Idea to help balance the game

People is always saying that some card/class are broken.

Climb in standard sometimes (always) can be frustrating because you find same decks again and again, usually exploiting the broken season cards.

So my suggestion is to change a game mechanic to improve variety.

In standard if you want to be “legend”, you should be the best playing with any class, with any cards. Then my suggestion is put a countdown in the number of times you can play a class, that refreshes once you have played with all-others classes too.

Example: You can play 3 games with each class, in the order you want. Once you play with 8 different classes, the countdown refresh. (Don’t need to be all classes but a significant number to force people play variety).

You start with mage you play your 3 games in a row, then you need to play 6 classes more (18 matches), before you can play in ranked again with mage.

Then if you want to play 50 plays in a row with the same deck you can play non-ranked.

At least, this could be a different game-mode that you can add in a easy way.

99% of players would greatly resent being forced to play variety. Almost no one would play this.


You will not know that until we see.

This 99% is based on your feelings.

I think 100% of people will be more happiest with the game with a change like that.

And blizzard too, because people will expend more money to have cards to get good decks from all classes.

No. I know this right now. Currently this forum is absolutely full of players who play decks that lose to Reno Warrior. There are hard counters to Reno Warrior, like Token Hunter, Sludgelock and Zarimi Priest, but these players refuse to change their deck and insist that Warrior be nerfed instead. In other words this is literally a community that says “no, I will not switch to Rock, Blizzard fix the Scissors vs Paper matchup so it’s fair to Paper NOW.” And you think that these people would not resent having to switch decks 7 times out of every 20 games! :rofl:

The community cries about one deck being too popular, and they will demand variety in what they play against. But it’s pure hypocrisy, you ask them to express variety themselves, in what they play as, and they rage and refuse. They’ll scream that they shouldn’t have to play Rock just because it’s a Scissors meta. They believe in variety for thee, but not for me.

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Allow us to select up to 3 classes to avoid queuing against

That would fix the issue. Then i wouldnt have to see another warrior again

The design of the game is getting worse so give players more ways to avoid what they hate playing against

Then if there is a completely broken class/card like window shopper DH we can all just avoid it until the devs get off their lazy butts and fix it. Shouldnt take a month to hotfix a blatant problematic deck but it does. So give me as a player more agency over my games

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There is no way to implement this without forcing players to play as classes that aren’t their first choice. Because the people who play the class “we all” don’t like still need to be queued against someone.

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If enough people avoid a certain class that those players playing that class can never find a game, i think that just shows the devs there is a BIG problem with the class and they should nerf it

maybe those people all playing warrior rn will have to put down their autoplay deck and actually play a deck that takes skill

Its a perfect way to see what community sentiment is

And people of different ranks will hate different classes so it is useful at every rank

The problem is the haters, not the hated.

No its definitely the hated

If majority of people hate warrior and avoid it the devs should nerf it

Why should we be designing the game around the minority of people who enjoy the hated class and not the majority who hate playing vs it


They shouldn’t, because it won’t satisfy you.

Not playing against brann warrior every game would definitely satisfy me

Then if something else started to annoy me i would swap my avoided class around

Nah, you’d just complain about the next big deck. Hatred is an insatiable hunger, feeding it accomplishes nothing.

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Thats fine then id just swap my avoid to whatever the next deck i hate is

You always have an answer for everything yet your answers are so blindsighted

They should redesign ranked system.

it should be like this “if you play a common deck you get less reward if you play less common deck you get more reward”

Because current ranked system rewards players for playing high win rate decks that causes an unhealthy meta.

I dont know about this mode. Its fun for sure to play diffrent stuff. I can just get cards for 1meta deck max 2 and then they nerf stuff after that they relese more cards.

The best deck right now isn’t Reno Warrior, it’s Token Hunter. We already have the situation where the best deck isn’t the most played.

That said, I don’t necessarily think that your suggestion is that bad, actually. People act on the basis of their perception, and their perception isn’t necessarily reality. I guess that most of the current Warrior players believe, incorrectly, that Warrior is the best deck, and that’s why they play it. Your suggestion would still encourage them to switch and that doesn’t sound bad.

I’m trying to work out if there’d ever be a toxic result from your suggestion. There probably is one, but it’s theoretically elusive.

Well actually I think one of the results. in order to rank up people will require more variety of decks and p2w aspect will be more present than ever.

People will probably say yeah I have crafted this deck but now despite winning more games it is harder to climb ranks with this deck f the developers lol. They already complain about it when the cards are nerfed.

Also some people likes delusive success because of the dopamine surge like cheaters in online games so they don’t want a healthy game they want to succeed. so they will also complain.

So your idea is to make Legend only available to players who can afford to buy 9 meta decks instead of 1. That’s brilliant.


Not sure on that, go legend is about how much you play with a winrate of 50%+

So if you force people plays more variety of chars this doesn’t apply that you need all the metadecks to hit legend.

On the other side again, if you want to be a Legendary player it is suppossed that you should be able to play with any deck and win more than you lose.

So if you play the same deck again and again, then you are not a legend, you are just the man with more playtime.

There is something players can do to avoid playing against these decks, though they won’t like the suggestion, concede and move on to the next match.