If i play whizbang will my opponent know in the start?

Whizbang seems like such a cool card and very worthy of 1600 dust even in a ranked deck. However if my opponent knows about me using a whizbang deck i would imagine the chances of a win become basically close to 0%. If that is the case I feel I might be better of spending 1600 dust on Zilliax.

Your opponent knows after the mulligan
Still a good card for a budget deck if you don’t mind losing from time to time because some of his decks are unplayable

Yeah, they’ll see the animation plus announcement of the deck given to you (at least it was so the last time I’ve met them).

Depends on which whizbang deck you get…a few of them it’d be difficult to lose (aka chance of a win basically close to 100%) regardless if they know what’s coming or not

Rather than basing your will to craft it on whether or not your opponent will have an advantage by knowing your deck, you should just judge the appeal of the decks you will have to play. Of 11, 3 are really bad, 2 are completely random, 2 are okish but very unique, and 4 are worse versions than what you could see in the meta, but stronger when the whizbang effect kicks in.

DK has a lot of aoe and a surprisingly good amount of burst, but doesn’t do much in early game. If your opponent knows that they can use the early game to solo play and setup their combo if they have one

DH is kinda close of meta DH, doesn’t change much that they know what you play
Rogue is a similar case. I don’t think it’s close to the meta but the treasures are unpredictable.

Druid and Mage play random cards, doesn’t change much

Hunter is terrible, basically loses vs any aggro deck

Paladin is barely better. It has a slightly better early but still pretty terrible

Priest can solo lose if they don’t draw their automatons, but can hard snowball if they get them. Knowing or not what you’re playing doesn’t really change your opponent’s gameplan

Shaman is straight-forward, you just unload your hand no matter what your opponent is doing

Warlock can be pretty strong but you have to know the deck and manage your ressources carefully.

Warrior is also terrible. But unlike hunter and paladin, not because of its curve, just because of its cards.


If i play whizbang will my opponent know in the start?

Yes, as said already. You and the opponent will see animations at the start of game.

If you wanna just play random wacky decks or give it a go — perhaps.


If you wanna play at least somewhat competetively — probably not right now, see, for example:


However, while digging this up, I’ve come across some fresh news:


So who knows, we’ll have to see what changes they make.

The list of the changes.
I think DK is the only one that lost a bit. It lost 2 aoe cards and 3 aoe buffs
Druid got some guaranteed high manay payoffs
Hunter got bad late game replaced by quite a lot of early game that it highly needed
Paladin received Zephrys, a single card change but an important one
Priest got 2 more automatons to replace the 5 mana spell that was basically a 5 mana conditionnal automaton
Rogue got a better early with an arguably better late payoff
Shaman has its quest draw you 2 cards when played, plus 3 kinda bad cards have been replaced
Warrior got some useless cards replaced by actual lackey payoffs. The deck was probably the worst and may actually be correct now