I would really like twist if

You’re the one that started a direct comparison between C’Thun and Astalor, in your opening post no less. You open the window. If you only want to talk about twist, then talk about twist, not Astalor.

Jade Rogue - good
C’thun Rogue - meh
Hybrid Jade/C’thun Rogue - meh

Not sure why you mention Jade Druid, but also meh.

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I liked classic, but I actually like this more. Classic was fun though for sure!


Cthun was never particularly good in his time in standard or wild.

Blizz just decided to make new cards (and buffed others) to make cthun and jade rogue stronger when doing this twist season, which kind of ruined it before it started.


The literal title of the thread is “I would really like Twist if”

If you don’t understand how astalor and c’thun are similar, then I know two things: I can’t help you and you are bad at syllogisms.


If you are not sure what Jade druid is, then I also can’t be bothered to help you.

I didn’t argue that he was, did I ?

Exactly this!!

I would like the mode if C’thun wasn’t in it is where all this thread started.


“Here! Play these old strategies and lower power cards this month!”




“And we are adjusting some things to be at current levels of power creep!”


“Oh, nevermind.”


That was the draw and the hope, but the buffs, as you stated, really ruined much of the fun.

The comparison to astalor and sire is about how they just sort of sit there and wait to win games with modern levels of power creep, and c’thun as a back up win con fits right like that.

Pre-nerf sire coming out of an implock deck sort of “wtf, are you serious??” moment.

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I’d say you really need to practice reading comprehension, but truthfully, i think you’re just a troll.

I just finished my D5 to legend run in Twist just for the achievements and i am not sure what the issue with C’thun might be. I played the most basic and boring on curve C’thun warrior deck and lost 2 games during the run into legend. By turn 8 i had minimum 12-14 damage C’thun and it wasn’t even hard to do.

Grimestreet Informant is easily the best card in the deck. So many good cards to find that just dominate the board.

I forgot how good Brawl used to be. The card is so bad in today’s standard format. Also players have lost the art of trading correctly on board with so much access to hard removal in standard.

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The thread starts:

I would really like twist if C’thun wasn’t in it.

That’s the topic. We are discussing the impact C’thun has on the twist mode.

You are the one who launched into a non sequitur rambling screed about standard power levels.

I went on to mention similar cards that throw damage at the opponent in random ways that were both nerfed after they were released.

None of that was intuitive to you. You just totally missed the whole plot, person.

Tell me again that my reading comprehension is the issue.

Again, you’re talking about what I don’t like… your basic, nearly unbeatable deck just rolls out C’thun and profits… like sire and astalor do in standard.

The buffs put the power level up enough to push out a whole bunch of fun things that could have made for a much more interesting meta, imo.

I stopped playing Twist like 3-4 days in because some classes have so many buffed cards that feel like they fit into modern Hearthstone while other classes are left with outdated trash.

The deck I liked to play as used like 2 Updated/Buffed cards: Acolyte of Pain and Crimson Clergy. Jade C’thun Rogue has something like 24/30 card slots being Updated or Buffed cards.

I think I would be fine vs Rogue/Warlock if:

Epic · Minion · Whispers of the Old Gods · Battlecry: Destroy a minion. Add its Attack and Health to your C

^ Wasn’t buffed from 9 mana to 6 mana.


Epic · Spell · The Grand Tournament · Destroy 2 random enemy minions. Discard 2 random cards.

^ Wasn’t buffed from 6 to 3 mana.

Warrior/Paladin probably also recieved too many buffs over time, so idk if the format would even be fixed with super light balance changes. Iron Juggernaut doing 20 damage is cool. Not.


When it comes to Warlock, that new location seems insane, arguably more than this card. As for rogue, that jade telegram is still probably the biggest offender in the class. After all, you can play the class with or without the scarab lord or blade of C’Thun, but that one seems like the staple.

Another opinion or analysis:


Expansion markings were easier to see.

Maybe remove the watermark from behind the card ability text and have them displayed as an icon in the middle of the card. When I am looking through old decks I used to play and trying to find cards to play in the new twist format it would make them easier to find. Also the cards I may want to craft to build a new deck would make it easier to see what expansion each card came from. I’ve been playing off and on for many years now (right after the first season) but do not keep all the cards from each expansion memorized. I know I can filter by a deck expansion but would like to see these clearer if my search is not based on the expansion type but maybe the synergy I’m trying to build around. I mainly play on my Andriod phone so maybe this can be done on a PC, but IDK. Maybe if we could have multiple search criteria it would help too. Maybe the deck building system needs a revamp. Just my thoughts.


Doing that is a terrible plan. If you aren’t killing with the battlecry, your C’thun deck has failed.

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What is Twist?

EDit: aha I just discovered this new mode. Cool. I had a legendary deck back then, but behold, they are not very consistent and the acoloty of pain retains its current 4 HP in this old mode also the unnerfed WSG commander is available, which is insane to not use when this is the case, and if back then was available I would definitely have used it.

So its not a full reliving of the past sadly. But somewhat fun still I guess, glad they added this.

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Jade spam is worse than C’thun

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Jade spam can be fun when you’re trading boards with your opponent… but then C’thun otk’s you.

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Honestly, It wasn’t the C’thun buffs that were winning me games. Players over extending to the board and into brawl was a bigger issue. Players trading incorrectly and a BUNCH of rogues that i know were holding useless copies of vanish. The amount of people playing Jade Rogue/Druid is pretty nuts honestly. Very easy prey for Cthun Warrior. I even ran into a couple Freeze mages and i almost died laughing. That’s almost 100% auto lose for them.

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I never did see such level of exageration. What is next? Chillwind yeti is OP?

The warlock location is broken. Simply as that and probably should just go up in mana cost.

But more than that there is really nothing wrong in twist or wild caused by new cards and buffs.
The jade telegram is annoying in twist but it’s well priced for what it does and twist decks aren’t like nowadays decks that literally lose the game if you lose a piece and in wild that type of stuff is needed.

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In what world?

If memory serves, back in the day C’Thun couldn’t keep up with those kinds of decks (N’Zoth, then also Jade etc).

Twist isn’t exactly the same meta as that time.

Blade of C’thun for example turned into a really strong card and almost singlehandely made the format 100% hostile to any kind of big minion that needs to stay alive a turn.

That and the new caverns of time cards that are in general wild level cards like the Warlock and druid locations.

One thing i would like other than nerfs is a buff to the imposter cards
The intent behind they is good and healthy but with a pool as big as wild we need atleast +1/+1 on top of the keyword to be worth try to run they over your own cards.