I wish I could DELETE the Signature cards in my Collection

Honestly, these cards are SOOOOOO ugly, and at this point, I really don’t care anymore that Blizzard is ripping us off with trying to spin how wonderful they are that we can’t even dust them. I’d gladly delete them in the absence of DUST because that’s how terrible these cards are.


I kind of like them.

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Indeed, design-wise, they look like unfinished wireframes.


And the really sad part is, they look better in the collection than than they do in the game.


I don’t like them either. It just doesn’t fit with rest of our collection. Besides they’re ugly.

Let us be able to dust them or delete them. If i want the card i am more then willing to craft a normal one.

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Cool opinion. seven more characters.

Anyone working at Blizzard should shut up!

I also want to destroy this TRASH skin from my collection how do I do it??

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Color me shocked: actiblizz does thing, most of customers unhappy…among the first posts

company defender: I LOVE THIS THING!

even the company admitted these weren’t great.


At least they tried something.
The cards don’t look great but they are functional.

Yeah, completely agree , they did try something. However, I find it hard to believe with all the talented artists that create some pretty epic card designs, that they stood back and were like “wow, these signature cards look great”. I’m pretty sure it was some top executive that just wanted to push them out quickly and probably didn’t give the teams enough time to make them look good, at least for this expansion.

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I don’t think they feel rushed. I just think they’re not appealing to me (or you) aesthetically. Similarly, a lot of people seem to like how golden cards look. But I find them to be extremely ugly and disenchant them asap if it’s possible. (Heck, I kind of hate importing deck codes because it automatically fills in the golden cards and it’s a pain to go remove/swap them.)

They are so bland, when I look at them, it’s like I’m color blind. I understand the concept behind them, however, they look so unfinished to me.

I love the Golden Version of legendary cards, and I use to look forward to seeing which ones I would get when the expansion came out. This is the first time where I purchased an expansion and I did not get a single Golden Legendary card. So I was disappointed, especially since Signature cards replaced the two Golden Legendries in the mega bundle.

Blizzard issued an apology for failing to deliver on what these cards are suppose to achieve. That fact is Blizzard acknowledged they failed on delivering with these signature cards. They only offered an apology while setting a commitment to ensure future signature cards have that wow factor to them, and they have no plans to fix the current cards.

When I netdeck codes and they have signature cards in them, I take them out and replace them with the standard version of the card. The signature cards just look like an ink stain on the board.

Honestly, I feel that blizzard should allow us to dust these signature cards because they did not meet the expectation that they hyped them up to be. I do have faith that the future signature cards will look good, I’m just extremely disappointed in the current ones and I wish I was able to swap them out for the golden version of the cards, at least the legendary ones, or even DUST or DELETE Them from my account.

Anyhow, it is what it is, and I look forward to what they will come up with for future expansions.

AGREED. Why can’t we be at least given an option to archive cards we don’t want to use? I am so sick of these cards I have to hover over to see their text auto-populating in decks.

I hope Hearthstone enjoys losing all the money on the shop items that give signature cards…because I buy almost everything else, but I’m not touching that crap.