I wonder how many people think I'm a bot on ladder

I recently read a forum post complaining about bots, and talking about the official Blizzard ones. So, the fact that I never changed my name from the default one Blizzard gave me about 10 years ago, combined with the fact they now use names like mine as official Blizzard bots makes me feel rather amused when people likely think I’m an official bot.


I usually have to do a double take whenever I see a player with similar usernames, But it usually becomes obvious once they actually take time to pick cards to play rather than shotgunning them out because they have the mana.

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That’s true. It’s probably pretty easy to tell after a turn or two if they’re a real player or not.

I would say you shouldn’t care if people think you are a bot but Blizzard is banning people based on player reporting. I was banned for botting and have NEVER botted, so no apparently it isn’t easy for people to tell the difference.

just reporting ? source ?

They asked us to do it. To use the report button… Shouldn’t be that hard to find. Unless you really don’t want to.

they asked for peoplke to report while they try something else

so i doubt its reports alone

So no proof. Got it.

Claims without proof can be dismissed without evidence. Can’t remember who said it, and I’m pretty sure the actual quote involves Extraordinary claims, but still. Someone mentioned an anecdote about them being banned, but that’s one case that may or may not be true. Also, I’m doubtful they just see a report and ban someone for it. They likely have an investigation into the account of the player. Now, does that mean false positive bans never happen? Of course not, that would be idiotic to suggest, but I don’t think it’s much smarter to say that just getting reported will get you banned.
Edit: You didn’t say you got banned, that was someone else. My bad. Corrected it.

I might think you were a bot but tbh I have never used the report feature in the game at all ever so you are safe from me. I feel anyone who bots it is their own burden to bear for doing such a thing, sorta like how cheaters you don’t envy them if they succeed, you pity them for their actions and let karma/fate sort it all out.

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thats what i vie been thinkign hes lying about being reports alone or he wouldve posted proof by now