I wasn't expecting this

3 700 troll posts xD

Jesus Christ

How does it help a player win the game that a person can’t just do themselves?

There’s nothing stopping me from printing out my deck list and checking cards off as I draw them.

Ditto with writing down key cards played by my opponent.

It saves me a bit of writing at most if I was really invested in winning. That’s why on all the old in person tournaments the players had note pads and wrote down the cards seen. If someone with a disability like nohandsgamer used a speech to text program to do that in a tournament, would that have been cheating?

… because that’s literally all deck trackers do.

I don’t even use them because I primarily play on mobile, but I don’t feel disadvantaged in my games because of it. When I play on PC with one on, it’s entirely because I like having the replays.


I don’t use one often either, but I’m apparently still labelled a cheater… for using a program that blizzard explicitly allows.


i am both people in this video

you do whatever you want

i suggest it is not used

Good argument

And since most of your opponents are using the tracker, simply memorizing all the necessary things would just take too much of your mental energy to play catch-up

I’d rather not play at that much of a disadvantage.

Even dose of coffee uses one for his arena matches (maybe irrelevant for this post, but I kinda idolize the guy)

Honestly, it’s not even that hard to do that in hearthstone given the 30 card decks.

You don’t even need to track everything mentally, just the more powerful power cards and board clears.

I just personally don’t see how it can be argued as cheating when it’s only purpose is to do things that anyone could do without a program, just with extra tedium.

I feel similarly about calculators, and spell check.

You didn’t expect,


I don’t know if others have experimented with this before, but you can turn on detailed logging in Hearthstone on a PC, and the logs will record EVERYTHING that happens in the game.

You can then parse the logs to track any info you want. Not sure if this is what hsreplay uses, but if I were to implement hsreplay I’d start with these logs.

I suspect there have been cases where logging logs information that you might not otherwise be privy to, because, for example, a bug or oversight by the devs.

If you parse logs real-time it’s hypothetically possible to exploit this information in game then.


From what I understand from some reading up on it, the log file doesn’t have any extra info that the regular log programs don’t already see.

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Some decks now have 40 cards xD And keep adding new ones, such as barrels of sludge or mines which burn you xD

What about excavation levels? Number of different spell schools for mage? Mana discount for Cultivation and Garden’s Grace?

  • things like counting damage on the board, discovery spell options etc etc I’d much rather focus on my moves and what not

Definitely, and especially when everyone else is doing it. Not using it is simply self-sabotage

I can tell you guys for 100% certain that if you run Firestone, and if the other player is also running an app and the read each other, you will get info you wouldn’t get otherwise.

Here’s how to reproduce it to verify.

Get the minion that shuffles in snake oils to opponent. Kill it.

When the opponent draws one of those snake oils, the client will tell you they drew it before they play it.

Oddly enough, the two times I did this, the first card they drew was one of the snake oils and I saw the card indication stating what they had in hand. I was shocked. Thought it was a bug. Sure enough, they traded it and I could verify that’s what it was.



This sounds like a blatant violation of TOS, given Blizzard’s attitude towards this type of thing I’d suggest immediately stop using this software.

Maybe Firestone has a premium mode that you pay for where they show you the entire hand of any player using the free version lol.

Firestone dev is in contact with blizz devs and every time such a bug happens, it’s due to blizzard’s back-end, not firestone’s.

Also the only “proof” of that being possible NOW, instead of year and half ago, is this guy’s word of mouth.

Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll stick to Firestone.

Anyway, as I’ve said, I don’t use opponent deck tracking. It’s way too disruptive to my concentration.

P.S. for some reason, firestone stopped tracking my win rate lol, both specific matchups and total win rate

Remember folks, always trust the devs of the cheats

Happened a few days ago and you don’t have to trust me, I literally gave you the way to reproduce it yourself in a demonstrable way.