I won’t buy until there is confidence

Let’s face it, this game does not give me the confidence it will be around next year. There are too many features being axed or on death row.

  1. Duels are being axed
  2. Mercenaries are already axed
  3. Classic is axed
  4. Single story mode is on death row with no new feature solo plays since castle
  5. Twist is on death row
  6. Esports is slowly being eroded and will be in death row soon.

Why should I spend 59$ on sale when I don’t know how long this game will be around for? Especially with the mass Microsoft layoffs. It feels like this game is getting worse by the day.


Couse even a payer must be axed :smile::smile::smile:

i havent read any announcements about twist

can you link to the one you read all i know is next season will be commons only

i dont like duels being removed but i never crafted any card for it so its removal have no impact on me spending money or not

I won’t spit the dough until i play against a human.

This game is now just a finished game, after ten years of scams, of algorithms that favor those who pay, of matchmaking done very badly perhaps deliberately, of blizzard bots that craft cards, here come 1600 layoffs, blizzard is now crying and an ovation goes off as big as planet earth :joy::joy::joy:

10 not 1600

and you keep forgeting to post a source…im starting to think you somehow are forced to lie

#1 Blizzard Bootlicker :point_up_2:


Sir, i posted a source just for you. I assume now that i have solid evidence you’ll drop the childish “no it isn’t” which is both simple, and irrelevant to the actual topic.

Also that’s just plain trolling.

asking for source is trolling ? since when

you probably dont know the meaning of the word

so far all i could find is the people fired were from the survival game
he claims all1600 were from HS

all i could find was 10 HS devs from a months ago and a PR manager on the current one

what did you find ?

that guy claimed something was found on the code but somehow no sources posted and nothing cant be found about it and people who feel a compulsion to lie exist out there

It is trolling.

These forums are supposed to be a civil and friendly discussion about topics related to Hearthstone.

Acting like you do does not promote a constructive discussion. Your attitude will cause a flame war. You call people liars, where you don’t have any proof to the opposite either. People don’t owe you anything, if you disagree with the post, it’s up to you to form coherent thoughts and share a valid point of view.

if someone keeps claiming something and refuses to post source then the claim is false

how else do you call someone spreading missinformantion?

by now well know fromt he articles most of the devs fired were from the canceled survival game not HS

Care to post source on that?

i read on reddit mentioning HS pr manager was fired (the

they canceleld the survival game and all the HS devs who moved to that project were fired

10 HS devs were fired before these layoffs last year going by the date i think i was around the time microsoft aquired blizzard


i googled for 1600 Hearthone devs and found zero results all i could find was about the pr manager being fired (confirmed on her tweet account)

i usually try to google myself before asking for a source

so far whenever i dont find one and i ask about for exampel where did they read a malicious code was found on HS

nodbody responed to that question they never did

Asking for a source is definitely NOT trolling. If you’re going to post a claim, then its a good idea to back it up with evidence, particularly when asked to do so.

Otherwise, what’s to stop people posting any old BS on the internet?

When you make a claim, its on you to prove its true, its not on the other guy to prove your claim is false. Its called the burden of proof.

Since I have made a claim (relating to the “burden of proof”), the burden to prove it is on me. So, here’s what the “burden of proof” means:


Asking a person who has the “burden of proof” to show some proof is NOT trolling. Refusing to offer evidence but insisting the claim is true anyway could be considered trolling.

Now you’re getting it.
So… is asking for a source is OK, or YOU are trolling. Pick one…

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I expected Blizzard’s forums to be different from what they actually are. My mistake.


I’ve been f2p for at least a year now. I can usually make enough gold to make decks for one, maybe two classes. It’s worth it though, not paying these scabs any money.

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So don’t.

The less people buy, the more they’ll have to do to make the game fairer and better :slight_smile:

I’m an old player who came back recently and although I’m having fun, I feel like the meta shifts twice as fast than it used to. I don’t think it’s sustainable for f2p and I don’t like paying for competitive games. Competition and paying to win doesn’t sound like a good mix to me.

Which is probably why I’ve quit 6 years ago. I used to be a perma legend and perma arena player, even winning money playing tournaments on various sites back then, but then I realized there’s absolutely nothing more I can do without investing money in the game and just quit.

Now I guess I’ll have some fun for a few more months before I realize the same thing again - when it comes to competitive side to this game, you better have all the cards ASAP or you just can’t play tournaments. Too little decks are viable at any point, and which of them are viable changes too fast.

In order to theory-craft and experiment, you need to already be in high legend, otherwise you’re just wasting time for nothing. How do you know if your deck is good if you play against weak players? And how do you play against top players if you don’t grind to high legend? And how do you grind to high legend if you don’t already own a few of the top decks?

You get the point.