I would really like twist if

C’Thun wasn’t in it.

With all the complaints about astalor and sire, C’thun puts them all to shame.

Could you imagine if there was a card that put astalor back into your deck at full power if he was already used and dead? People would melt… but here we are with this jackhole C’thun.


Yeah, C’thun can C’himself out. I’d probably enjoy the mode, if I hadn’t been disenchanting literally all of my cards, golden or not, epic and above, every single time I try a new class. I disenchanted all of my mage cards, all of my priest cards, all of my warrior cards, all of my priest and mage cards again after switching back for OP decks, and when the warlock had that crazy op moment when locations first came out. Everything that showed up when I filtered for wild no matter what they were, thinking I’d never want any of them because I just don’t care for wild.

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I usually just meme in wild, so I get that.

Playing jades again is fun, though, lol.

the tentacle is the problem, if you manage to make it to cthun your doing it wrong

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I mean, that depends on what you’ve got going on, right?

I don’t like the inevitability of C’thun in a format that shouldn’t mirror standard’s power level yet somehow does - but only in certain decks, leading to a very narrow meta in what should be a more freely creative format.

Personally I found the eye balls are problematic but nothing c’thun holds a candle to what the low life warlocks are doing.


Does the mode have a big balance problem? Yes, two words: jade rogue.

Actually, a bit of that, too, yes. Discard warlock is probably the next big offender when it comes to real balance problems of the mode.

Whinings and brilliant ideas of some random forum people about the mode don’t interest me, to be honest.


I’m not understanding this C’thun hate. Jade Rogue and Discolock are all far more powerful decks and faster. I personally played Jade druid for fun to D5 and it was okay. I never felt anything was too off the map


I was blown away by how good the jade rogues were during recent twist games. Ummm when was jade shuriken ever good? Well it is now! They can out scale the Druids pretty quickly.

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It wasn’t ever that’s why it was buffed. Shuriken in connection with that Crazy Rogue Legendary is the reason Rogue is so OP.

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You should look up the cost change and answer your own question.

The shuriken change was massive.

The new legendary (scarab lord or whatever) isn’t even necessary. Some of them have been running the jade package AND C’Thun at the same time instead. It’s mostly the former that is ridiculous, though. Especially that telegram, which you haven’t mentioned at all.

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Imagine auto upgrading astalor. Scary if it exists.

Plus Twist is so boring.

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Once again Neon, i disagree with you, and once again, no doubt, you will tell me my opinion is wrong and yours is pure fact (can opinion even be wrong?).

Anyhow, C’thun and Astalor are very different, and Astalor is a vastly superior card. In order to bring C’thun to the level of Astalor (meaning dealing 14 damage on turn 10), you would need a lot of set up, probably play and more importantly draw like 4 understated c’thun cards. Adding the C’thun package also dilute your deck with suboptimal cards, just to juice up C’thun.

Meanwhile, Astalor is a self contain card. While admittedly, you have to play 2 subpar minions (a 2/2/2 and a 5/5/5), it is a lot easier to achieve and it doesn’t dilute your deck.

If the C’thun package were to be added to standard, I don’t see it seeing much play, while Astalor remain the most played card in standard across all deck.

Beside, none of the top decks in Twist right now uses C’thun. It’s all jade rogues, discard locks, face hunters, n’zoth control warriors.


C’Thun’s OP-ness, powercreep, and balance issues were discussed in depth when the Whipers of the Old Gods set first came out.

Since multiple classes were able to make good use of the C’Thun package of neutral cards, the OP-ness of C’Thun was considered “somewhat” balanced by that fact.

I seem to remember that many players were initially quite excited by the set, making it one of the more popular sets to be released back then, probably because F2P players had quick easy access to C’Thun and many of it’s supporting cards, but it did not take long for Jade decks to push C’Thun decks out of the limelight just as what’s happing in Twist now.

A C’Thun deck may not even be among best three decks in Twist right now. Eyestalk of C’Thun is probably more OP than C’Thun.

Jade Rogue seems pretty strong—I played the deck some on my main account today.

Mostly, I have been messing around Discard Warlock with 8 different F2P collections while experimenting with different cards to find the most optimal build in the Meta.

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How about jade C’Thun rogue, again? Yes, the jade rogue is so OP that it can afford to include it as a bonus.

Ugh, forum analytics again…

If memory serves, C’Thun was popular initially, but none of the decks turned out even ‘tier 1’, with the usual suspects (faster decks) or some other archetypes taking over.

Jades were released in a subsequent expansion.

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Jade C’thun rogue is tough to beat but how could I ever complain compared to the ‘disruption’ cards they’ve released to stop all of those ‘control decks that do nothing’ that didn’t exist?

This meta is the best thing we’ve had in a long time IMO. You really can’t plan any kind of synergy at all in wild because half your cards will be destroyed on turn 1. The games are sloppy and desperate now instead of carefully saving ‘x’ card so I have an answer when my opponent does ‘x’. At least in twist there is strategy involved, even if the C’thun decks are dominant in this meta.

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Yep, WotOG was released in April 26, 2016 and
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan was released December 1, 2016.


Eh, Jade Telegram again? :thinking:

You’ve not seen Classic, have you? :grinning:

Yep, for these reasons, too I mentioned Classic.

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Why would anyone disagree with this?

Again, why would anyone argue with this?

Many of the C’thun cards were buffed, making them not as understated as one might recall.

I agree with you, but we aren’t talking about it standard, though, are we?

The title of the thread indicates this is about twist.

I wouldn’t like astalor in twist mode, either - especially if they buffed him specifically for the mode.

The wider issue is that all three cards, c’thun, sire, and astalor, are win more conditions in many decks that are already strong, which makes them feel rather cheap.

Oh, my mistake… I guess I thought jade druid and jade rogue decks were good…


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