I wasn't expecting this

Sorry, referencing a troll post I thought you had also commented on.

Everyone and their mum uses a deck tracker. If you’re not using one, you’re at a disadvantage.

I’m using Firestone but only track my deck. I find that tracking opponent decks isn’t precise enough to warrant that many more distractions on the board.

Also, those bugs with Firestone are more than 1 year old, so who cares?

Quite the syndrome answer

If everyone is cheating, then no one is


I thought you put me on ignore list?

Using a tracker isn’t cheating. Deal with it.

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Hmmm, I see you keep using that word, but I am not sure if you understand the meaning…

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gaining info you wouldnt normally be able to get = cheating

or is knowing things the game didnt tell either player not cheating now?


So lovely to see hs evolving back into the cave of single player botting and cheat codes… tennis anyone? :sob:

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Dude, your link you have posted is one year old and even there is said it was a bug. A BUG for god sake…
BTW recently there was a bug with the warrior legendary minion - the one who casts last opponents spell - sorry I forgot the name. The bug was - if the spell casted by opponet was a secret, you could see what secret it was. You even didn´t need deck tracker for that…They just fixed that, case closed…
Or is there anything else with deck tracker what could be considered cheating? If yes, why it is allowed to be used legally? Or am I missing something?

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Except the info gained was off of a bug… A year ago… And the patch that enabled the leak was from Hearthstones side

How exactly does that translate to cheating today

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a program doing exactly what its designed to do is not a bug

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Then why was it doing exactly what it was supposed to do until after a Hearthstone side patch. You would think their own patch would cause that behavior

so hearthstone had to put out a patch to stop a cheating program from cheating

looks like you just confirmed that the tracker cheated

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however, the opponents deck tracker updated and showed EXACTLY what card he picked to dredge

HS patch 24.2 introduced a leak in the logs in this kind of situation (it involves all “discover from deck” cases).

This is a quote directly from your link. Have you even read it? If I understand it corectly, HS regular patch introduced the bug causing leaking info which shouldnt be seen. then I suppose they had to patch that…

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Overall, deck tracking software is allowed by Blizz because it generally doesn’t do anything that couldn’t be done with pen + paper.

It has once or twice that I can remember given info it wasn’t supposed to have access to, but those usually get fixed quickly.

So while deck trackers aren’t cheating by default, they have in the past given info that could be called cheating for short bursts of time.

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you mean from the dev of the cheating device

yes, the dev of the cheating device would say something like that

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The firestone Dev literally described the bug and efforts to resolve it in the reddit post that was linked above.

Trackers are not cheating.


if i dont trust the cheating device, why would i trust the dev who made it?

what part of that do you not understand?

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I guess I don’t get how someone can be so divorced from reality to hold such a screwed up opinion, but that’s not a topic for this place.

It’s clearly not worth the time to attack a position not based on logic or reason, so you you just go ahead and keep tilting at that windmill.

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Well, they weren’t developed to be a cheating device, and are allowed by the company that typically harshly handles players caught cheating since their inception.

So I don’t think it’s particularly fair to call them a cheating device because of client bugs giving them too much info once or twice.

The client often enough does that without any deck trackers.


i’m going to continue to say its cheating

you will continue to say its not

let that be the end of this

the cheater said