I will concede vs Paly

until the Countess is nerfed. No clue how that card has not been nerfed.


They really dont care. at all.

Some of the forum trash might blow in on the winds of haha… to laugh at you.

Always remember, people mock u on blizzcorp forums… because they’re paid to mock you.

Nobody pays anybody to post on the forums. You vastly overestimate the rationality of the people who post nonsense if you think they’re doing it for money.

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Couldnt be more wrong.

I’ll happily mock stupidity for free.


Free wins for me, and I don’t even use countess, yay

Yeah, countes is a turn 7 win the game card…
Which blows my mind

Because Paladin sucks in high legend. The deck is super counterable if you are a good player.


lol, defeatist attitude.

You call it what you will matters not to me, it is how I protest a class that needs a hard cold nerf to the face.

Since you didn’t name any of those ways, what should we assume your skill level is at?

Dude :))))), you play heartstone…you could as well as eat from a garbage can, it’s the same aids but at least is an outdoor activity. Everyone plays Shadow priest or some aids deck that requires only to play cards and hit face, meta is cancer and broken exactly like the mentality of Blizzard in the past 6 years since Broden left.


Naiive opinion, but that’s ok.

I concede if any player use bullcrap cards on turn one or 2.

for example, first card the player plays gives +1 to health and/or attack when summoned. Then the other card does the same type of thing.

Happens all the time with DK’s not that big of a deal, but to each their own.

Send it on reddit. this is the wrong place for these matters.

Happens with druids, mages, almost every player I face.

For Pallies as an example, if they divine shield their first 3 toons and I can’t do much, i’ll just quit.

Says who? You? You don’t have any standing so going to simply ignore you.