Idea for fixing Thorim

Now hear me out, Thorim is one of the heroes with the lowest WR across all mmrs, but specially in higher mmr it feels so bad to play him, his tempo is bad and relying on his buddy to stabilize is way too RNG. Simple solution that would probably make him a lot better because we could have more control.

Golden buddy = Instead of upgrading by 2 tiers, make it 1 like normal buddy but it is a discover instead of random.

This could be too strong for the tier 7 minions so maybe has a limitation on those, like not being able to discover the same one or something, not sure if someone has better ideas on how to limit it in case it would be too strong

its possible to high roll promotions into a great t7. I managed a win on day 2 of new buddy system with thorium. But overall I have just stopped playing thorim, I figured I was just bad at the hero.

I think a 3 mana 3/4 with that battlecry is strong enough already?