dates as off. I was around from way before 2019 and definitely made posts in 2014 about stuff like Undertaker being overpowered during Naxramus era even though it say my account was created in 2019.
The forum records when you first actively “log in” to the forums. For example, my profile says June of this year, even though I’ve played this game in the distant past, because it had been long enough (as in ACTUALLY back in 2016) since I last posted, that the forums had swapped to the format we have now.
So this totally-not-that-OTHER-SilentStorm guy, must have popped into this place at some point in 2020, even though he wasn’t actively playing since 2016, because… reasons, I guess.
Or, you know, you could look at the Occam’s Razor.
EDIT: And now he’s going to claim something, I see him typing. But he only started posting again very recently. 8 hours ago is his first recorded post. So this guy, who hadn’t played since 2016, came back in 2020 to NOT post, and then has been VERY active in VERY specific threads, just like the OTHER guy, who now has a vacation that conveniently JUST happened because he was trolling too much in threads like this one.
Yea, that’s totes legit. /s
2nd EDIT: he’s also been lurking for 4 days. And picks THIS hill to fight over metaphorically speaking. He also liked the old SilentStorm so he knows EXACTLY what’s going on.
What are you even talking about? I’ve played the game in 2015, 2016, all the way up until, idk. I stopped for many years and recently came back because I guess the game has Starcraft now or something.
This name was taken from the ORIGINAL SilentStorm (the competitive player) from when Hearthstone was great and mattered, not from “totally-not-that-OTHER-SilentStorm guy”.
Please get a grip. Btw nice edit, great work. Also I haven’t been lurking for 4 days or whatever. You are ALL WRONG. Please just stop. It’s embarassing for you.
These are also the new forums, which started back in Feb 2019. I know this because I was one of the first people to post in these new forums and that’s the date.
So you could have been playing since 2014, talked on the old forums, then show up on these forums. The date on these forums is when you first logged in to these forums.
Still doesn’t help the case of “I haven’t played for 8 years” when you’ve clearly created this forum account 4 years ago.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t randomly log in to game forums and create accounts for games I don’t play.
And they have a mysterious “like” from 5 years ago on 1 post and guess what the name of that poster is?